Welcome to the 2016 Munich Workshop on Information Theory of Optical Fiber (MIO 2016)!
On December 5-6, 2016, the TUM Institute for Communications Engineering (LNT) is organising the 2016 Munich Workshop on Information Theory of Optical Fiber (MIO 2016). The workshop will bring together researchers from the fields of information theory and optical fiber to explore new ideas. Emphasis is placed on theory, especially how fiber nonlinearities affect channel capacity, and on experimental work that leads to new insight on capacity. The workshop should promote interaction and collaboration among the participants.
We look forward to seeing you in Munich!
Tobias Fehenberger, Javier García, René Essiambre, Gerhard Kramer
Topics of interest
- Capacity of fiber channels and networks
- Nonlinear Fourier transform
- Multi-mode optical communication
- Coded modulation and transceiver design
Confirmed Participants
- Helmut Grießer (ADVA Optical Networking)
- Andrew Ellis, Mariia Sorokina, Sergei K. Turitsyn (Aston University)
- Peter Andrekson, Kamran Keykhosravi (Chalmers University of Technology)
- Yingkan Chen, Antonio Napoli, Talha Rahman (Coriant)
- Juraj Poliak (DLR)
- Alex Alvarado, Chigo Okonkwo, John van Weerdenburg (Eindhoven University of Technology)
- Alexander Geisler, Christian Schaeffer (Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg)
- Jan-Willem Goossens, Hartmut Hafermann, Maxim Kuschnerov, Ingmar Land, Meiyu Qi, Huijian Zhang, Qiang Zhang (Huawei)
- Ragnar Thobaben (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)
- Ruben Luís (NICT Japan)
- Vahid Aref, Elie Awwad, Henning Bülow, Ronen Dar, Tobias Eriksson, René Essiambre, Nicolas Fontaine, Amirhossein Ghazisaeidi, Fanny Jardel, Cyril Measson, Rafael Rios Müller, Laurent Schmalen (Nokia Bell Labs)
- Radan Slavik (Optoelectronics Research Centre, UK)
- Luca Barletta, Maurizio Magarini (Politecnico di Milano)
- Stella Civelli (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna)
- Francesco Da Ros, Søren Forchhammer, Simone Gaiarin, Rasmus Jones, Metodi Yankov, Darko Zibar (Technical University of Denmark DTU)
- Lior Blech, Ori Golani, Mark Shtaif (Tel Aviv University)
- Mengdi Song, Mansoor I. Yousefi (Telecom ParisTech)
- Vishal Vaibhav, Sander Wahls (TU Delft)
- Lidia Galdino, Boris Karanov, Daniel Semrau (University College London)
- Iman Tavakkolnia (University of Edinburgh)
- Werner Rosenkranz (University of Kiel)
- Antonio Mecozzi (University of L’Aquila)
- Stephan ten Brink, Alexander Span (University of Stuttgart)
- Felix Frey (University of Ulm)
- Stefanos Dris (VPIphotonics)
- Hannes Bartz, Georg Böcherer, Fady El-Nahal, Tobias Fehenberger, Javier García, Norbert Hanik, Lukas Holzbaur, Ginni Khanna, Gerhard Kramer, Julian Renner, Patrick Schulte, Fabian Steiner, Markus Stinner, Antonia Wachter-Zeh (TUM)
Final Program (PDF)
Monday, December 5
9:30 | Arrival |
9:50 | Welcome: Gerhard Kramer |
Session 1 (Chair: René Essiambre) | |
10:00 | Andrew Ellis (Aston University): Optical Phase Conjugation - a Compelling Solution or a Recurrent Research Topic? |
10:30 | Peter Andrekson (Chalmers University of Technology): Ultra-Low Noise Amplification with Nonlinear Fibers and its Application to Communication |
11:00 | Coffee break |
Session 2 (Chair: Stephan ten Brink) | |
11:30 | Ruben Luís (NICT Japan): SDM Transmission Using Multicore Fibers |
12:00 | Nicolas Fontaine (Nokia Bell Labs USA): Measurements of Mode-Mixing in Multi-Mode and Multi-Core Fibers |
12:30 | Lunch |
Session 3 (Chair: Mark Shtaif) | |
14:00 | Antonio Mecozzi (University of L’Aquila): A Coherent Transmission Scheme based on Direct Detection: the Kramers Kronig Receiver |
14:30 | Darko Zibar (Technical University of Denmark DTU): Communication Systems using Nano-Lasers |
15:00 | Coffee break |
Session 4 (Chair: Gerhard Kramer) | |
15:30 | Mariia Sorokina and Sergei K. Turitsyn (Aston University): Ripple Distribution for Nonlinear Fiber-Optic Channels |
