Technische Universität München
Lehrstuhl für Theoretische Informationstechnik (Prof. Boche)
Theresienstr. 90
80333 München
I received the Bachelor's degree in 2019 and my Master's degree in 2021, both from Technical University of Munich (TUM). My focus in the Bachelor was mainly on High Frequency Engineering. Later, my interests shifted towards Information and Coding Theory. I wrote my Bachelor's thesis about Coding for DNA Storage at the Professorship for Coding and Cryptography (COD), and during the master I worked on Identification over Compound and Arbitrarily Varying Broadcast Channels at the Chair of Communications Engineering (LNT).
In October 2021, I started to work as a research assistant and doctoral student at the Chair of Communications Engineering. In January 2024, I moved to the Chair of Theoretical Information Technology.
Research Interests
- semantic/goal-oriented communication theory
- message identification over channels (Textbook, Christian's page)
- computing functions over channels/function compression and connections to (K-)identification
- multi-user information theory
- interference, channel uncertainty and active jammers trying to inhibit communication
- quantum information theory
Algorithms in Quantum Theory (SS 2022)