Stepan Vanecek

Doctoral student & Scientific employee

Lehrstuhl für Rechnerarchitektur & Parallele Systeme (Prof. Schulz)
Technische Universität München
85748 Garching b. München, Boltzmannstr. 3/I

Raum 01.04.039
Tel: +49 (89) 289 - 17683
Email: stepan.vanecek (at)

Research interests

  • Memory and performance optimizations on CPUs and GPUs
  • Modern HPC architectures
  • Performance analysis of parallel applications


  • Stepan Vanecek and Martin Schulz, sys-sage: A Unified Representation of Dynamic Topologies & Attributes on HPC Systems, (ICS'24, to appear) paper
  • Soumya Sen, Stepan Vanecek, and Martin Schulz, GPUscout: Locating Data Movement-related Bottlenecks on GPUs, (ProTools 2023) paper  slides
  • Stepan Vanecek and Martin Schulz, sys-sage: A Unified Representation of Dynamic Topologies & Attributes on HPC Systems, (SC'23 Research Poster) poster extended abstract
