Dr. Gottfried Ungerböck (April 19, 2018 at 2:00 PM, LNT Seminar room N2408)

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On April 19, 2018 at 2:00 PM, Dr. Gottfried Ungerböck will be giving a talk in the LNT Seminar room N2408.

Guidance from Information Theory - An Engineering Perspective

Dr. Gottfried Ungerböck


The talk will include, among other topics: (1) How TCM came about, (2) Information Theory in 10GBASE-T (= IEEE 802.3an standard for 10 Gbit/s over UTP copper wires), (3) Remarks on Faster-than-Nyquist signaling. Constructive comments and feedback are welcome.


Gottfried Ungerböck received an electrical engineering degree (with emphasis on telecommunications) from the Vienna University of Technology in 1964, and a doctorate from the ETH Zurich in 1970. He joined IBM Austria as a systems engineer in 1965, and the IBM Zurich Research Laboratory in 1967. At Zurich he worked on digital signal processing and switching systems, communications and information theory. He joined Broadcom in 1998 as Technical Director for the Communication Business Line.

Among many contributions to the theory of data transmission, Ungerböck invented trellis coded modulation.  He is the 2018 Shannon Lecturer of the IEEE Information Theory Society.