Tobias Geißenberger
Postal address
Professorship for Healthcare and Rehabilitation Robotics (Prof. Piazza)
TUM/Siemens Technology Center - Area C
Friedrich-Ludwig-Bauer-Straße 3
85748 Garching bei München, Germany
Office: C2.013
Short Bio
Tobias Geißenberger is a research assistant at the Professorship of Rehabilitation and Healthcare Robotics at the Technical University of Munich (TUM). He received his B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from TUM, an M.Sc. in Automotive Engineering from TUM and an M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from EPF Lausanne. During his studies, he worked on an origami-inspired pneumatically actuated supernumerary wearable robotic arm at the Reconfigurable Robotics Lab of Prof. Jamie Paik at EPF Lausanne. He completed his master's thesis under the joint supervision of Dr. Justin Werfel at Harvard University, Prof. Marco Caccamo at TUM and Prof. Jamie Paik at EPF Lausanne on sensorizing high aspect ratio soft continuum robots for closed-loop applications in grasping and locomotion. His current research interest focuses on the mechanical design and control for grasping and manipulation with bio-inspired robotic end effectors and hand prostheses.