Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
M.Sc. Sonja Groß
Technische Universität München
Lehrstuhl für Robotik und Systemintelligenz (Prof. König komm.)
Georg-Brauchle-Ring 60_62
80992 München
Lehrstuhl für Robotik und Systemintelligenz (Prof. König komm.)
Carl-Zeiss-Str. 8(8104)
85748 Garching b. München
- Tel.:
- Tel.: -
- Raum: 8104.EG.009
- sonja.gross@tum.de
Research Interests
Artificial Hand Development
Building the next generation of robotic and prosthetic hands
- Group lead of the hand group cluster that aims to develop a tactile robotic hand-arm system
- Prototyping
- Testing and medical evaluation
- Supervision in Cybathlon Course and Competition (Cybathlon - Munich Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence (MIRMI) (tum.de))
- Prosthetic hands for the developing world with EnHands student group (EnHands - TUM Student Group)
Soft Tactile Skin
Development of soft tactile sensing skin for grasping and manipulation
- Advanced 3D printing methods for silicone-based sensors
- Comparison and feasibility studies of different sensor principles
- Integration into artificial hands
Voluntary research support for upper limb prosthetics
Naya Qadam Trust Pakistan (Naya Qadam), since 2018
Process Engineer for Robotics and Measuring Technology
Daimler Bremen, 2018-2019
Daimler Young Professionals Trainee Program
Daimler Bremen, Beijing Benz Automotive, 2017-2018
Research Assistant for an active Exoskeleton
Robotics Innovation Centre Bremen, 2015-2017
M.Sc. Biomedical Engineering
Leibniz Universität Hannover, 2017
B. Eng. Dualstudium Mechatronics
Daimler AG, IHK Bremen, 2014
Skilled Worker Mechatronics
Daimler AG, IHK Bremen, 2013
Publications and Conferences
- Sonja Groß; Silija Breimann; Sascha Schwarz; Amartya Ganguly; Sami Haddadin, Embedded 3D printing: A cost-effective development platform for tactile sensors (Buchkapitel mit eigenem Titel), In: Seifi, Hasti; Kappers, Astrid M. L.; Schneider, Oliver; Drewing, Knut; Pacchierotti, Claudio; Abbasimoshaei, Alireza; Huisman, Gijs; Kern, Thorsten A. (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the Eurohaptics Conference (EuroHaptics), Bd. 13235, S. 401–403, Springer, 2022, (Industrial Award, 3rd place).
- Sonja Groß*; Silija Breimann*; Amartya Ganguly; Sami Haddadin, A Practical Guide to Embedded 3D Printing for Soft Skin-like Sensors, In:Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Proximity Perception in Robotics at IROS 2022: Towards Next-Generation Multi-Modal Sensing in Soft Structures Edited by Hosam Alagi, Natalia Sanchez-Tamayo, Yitao Ding, Christian Schöffmann, Zackory Erickson, Kaspar Althoefer , Hubert Zangl, Harald Gietler, Björn Hein. Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Proximity Perception in Rob... (kit.edu)
- Sonja Groß* and Diego Hidalgo-Carvajal*, Silija Breimann, Nicolai Stein, Amartya Ganguly, Abdeldjallil Naceri, and Sami Haddadin, Soft Sensing Skins for Arbitrary Objects: An Automatic Framework, 2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), London, UK
- S. Groß, L. Obwegs, J. Li, T. Spiegeler Casta ̃neda, A. Ganguly, C. Piazza, and S. Haddadin, Transforming Tactile Interfaces: Tri-Axis Force Sensor for SensorySignal Processing, (WIP accepted at IEEE World Haptics 2023 conference, Delft).
- Sonja Groß; Amartya Ganguly; Hendrik Dietz; Sami Haddadin, The Next Evolution of Artificial Sense of Touch, arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.16641, 2023.
- Sonja Groß*; Michael Tim Braun*; Amartya Ganguly; Sami Haddadin, Non-planar Printing for Stretchable Tactile Sensors, 2024 IEEE International Conference on Flexible and Printable Sensors and Systems (FLEPS), 2024.
- Sonja Groß*; Michael Ratzel*; Edgar Welte; Diego Hidalgo-Carvajal; Lingyun Chen; Edmundo Pozo Fortunić; Amartya Ganguly; Abdalla Swikir; Sami Haddadin, OPENGRASP-LITE Version 1.0: A Tactile Artificial Hand with a Compliant Linkage Mechanism, 2024 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2024.
Student Supervision
Lukas Cha, M.Sc.,Towards Wearable Sensor Skins: Design, Implementation and Evaluation of Printable Strain and Pressure Sensors.
Edin Dulic, M.Sc., Simulation, Design and Implementation of a Hall-based Wearable and Spiking Tactile Sensor
Gizem Ugurtay, M.Sc., Towards 3D printed Soft Tactile Skin: Simulation and Characterisation of Resistive Strain and Pressure Sensors.
Michael Tim Braun, B.Sc., Optimization and Characterisation of a soft Materials 3D Printer for Tactile Sensor Development.
Michael Ratzel, M.Sc. Thema: An Anthropomorphic Robotic Hand: Electronics, Control, and Performance Metrics.
Felix Peter Schaefer, M.Sc., Towards Increased Dexterity in Underactuated Robotic Hands: Evaluation of Magnetic Powder and Electrostatic Brakes.
Simon Fritsch, B.Sc., Design and Implementation of a Novel Approach for the Actuation of Robotic and Prosthetic Fingers.
Sebastian Butschle, B.Sc., Design and evaluation of a magnetic tactilesensor for 3D force andslipping recognition in robotic grasping.
Silija Breimann, Forschungspraxis, Evaluation of different electrical interfaces for soft silicone sensors.
Silija Breimann, B.Eng., Embedded 3D Printing: Towards Silicone Based Tactile skin
Luca Obwegs, Forschungspraxis, Development and Evaluation of a Tactile Sensing Module for the Detection of Normal Force and Slippage in Robotic Hand Grasp
Jiayi Ma, Ingenieurspraxis, Signal Post-Processing for Tactile Sensors
Lukas Lobmaier, Forschungspraxis, Electrical Interface for an Automated Experimental setup for Tactile Sensors
Manuel Krummschmidt, B.Sc., An Automated Experimental Setup for the Evaluation of Tactile Sensors for Robotic Hands
Stephan-Daniel Gravert, M.Sc., HASEL actuators as Muscles for an Artificial Heart