26. - 28. Juni 2012,
Luca Barletta, Politecnico di Milano
23. - 24. April 2012,
Mansoor I. Yousefi, University of Toronto
23. - 24. April 2012,
Guiseppe Caire, University of Southern California
19. - 20. März 2012,
Upamanyu Madhow, University of California, Santa Barbara,
19. - 20. März 2012,
Andrew C. Singer, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
12. März 2012,
David Declerq, ETIS laboratory, Cergy-Pontois, France
12. März 2012,
Claudio Weidmann, ETIS laboratory, Cergy-Pontois, France
12. März 2012,
Ingmar Land, University of South Australia
27. November - 8. Dezember 2011,
Joshua Gunn, USC,
23. - 25. November 2011,
Erik Agrell, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg,
21. - 22. November 2011,
Andrew C. Singer, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
21. - 25. November 2011,
René-Jean Essiambre, Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent, Holmdel, New Jersey,
10. - 11. November 2011,
Igal Sason, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa,
4. Oktober - 23. Dezember 2011,
Johnny Karout, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg,
16. September - 15. Dezember 2011,
Frank Kschischang, University of Toronto,
13. - 14. September 2011,
Gareth Middleton, Rice University, Houston,
20. - 21. Juli 2011,
Daniel J. Costello, University of Notre Dame,
John Proakis, Northeastern University,
Ezio Biglieri, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, University of California,
Sergio Verdú, Princeton University,
Hans-Andrea Loeliger, ETH Zürich,
Gottfried Ungerböck,
11. - 21. Juli 2011,
Gottfried Lechner, University of South Australia,
1. - 28. Juni 2011,
Raymond Yeung, The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
1. Mai - 31. Juli 2011,
Anthony Ephremides, University of Maryland,
Dozent der MSCE-Vorlesung: "Advanced Topics in Communications Engineering",
1. Mai - 31. Juli 2011,
Hassan Ghozlan, USC,
14. - 26. Februar 2011,
Joshua Gunn, USC,
8. - 12. November 2010,
Anas Chaaban, Univ. of Ulm,