Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
M.Sc. Juan Edmundo Pozo Fortunic
Technische Universität München
Lehrstuhl für Robotik und Systemintelligenz (Prof. König komm.)
Georg-Brauchle-Ring 60_62
80992 München
- Tel.: +49 (89) 289 - 29442
- edmundo.pozo@tum.de
- Swarm Robotics
- Bristle-based Robotics
- Novel Locomotion development for robots
- Mechatronics systems
- Embedded systems design
- Computer Vision
2014 - 2016 | Master degree in Mechatronics Technische Universität Ilmenau Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú |
2007 - 2011 | Bachelor degree in Electronic Engineering Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú |
- Pozo Fortunić, E; Becker, F; Zimmermann, K; and F. Cuellar “Bristle-bots in Swarm Robotics –Approaches on Agent Development and Locomotion” Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, Munich, Germany, July 2017
- Becker, F; Cuellar, F; Pozo Fortunić, J.E; Lysenko, V; Minchenya, V.T; Zeidis, I; K. Zimmermann “Bristlebots in Swarm Robotics - New Approaches in Modeling and Agent Development” Proceedings of the 12th International Scientific and Technical Conference "Vibration-2016. Vibration technology, mechatronics and controlled machines", Kursk, Russia. May 2016
- Rouyer, J; Varray, F; Pozo Fortunic, E, Basset, O; Cachard, C; and R. Lavarello “Evaluation of a Frequency-Domain Ultrasonic Imaging Attenuation Compensation Technique” Proceedings of the IEEE 37th Annual International Conference of the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society”, Milan, Italy, 2015
- Pozo, E; Castaneda B, Dahl, J. and R. Lavarello, “A comparison between generalized coherence factor and short-lag spatial coherence methods”. Proceedings of the IEEE 12th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), New York, USA, 2015
- Pozo, E. and G. Kato “Trajectory generation experimental results of a single traction ball mobile robot”. Proceedings of the 56th International Scientific Colloquium. Ilmenau University of Technology. Ilmenau, Germany 2011
2014 | Project: Automatic Sputum Staining Machine. 42nd Hall of Inventions, Geneva, Switzerland Silver Medal |
2013 | XII National Contest of Inventions INDECOPI, Peru First Place |