M.Sc. Georg Maringer
Technische Universität München
Professur für Codierung und Kryptographie (Prof. Wachter-Zeh)
Theresienstr. 90
80333 München
- Tel.:
- georg.maringer@tum.de
I received my bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering at the Technical University of Munich in 2015. I did my bachelor thesis at the Chair of Communications Engineering about "Computing Error Bounds for the Tracking of an Unstable Linear System over a Discrete Memoryless Channel".
Afterwards I have attended the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore for an exchange semester. I tried to get a broad understanding in many fields covered at the Electrical Engineering faculty such as signal processing, high-frequency engineering and others but my main focus shifted into the field of security. Therefore, I also did my master thesis at the Chair for Security in Information Technology. I finished my master in Electrical Engineering in November 2018. The topic of my master thesis was "Security Analysis of LWE-based Post-Quantum Security". I studied Mathematics in parallel and I finished my bachelor in 2019.
In December 2018 I started my PhD at the Institute for Communications Engineering under supervision of Prof. Antonia Wachter-Zeh. My research is mainly focussed in Post-Quantum cryptography. More specifically I do research on Lattice-based and code-based schemes but I am interested in everything related to security or communications.
Laufende Abschlussarbeiten
Erstellung eines Präzisions-NMR-Messaufbaus für Raumfahrt Anwendungen
This thesis is supervised in cooperation with Airbus.
Student: Yannick Feltes
Lattice based cryptography
Code based cryptography
- Coding with Noiseless Feedback over the Z-channel. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2022 mehr…
- Signature Codes for a Noisy Adder Multiple Access Channel. 2022 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW), 2022, 476-481 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- On the connection between communication channels and LWE based cryptography. Seminar Communication Systems Group, Department of Electrical Engineering, Chalmers University, 2022 mehr…
- Information- and Coding-Theoretic Analysis of the RLWE/MLWE Channel. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2022 mehr…
- Analysis of Communication Channels Related to Physical Unclonable Functions. Workshop on Coding and Cryptography (WCC), 2022 mehr…
- Higher Rates and Information-Theoretic Analysis for the RLWE Channel. IEEE Information Theory Workshop, 2021 mehr…
- Analysis of Communication Channels related to Physically Unclonable Functions. 36th meeting of ITG Professional Group "Applied Information Theory", 2021 mehr…
- Higher Rates and Information-Theoretic Analysis for the RLWE Channel. IEEE Information Theory Workshop 2020, 2021 mehr…
- Analysis of Communication Channels related to Physically Unclonable Functions. arXiv, 2021 mehr…
- Feedback Insertion-Deletion Codes. IEEE Information Theory Workshop 2020, 2021 mehr…
- Feedback Insertion-Deletion Codes. Problems of Information Transmission Vol. 57, 2021 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- How to apply the rubber method for channels with feedback. International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory (ACCT 2020), 2020 mehr…
- Bounds for the capacity error function for unidirectional channels with noiseless feedback. Theoretical Computer Science, 2020 mehr…
- Bounds for the capacity error function for unidirectional channels with noiseless feedback. International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 2020 mehr…
- Coding with Noiseless Feedback over the Z-channel. Cocoon (International Computing and Combinatorics Conference), 2020 mehr…
- An information theoretic analysis of the RLWE-channel. COD-Seminar, 2020 mehr…
- Information theoretic aspects of the RLWE-channel. Workshop on Coding, Cooperation, and Security in Modern Communication Networks (COCO), 2020 mehr…
- The Influence of LWE/RLWE Parameters on theStochastic Dependence of Decryption Failures. International Conference on Information and Communications Security, 2020 mehr…
- On Software Implementation of Gabidulin Decoders. Seventeenth International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory (ACCT2020), 2020 mehr…
- Efficient Hardware/Software Co-design for NTRU. In: VLSI-SoC: Design and Engineering of Electronics Systems Based on New Computing Paradigms. Springer International Publishing, 2019 mehr…
- The Influence of LWE/RLWE Parameters on the Stochastic Dependence of Decryption Failures. Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2019 mehr…
- Using Error Correcting Codes for Lattice Based Cryptosystems. Workshop on Coding, Cooperation, and Security in Modern Communication Networks (COCO 2019), 2019 mehr…
- Stochastic Dependence of Decryption Failures. Munich Doctoral Seminar on Communications (MSC), 2019 mehr…
- Security Analysis of LWE-based Post-Quantum Cryptography. 19th Joint Workshop on Communications and Coding (JWCC), 2019 mehr…
- Stochastic Dependence of Decryption Failures. Munich Workshop on Coding and Cryptography (MWCC), 2019 mehr…
- Secure and Compact Full NTRU Hardware Implementation. 26th IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI-SoC), 2018 mehr…