16:00 | Mark Shtaif (Tel Aviv University): On the Prospects of NLIN Mitigation using Equalization |
19:00 | Dinner at Löwenbräukeller Directions from LNT to Löwenbräukeller |
Tuesday, December 6
Session 5 (Chair: Norbert Hanik) | |
9:30 | Ronen Dar (Nokia Bell Labs USA): Nonlinear Interference Noise in Digital Subcarrier Multiplexed Systems |
10:00 | Vahid Aref (Nokia Bell Labs Germany): Modulation over Nonlinear Spectrum: Continuous and Discrete Spectrum |
10:30 | Poster Session |
12:30 | Lunch |
Session 6 (Chair: Tobias Fehenberger) | |
14:00 | Radan Slavik (Optoelectronics Research Centre, UK): Data Transmission through Hollow-Core Fibers |
14:30 | Maxim Kuschnerov (Huawei): SDM System Design from a Market Requirement and Application Point of View |
Poster Presentations
There will be a two-hour poster session on Tuesday from 10:30-12:30. If you are interested in presenting a poster, please send an email to mio2016(at)lnt.ei.tum.de with a preliminary title. The following researchers will present a poster:
- Yingkan Chen (Coriant): Multi-Soliton Transmission with Five Eigenvalues
- Stella Civelli (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna): Precompensation and Windowing Techniques for Nonlinear Frequency-Division Multiplexing Systems
- Stefanos Dris (VPIphotonics): Nonlinear Interference Noise: Characterization, Modeling and Mitigation
- Felix Frey (University of Ulm): Analysis of Temporal Correlations of Inter-Channel Interference in Heterogeneous Flexible Optical Networks
- Lidia Galdino (UCL): Experimental Investigation of Nonlinear Signal Distortion in Ultra-Wideband Transmission Systems
- Jan-Willem Goossens (Huawei): Multiplexed Transmission over Optical Fiber using the Nonlinear Fourier Transform
- Lukas Holzbaur (TUM): Improved Decoding of Staircase Codes
- Kamran Keykhosravi (Chalmers University of Technology): Achievable Rates for the Split-Step Fourier Channel
- Daniel Semrau (UCL): Maximising the Wideband Optical Network Capacity in the Nonlinear Regime
- Alexander Span (University of Stuttgart): On Spectral Efficiency Gain of Second and Third Order Soliton Pulses
- Mengdi Song (Telecom ParisTech): Inter-subcarrier Nonlinear Interference Canceler for Long-Haul Nyquist-WDM Transmission
- Iman Tavakkolnia (University of Edinburgh): Capacity Estimation for the Continuous Spectrum of Nonlinear Optical Fiber
- Metodi Yankov (Technical University of Denmark DTU): Temporal Probabilistic Shaping for Mitigation of Nonlinearities in Fiber Systems
- Mansoor I. Yousefi (Telecom ParisTech): The Asymptotic Capacity of the Optical Fiber [based on this publication]
- The registration fee will be EUR 130 for regular participants and EUR 70 for students. The workshop registration is closed. Click here to access the registration platform.
Lunch, Dinner, Social Program
- Lunches on Dec. 5 and 6: the registration fee includes lunch on both days.
- Dinner on Dec. 5: The workshop dinner will take place at the Bavarian restaurant Löwenbräu, which is walking distance from TUM. A limited number of dinner tickets for a three-course menu incl. drinks is available for EUR 50. Simply choose the dinner option in the registration process.
- Metro map Munich.
- Airport to Hotel Königswache: use S8 to Herrsching. Get off at Hauptbahnhof and take the U2 to Feldmoching. Get off at Theresienstraße and walk to Hotel Königswache. We recommend the Airport-City-Day-Ticket since it allows you to use the public transport in Munich during the whole day.
- You can also walk from Hauptbahnhof to Hotel Königswache.
- Walk from Hotel Königswache to the LNT.
- At the LNT, take the elevator or stairs to the 2nd floor. The talks will be given in the seminar room N2408.
- Directions from LNT to Löwenbraukeller
Further Information
- Contact: mio2016@lnt.ei.tum.de
- MIO 2016 Poster (PDF)
- MIO 2016 Theme Song (PDF)
- Click here to see the program of the 2015 workshop.
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