Over the next few months, a TUM research team will offer guided tours at Die Neue Sammlung - The Design Museum. The exhibition focuses on different…
Are digitization and biotechnology increasingly turning technology into a subject and humans themselves into objects? At acatech on Tuesday, January…
MSRM (from 01. October 2021 new: MIRMI - Munich Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence) had the honor of being donated a CASPAR robot for…
TUM and project partners have completed 4.5 years of research. The ILIAD project was funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and…
Robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) are playing a vital role in driving technological change. But their design also harbors the potential to…
On June 18, 2020, the International Foundation of Robotics Research (IFRR) launched The Robotics Global Colloquia, a series of online live events…
Anyone who has ever wondered how to teach robots to think and act has come to the right address with Prof. Dr.-Ing Sami Haddadin. In the ZDF's super…
Listen to Prof. Sami Haddadin's talk about "Digitized Presence in the Era of Intelligent Robotic Avatars at this year‘s Bitkom
Big-Data.AI Summit.…
Das IEEE ehrte Robin Kirschner, Nico Mansfeld, Saeed Abdolshah und Prof. Sami Haddadin, Autoren des Paper mit dem Titel "Experimental Analysis of…
Die Staatsregierung hat den Bayerischen KI-Rat eingerichtet, um das KI-Netzwerk im Freistaat weiter auszubauen und zu stärken. Das Gremium unter der…