Welcome to the 2015 Munich Workshop on Massive MIMO (MMM 2015)!
On October 7, 2015, the TUM Institute for Communications Engineering (LNT) is organizing a 2015 Munich Workshop on Massive MIMO (MMM 2015). The workshop will bring together post-graduate students, engineers and researchers working on Massive MIMO for a day of technical presentations and networking. The workshop will be held at the Institute for Communications Engineering (LNT) Technische Universität München.
We look forward to seeing you in Munich!
Stefan Dierks, Markus Jäger, Gerhard Kramer, Roy Timo
Confirmed Participants
- Thomas Marzetta (Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs)
- Erik Larsson (Linköping University)
- Martin Schubert, Wen Xu, Samer Bazzi, Ronald Boehnke, Onurcan Iscan, Jian Luo, Qin Long, Konstantinos Manolakis (Huawei)
- Ingolf Karls, Kilian Roth (Intel)
- Fady El-Nahal (Islamic University of Gaza)
- Jan Kniewasser, Benjamin Michel (National Instruments)
- Berthold Panzner, Amir Ahmadian Tehrani, Wolfgang Zirwas (Nokia)
- Faraz Ali (Freescale)
- Giuseppe Caire (TU Berlin)
- Stephan ten Brink (University of Stuttgart)
- Holger Boche, Gerhard Kramer, Wolfgang Utschick (TUM)
- Research Assistants (TUM & University of Stuttgart): Amir Ahmadian, Christian Arendt, Stefan Dierks, Marc Gauger, Andrea Grigorescu, Marcin Iwanow, Markus Jäger, Hela Jedda, Ahmed Mansour, Andrei, Nedelcu, David Neumann, Lars Palzer, Marcin Pikus, Fabian Steiner, Markus Stinner, Nima Tavangaran, Mehmet Mert Taygur
- Senior Researchers (TUM): Luca Barletta, Bernhard Geiger, Michael Joham, Roy Timo
- Massive MIMO for efficient communications
- Base station and mobile cooperation
- Long Term Evolution
- Multi-user communications
8:30 | Arrival and coffee |
9:00 | Thomas Marzetta (Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill) - Massive MIMO and Beyond |
10:00 | Erik Larsson (Linköping University) - Massive MIMO: Research Highlights |
11:00 | 5G Realtime cmW demo, Berthold Panzner (Nokia) |
11:30 | Poster session (see below) |
12:30 | End of event and lunch |
Poster Presentations
Location: (N4, 2nd Floor)
- Compact MIMO Systems, Andrei Nedelcu (TUM)
- Design Options for Massive MIMO in 5G Networks - Virtual Beamforming and Artificial Mutual Coupling, Muhammad Bilal Amin (Nokia)
- MIMO and Massive MIMO - Analysis for a Local Area Scenario, Stefan Dierks (TUM)
- Metro map Munich.
- Airport to Hotel Königswache: use S8 to Herrsching. Get off at Hauptbahnhof and take the U2 to Feldmoching. Get off at Theresienstraße and walk to Hotel Königswache. We recommend the Airport-City-Day-Ticket since it allows you to use the public transport in Munich during the whole day.
- You can also walk from Hauptbahnhof to Hotel Königswache.
- Walk from Hotel Königswache to the LNT.
- At the LNT, take the elevator or stairs to the 2nd floor. The talks will be given in the seminar room N2408.
Please register by sending an Email to mmm2015(at)lnt.ei.tum.de before Wednesday, September 30. We look forward to seeing you at MMM 2015!
Further Information
- Contact: mmm2015(at)lnt.ei.tum.de
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