Foto von Yannik Böck

Yannik Böck, M.Sc.

Research Interests

  • Quantum Information Theory
  • Computability Theory
  • Discrete Mathematics

Publications (MediaTUM)

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Hinweis: Die „Schnellsuche“ findet nur Text in den angezeigten Feldern; nicht in Abstracts oder Schlagwörtern. Der Suchbegriff muss mindestens 3 Buchstaben lang sein.


  • Y.N. Böck, H. Boche, Z. Garcia del Toro, F.H.P. Fitzek,: Feynman Meets Turing: The Uncomputability of Quantum Gate-Circuit Emulation and Concatenation. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, IEEE, 2024ISIT2024 mehr…
  • Y.N. Böck, H. Boche, Z. Garcia del Toro, F.H.P. Fitzek,: Feynman Meets Turing: The Infeasibility of Digital Compilers for Gate-Based Quantum Computing. 2024 IEEE International Conference on Communications, IEEE, 2024ICC2024 mehr…


  • H. Boche, U.J. Mönich. Y.N. Böck. F.H.P. Fitzek: Optimization of Digital-Twin Representations of Analog Signals and Systems. IEEE International Conference on Communications, IEEE, 2023ICC2023 mehr…
  • H. Boche, Y.N. Böck: Arithmetic Complexity of Frequency-Domain Representations of Time-Computable Signals. 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, IEEE, 2023ISIT2023 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
  • H. Boche, Y.N. Böck, C. Deppe: On the Semi-Decidability of the Remote State Estimation Problem. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 68 (3), 2023, 1708 - 1714 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
  • H. Boche, Y.N. Böck, S. Speidel, F.H.P. Fitzek: Turing Meets Machine Learning: Uncomputability of Zero-Error Classifiers. 2023 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, IEEE, 2023CDC mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
  • H. Boche, Y.N. Böck, U.J. Mönich, F.H.P. Fitzek: Trustworthy Digital Representations of Analog Information—An Application-Guided Analysis of a Fundamental Theoretical Problem in Digital Twinning. Algorithms 16 (11), 2023, 514 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
  • H. Boche, Y.N. Böck. U.J. Mönich: On the Arithmetic Complexity of the Bandwidth of Bandlimited Signals. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 69 (1), 2023 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
  • Y.N. Böck, H. Boche, R.F. Schaefer, F.H.P. Fitzek, H.V. Poor: Virtual-Twin Technologies in Networking. IEEE Communications Magazine 61 (11), 2023, 136-141 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )


  • H. Boche, U.J. Mönich, Y.N. Böck: Computing Upper and Lower Bounds for the Bandwidth of Bandlimited Signals. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Aalto University, 2022ISIT 2022 mehr…
  • H. Boche, U.J. Mönich, Y.N. Böck, F.H.P. Fitzek: On the Need of Analog Signals and Systems for Digital-Twin Representations. arXiv, CoRR/Cornell University, 2022, mehr…
  • H. Boche, Y.N. Böck, C. Deppe: Deciding the Problem of Remote State Estimation via Noisy Communication Channels on Real Number Signal Processing Hardware. IEEE International Conference on Communications, IEEE, 2022ICC 2022 mehr…
  • H. Boche, Y.N. Böck, C. Deppe, F.H.P. Fitzek: Neuromorphic Twins for Networked Control and Decision-Making. arXiv, CoRR/Cornell University, 2022, mehr…
  • H. Boche, Y.N. Böck, U.J. Mönich: On the Arithmetic Complexity of the Bandwidth of Bandlimited Signals. arXiv, CoRR/Cornell University, 2022, mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)


  • H. Boche, Y.N. Böck, C. Deppe: On the Semi-Decidability of Remote State Estimation and Stabilization via Noisy Communication Channels. arXiv, CoRR/Cornell University, 2021, mehr…
  • H. Boche, Y.N. Böck, C. Deppe: On the Effectiveness of Fekete's Lemma in Information Theory. IEEE Information Theory Workshop, IEEE, 2021ITW 2020 mehr…
  • H. Boche, Y.N. Böck, C. Deppe: On the semi-decidability of remote state estimation and stabilization via noisy communication channels. 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, IEEE, 2021CDC 2021 mehr…