Neuroprosthetics - Artificial Limbs

Neuroprosthetics (IN2405)

Lecturer (assistant)

Cristina Piazza

Patricia Capsi Morales

Johanna Happold


Type Lecture
Duration 4 SWS
Term Wintersemester 
Language of instruction English


The course will present the following topics:
• History and current evolution of neuroprosthetics, emerging trends in the field, opportunities and challenges.
• Anatomy of the upper limb, general principles associated with the production of movements and muscle synergies, main causes of upper limb amputation, overview about different level of upper extremity amputation, current challenges.
• Upper limb and hand bionic prostheses: (1) current strategies for the development of neuroprostheses; (2) myoelectric control; (3) advanced methods: invasive and non-invasive techniques; (4) overview about interfaces and novel surgical techniques.
• Anatomy of the lower limb and main causes of amputation: general anatomy of the upper limb, general principles associated with locomotion, main causes of lower limb amputation, overview about different level of lower extremity amputation, current challenges.
• Lower limb bionic prostheses: (1) current strategies for the development of neuroprostheses for the restoration of walking; (2) myoelectric control; (3) advanced methods: invasive and non-invasive techniques; (4) overview about interfaces and novel surgical techniques.
• Haptic feedback: (1) current strategies for the development of systems for the restoration of haptic feedback; (2) advanced methods: invasive and non-invasive techniques.
• Functional assessments: current methods to evaluate the performance of neuroprostheses, Cybathlon, emerging trends in the field, opportunities and challenges


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