Advanced Topics in Communications Engineering
Vortragende/r (Mitwirkende/r) | |
Nummer | 0000000306 |
Art | |
Umfang | 3 SWS |
Semester | Sommersemester 2022 |
Unterrichtssprache | Englisch |
Stellung in Studienplänen | Siehe TUMonline |
Termine | Siehe TUMonline |
At the end of this course, the student can analyze and discuss lossless source coding schemes and their theoretical bounds. He/She is further able to implement practical compression algorithms.
Lossless Source Coding
1. Introduction to Data Compression
2. Huffman and Tunstall Algorithm
3. Enumerative Coding
4. Repetition Times
5. Redundancy Coding
6. Arithmetic Coding
7. Context-Tree Weighting
8. Shaping
9. Additional Topics depending on available time
Inhaltliche Voraussetzungen
Information Theory
Lehr- und Lernmethoden
- Lecture
- Slides
- Exercises with Solutions
- Programming Homework