Advanced Communication Systems and Embedded Security Lab (ACES Lab)

The Advanced Communication Systems and Embedded Security Lab (ACES Lab) at the Chair of Theoretical Information Technology is dedicated to experimentally demonstrating and verifying novel communication concepts and analyzing their achievable performance gains.

Ongoing and Past Projects

Current projects associated with the ACES Lab are:

Open PhD Positions

There are open several open PhD positions in the above projects. For details, please see our job offers.

Note: Not all positions are advertised in the section "job offers". If you are interested in one of the topics above and have excellent grades, please do not hesitate to submit an unsolicitated application to Please include the following documents:

  •  Curriculum vitae, copies of relevant certificates and diplomas, contact information for two references
  • Short description of your research interests and your motivation for the application
  • Master thesis and (if available) up to 3 publications

Student Lab

In addition to research, the ACES Lab is engaged in educating students. Since the Summer Semester of 2020 onwards, we have been offering course Software Defined Radio Laboratory in which students can explore fundamentals of wireless communication using a software defined radio system.

Research Possibilities

We are offering Master thesis topics and topics for your "Forschungspraxis", as well as student jobs for outstanding students that are interested to participate in the research done in the ACES Lab. If you would like to join us, please send your application with a short motivation letter indicating your research interests, together with your CV and transcript to Ullrich Mönich (