Dott. Mag. Paolo Carniello
Technische Universität München
Professur für Leitungsgebundene Übertragungstechnik (Prof. Hanik)
Theresienstr. 90
80333 München
- Tel.:
- Tel.: +498928923459
- Raum: 0104.03.411
- B.Sc. in Electronics Engineering (2016-2019), Università degli Studi di Udine
- M.Sc. in Telecommunications Engineering (2019-2021), Politecnico di Torino
- Research assistant at the group Line Transmission Technology (LÜT) of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Norbert Hanik (2022 - today), Technische Universität München
Simulation of Optical Communication Systems Laboratory (SS 2022 - today)
Angebotene Abschlussarbeiten
Laufende Abschlussarbeiten
Free-Space Optics
Optical communications mainly happen through fiber networks. However, an application gaining interest in the last years is free-space optics (FSO), which consists in a line-of-sight wireless optical transmission through the air.
The student is expected to give an overview of the system model of a generic FSO communication systems, with particular attention to the channel model and to the open challenges of the research field.
The student should start from [1] and [2] for the study.
[1] Guiomar, Fernando P., et al. "Coherent free-space optical communications: Opportunities and challenges." Journal of Lightwave Technology 40.10 (2022): 3173-3186.
[2] Guiomar, Fernando P., et al., "Can DSP Mitigate the Effect of Turbulence on FSO Signals?", Proceedings of the European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC) 2024, Th2D.1, Frankfurt
Basic knowledge of communications systems.
Space-Division Multiplexing for Optical Fiber Communications
Today's commercial optical fiber network relies on single mode fibers for long-haul communications, so that only the two polarizations of the fundamental guided mode are excited through independent data streams. Space-Division Multiplexing (SDM) aims at exploiting the spatial (or modal) dimension for the transmission of information, thanks to the use of multimode fiber structures, like multimode or multicore fibers. Ideally, many of the already existing techniques for single-mode fiber transmission (like wavelength division multiplexing or high-cardinality modulation formats) can be extended to the SDM architecture. However, new linear and nonlinear impairments arise in this scenario, which need to be modeled, analyzed, and, possibly, compensated.
My current research is focused on physical models for optical signal propagation, from the nonlinear Schrödinger equation for multimode structures, to the different flavors of Manakov equations. I am curious about simplified numerical and analytical models for the signal propagation in multimode structures, and, for future research, in possible DSP and optical compensation techniques for linear and nonlinear impairments. I am developing a simulator based on a numerical solver for system level analysis for the SDM architecture.
Finally, I am interested in understanding which multimode fiber geometries could better suit the different SDM scenarios, depending on the linear coupling regimes and on the significance of nonlinear effects.
If you would like to work together, feel free to contact me!

- Dataset of Numerical and Analytical Nonlinearity Coefficients of Multimode Fibers. 2024, (anderer Eintrag) mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- Is the Weak Coupling Nonlinear SDM Channel Worse Than the Strong Coupling One? 2024 24th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), IEEE, 2024, 1-4 mehr… Volltext ( DOI )
- A Tutorial on the Channel Models for Space Division Multiplexing. 2022, (anderer Eintrag) mehr…
- Propagation Equations for Space-Division Multiplexing. 2022 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Introductory Presentation to the LÜT Group. 2022 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Models for the Optical Space-Division Multiplexed Nonlinear Channel. Doktorandenseminar Reitenhaslach August 2022 2022 mehr… Volltext (mediaTUM)