Stepan Vanecek

Doctoral Candidate & Scientific Employee
Lehrstuhl für Rechnerarchitektur & Parallele Systeme (Prof. Schulz)
Technische Universität München
85748 Garching b. München, Boltzmannstr. 3/I
Raum 01.04.039
Tel: +49 (89) 289 - 17683
Email: stepan.vanecek (at)
Research interests
- Modern HPC architectures and topologies
- Topological details in HPC and their effect on performance
- Performance modelling on heterogeneous memory systems
- Benchmarking fine-grained system characteristics
- Performance analysis of parallel applications
- Memory and performance optimizations on CPUs and GPUs
- Stepan Vanecek and Martin Schulz, sys-sage: A Unified Representation of Dynamic Topologies & Attributes on HPC Systems, (ICS'24) paper slides
- Soumya Sen, Stepan Vanecek, and Martin Schulz, GPUscout: Locating Data Movement-related Bottlenecks on GPUs, (ProTools 2023) paper slides
- Stepan Vanecek and Martin Schulz, sys-sage: A Fresh View on Dynamic Topologies & Attributes of HPC Systems, (SC'23 Research Poster) poster extended abstract
- DEEP-SEA ( )
- MemAxes Memory access visualisation tool ( )
- sys-sage Library for capturing and manipulating hadrware topology of compute systems ( )
- Mitos Memory access sample collection tool ( )
- GPUscout Tool for memory-related bottleneck analysis on GPUs ( )
Teaching & Theses
Available Student Theses:
This list may be out-of-date (updated 03/2025). Please refer to Open Theses page of CAPS or email me personally.
- MA/GR: Exploring Performance Variability and its Effects on Large-scale Supercomputing Systems (co-advised with LRZ)
- MA: Exploring the Effect of System Configuration on Performance Variability in HPC systems (co-advised with LRZ)
- BA: Transferring hardware-related information across processes and HPC nodes with sys-sage
- BA/MA/GR: Unifying NVidia and AMD GPU analyses and visualization of GPUscout
- MA/BA/GR: Collection of compute and memory hierarchy information on AMD GPUs
Student Theses (completed):
- [MA, 2025] Tobias Stuckenberger: Visual Presentation of GPUscout GPU Bottleneck Analysis
- [MA, 2025] Benedikt Deike: Extending GPUscout analysis to AMD GPUs
- [MA, 2024] Durganshu Mishra: Representing Quantum System Information and Topologies in sys-sage
- [BA, 2024] Finn Romaneessen: Transferring Hardware-related Information in sys-sage Across Processes and HPC Nodes
- [MA, 2024] Philip Sändig: Exploring Performance Variability in CPUs with sys-sage
- [BA, 2024] Jazmin Dojcsak: Integration of PAPI Metrics Collection Functionality Into the sys-sage Library
- [BA,2023] Mohammad Khadem (co-advised with Eishi Arima)
- [BA, 2023] James Sutanto: Ranking Nodes by Energy Efficiency Using sys-sage (co-advised with Eishi Arima)
- [BA, 2023] Matthias Süß: Exploration of Performance Variations of GPU Cores
- [BA, 2023] Felix Sandmair: Collection of HPC Network Topology Information in sys-sage
- [BA, 2023] Daniel Schenk: Extension of MemAxes sample visualization to process AMD IBS samples
- [BA, 2023] Maksym Azatian: Capturing Memory Topology Across Different GPU Architectures
- [MA, 2023] Maximilian Geitner: An Analysis and Implementation of AMD IBS Sample Collection for Performance Analysis Purposes
- [MA, 2023] Soumya Sen: Discovering data movement-related bottlenecks on NVidia GPUs
- [BA, 2023] Jim Eckerlein: An Environment for Continuous Integration and Software Testing for sys-sage
- [MA, 2023] Ke Wang: Reverse Engineering Hardware Prefetching Mechanisms for Use in sys-sage (co-advised with Eishi Arima)
- [BA, 2022] Mark Pirkowski: A visual presentation of an HPC system state as stored in sys-sage
- [BA, 2022] Dominik Grössler: Capturing the memory topology of GPUs
- [BA, 2022] Ruilin Qi: Analysis of data movements over the PCIe bus in heterogeneous systems
- [SS25] Seminar: Performance Modeling for Parallel Applications and Emerging Architectures
- [SS23] Seminar: History of Computer Architecture (Geschichte der Rechnerarchitektur)
- [SS22] Seminar: History of Computer Architecture (Geschichte der Rechnerarchitektur)