Foto von Thomas Wiegart

M.Sc. Thomas Wiegart

Technische Universität München

Lehrstuhl für Nachrichtentechnik (Prof. Kramer)


Theresienstr. 90
80333 München


Thomas Wiegart received the B.Sc. degree (with distinction) and the M.Sc. degree (with high distinction) in electrical engineering from Technical University of Munich (TUM) in 2015 and 2018, respectively.

He is currently working towards the doctoral degree at the TUM Institute for Communications Engineering under the supervision of Prof. Gerhard Kramer. His research interests include information theory, channel coding, probabilistic shaping, and optical communications.

Mr. Wiegart was the recipient of the Walter Gademann Price in 2016 for his Bachelor thesis, and he received an Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award from the student representatives of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, TUM in 2020.





  • Plabst, D.; Prinz, T.; Diedolo, F.; Wiegart, T.; Boecherer, G.; Hanik, N.; Kramer, G.: Neural network equalizers and successive interference cancellation for bandlimited channels with a nonlinearity. Submitted to IEEE Trans. Commun., 2024 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
  • Plabst, D.; Prinz, T.; Diedolo, F.; Wiegart, T.; Böcherer, G.; Hanik, N.; Kramer, G.: Neural network equalizers and successive interference cancellation for bandlimited channels with a nonlinearity. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 2024 mehr…


  • Runge, C.; Wiegart, T.; Lentner, D.: Improved List Decoding for Polar-Coded Probabilistic Shaping. 12th International Symposium on Topics in Coding (ISTC), IEEE, 2023Brest, France mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
  • Wang, Linfang; Song, Dan; Areces, Felipe; Wiegart, Thomas; Wesel, Richard D.: Probabilistic Shaping for Trellis-Coded Modulation with CRC-Aided List Decoding. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2023, 1-1 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
  • Wiegart, T.: Joint Forward Error Correction and Probabilistic Shaping with Polar Codes. University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Communications Systems Laboratory, 2023 mehr…
  • Wiegart, T.: Probabilistic Shaping for Asymmetric Channels and Low-Density Parity-Check Codes. 2023 Workshop of the Centre of Excellence for Silicon Photonics for Optical Communications (SPOC), 2023 mehr…
  • Wiegart, T.; Wang, L.; Lentner, D.; Wesel, R.D.: Probabilistic Shaping for Asymmetric Channels and Low-Density Parity-Check Codes. International Symposium on Topics in Coding (ISTC), 2023 mehr…


  • Plabst, D.; Prinz, T.; Wiegart, T.; Rahman, T.; Stojanovic, N.; Calabro, S.; Hanik, N.; Kramer, G.: Achievable Rates for Short-Reach Fiber-Optic Channels with Direct Detection. IEEE/OSA J. Lightw. Technol., 2022 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
  • Prinz, T.; Plabst, D.; Wiegart, T.; Calabrò, S.; Hanik, N.; Kramer, G.: Successive Interference Cancellation for Fiber-Optic Channels with Direct Detection. Submitted to Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2022 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
  • Prinz, T.; Wiegart, T.; Plabst, D.; Rahman, T.; Hossain, S.; Stojanović, N.; Calabrò, S.; Hanik, N.; Kramer, G.: Comparison of PAM-6 Modulations for Short-Reach Fiber-Optic Links with Intensity Modulation and Direct Detection. European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC) 2022, 2022 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
  • Runge, C.; Wiegart, T.; Lentner, D.; Prinz, T.: Multilevel Binary Polar-Coded Modulation Achieving the Capacity of Asymmetric Channels. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 2022Espoo, Finland mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
  • Schulte, P.; Amjad, R. A.; Wiegart, T.; Kramer, G.: Invertible low-divergence coding. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 68 (1), 2022, 178-192 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
  • Wiegart, T.; Plabst, D.; Prinz, T.; Rahman, T.; Schädler, M.; Stojanović, N.; Calabrò, S.; Hanik, N.; Kramer, G.: Experiments on Bipolar Transmission with Direct Detection. European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC) 2022, 2022 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )


  • Prinz, T.; Wiegart, T.; Plabst, D.; Calabrò, S.; Böcherer, G.; Stojanovic, N.; Rahman, T.;: PAM-6 Coded Modulation for IM/DD Channels with a Peak-Power Constraint. International Symposium on Topics in Coding (ISTC) 2021, 2021 mehr…
  • Wiegart, T.: Asymmetric Signalling using Polar Codes. University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Communications Systems Laboratory, 2021 mehr…
  • Wiegart, T.: Signalling for Fiber-Optic Channels with Direct Detection. Ferienakademie 2021: Advanced Topics in Information Theory and Communications, 2021 mehr…
  • Wiegart, T.; Da Ros, F.; Plamenov Yankov, M.; Steiner, F.; Gaiarin, S.; Wesel, R.: Probabilistically Shaped 4-PAM for Short-Reach IM/DD Links with a Peak Power Constraint. Journal of Lightwave Technology 39 (2), 2021 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
  • Wiegart, T.; Prinz, T.; Plabst, D.: Recovering the Phase in DD Receivers with Oversampling: A Toy Example. Huawei Joint Lab Workshop, 2021 mehr…


  • Hellings, Christoph; Gest, Patrick; Wiegart, Thomas; Utschick, Wolfgang: Maximizing the Partial Decode-and-Forward Rate in the Gaussian MIMO Relay Channel. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2020, 1-1 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
  • Plabst, Daniel; García-Gómez, Francisco Javier; Wiegart, Thomas; Hanik, Norbert: Wiener Filter for Short-Reach Fiber-Optic Links. IEEE Communications Letters 24 (11), 2020, 2546 - 2550 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )


  • García-Gómez, Francisco Javier; Wiegart, Thomas: Research Activities at LNT. 2019 Workshop of the Centre of Excellence for Silicon Photonics for Optical Communications (SPOC), 2019 mehr…
  • Wiegart, T.: Shaping for Intensity Modulation with Direct Detection. 2019 Workshop on Coding, Cooperation, and Security in Modern Communication Networks (COCO), 2019 mehr…
  • Wiegart, T.; Prinz, T.; Steiner, F.; Yuan, P.: Design of Polar Codes for Parallel Channels with an Average Power Constraint. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 2019 mehr…
  • Wiegart, T.; Steiner, F.: Shaping for Asymmetric Channels using Polar Codes. 2019 Munich Doctoral Seminar on Communications, 2019 mehr…
  • Wiegart, T.; Steiner, F.; Schulte, P.; Yuan, P.: Shaped On-Off Keying Using Polar Codes. IEEE Communication Letters 23 (11), 2019 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )


  • Wiegart, T.; Prinz, T.; Steiner, F.; Yuan, P.: Design of Polar Codes for Parallel Channels with an Average Power Constraint. 2018 Workshop on Coding, Cooperation, and Security in Modern Communication Networks (COCO), 2018 mehr…
  • Wiegart, T.; Steiner, F.; Prinz, T.; Yuan, P.: Polar Code Design for Parallel Channels. Munich Doctoral Seminar on Communications 2018, 2018 mehr…


  • Wiegart, T.; Hellings, C.; Utschick, W.: Close-to-Optimal Partial Decode-and-Forward Rate in the MIMO Relay Channel via Convex Programming. 20th International ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas (WSA 2016), 2016 mehr…