2017 Munich Workshop on Physical Unclonable Functions (MPUF)
On November 29, 2017, the TUM Chair of Communications Engineering (LNT) and the TUM Chair of Security in Information Technology (SEC) are organizing the 2017 Munich Workshop on Physical Unclonable Functions (MPUF 2017). The workshop will bring together researchers from the fields of information theory, coding theory, and hardware security to explore new ideas. The main focus of the workshop is to improve the state-of-the-art PUF designs for higher security and privacy, and lower cost and error probability. The workshop should promote interaction and collaboration among the participants.
We look forward to seeing you at the workshop!
Onur Günlü, Michael Pehl, Tasnad Kernetzky, Georg Sigl, and Gerhard Kramer
- Information-theoretic Security and Privacy
- Low-complexity Error-correcting Code Design
- Hardware Optimization
- Modeling and Evaluation of PUF Outputs
- Side-channel Attacks on PUFs
Confirmed Participants
Currently, members of the following groups will be participating in the workshop.
- Chair of Communications Engineering (LNT)
- Chair of Security in Information Technology (SEC)
- Coding for Communications and Data Storage Group (COD)
- Chair of Communication Networks (LKN)
- Chair of Electronic Design Automation (EDA)
- Wireline Transmission Technology Group (LÜT)
- Power Transmission Systems Group (EEN)
- Institute of Theoretical Information Technology (LTI)
- Master of Science in Communications Engineering (MSCE)
- Master of Science in Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (MSEI)
- Institute for Applied and Integrated Security (Fraunhofer-AISEC)
Ulm University
- Institute of Communications Engineering (Ulm-ICE)
Aalto University
- Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis (Aalto-MSA)
- Signals and Systems Laboratory (Supélec-LSS)
German Aerospace Center
- Institute of Communications and Navigation (DLR)
TU Eindhoven
- Signal Processing Systems (TUe-SPS)
Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology
- Center for Computational and Data-Intensive Science and Engineering (Skoltech-CDISE)
Chalmers University of Technology
- Communication Systems Research Group (Chalmers-CSRG)
13:00 Welcome: Gerhard Kramer
Session 1 (Chair: Onur Günlü)
13:10 Michael Pehl: Introduction to HoliPUF as well as PUF - Research at TUEISEC
13:40 Lars Tebelmann: EM Attack on BCH-based Error Correction for PUF-based Key Generation
14:10 Robert Hesselbarth: Fast and Reliable PUF Response Evaluation from Unsettled Bistable Rings
14:40 Coffee Break & Photo Shoot
Session 2 (Chair: Antonia Wachter-Zeh)
15:10 Florian Wilde: Analysis of Dependencies in PUF Structures
15:40 Christoph Frisch: An LDPC Code Implementation for PUF-based Protocols
16:10 Matthias Hiller: PUF Research at Fraunhofer AISEC
16:40 Coffee Break
Session 3 (Chair: Michael Pehl)
17:10 Antonia Wachter-Zeh: Insertion/Deletion Correction for Variable-Length PUF Responses
17:40 Onur Günlü: Optimal Code Construction for Secret-key Generation from PUFs
18:30 Social Event with Glühwein
- The talks will be given in the TUM Main Campus in the seminar room N2408
- The social event will take place in Café Altschwabing, which is within walking distance of the seminar room. Glühwein will be served and there is a possibility to have dinner there!
- Metro map Munich.
Registration ended on November 21. If you are interested in attending, please send an email to mpuf2017@lnt.ei.tum.de to ask for a late registration.
Further Information
- Contact: mpuf2017@lnt.ei.tum.de
- MPUF 2017 Flyer (PDF)
- MPUF 2017 Catchphrase (PDF)
- IEEE Information Theory Society Newsletter Report (Page 20)
Supported by