Optimizing Multimodal Tactile Codecs with Cross-Modal Vector Quantization
To achieve better user immersion and interaction fidelity, developing a multimodal tactile codec is necessary. Using correlation to compress multimodal signals into compact latent representations is a key challenge in multimodal codecs. VQ-VAE introduces a discrete latent variable space to achieve efficient coding, and it is promising for extension to multimodal scenarios. This project aims to use multimodal vector quantization to encode multiple tactile signals into a shared latent space.This unified representation will reduce redundancy while preserving important information for reconstruction.
- knowledge in deep learning
- programming skills (python)
- motivation in research
Multimodal Tactile Data Compression through Shared-Private Representations
The Tactile Internet relies on real-time transmission of multimodal tactile data for enhancing user immersion and fidelity. However, most existing tactile codecs are limited to vibrotactile data. They are not able to transmit richer multimodal signals.
This project aims to develop a novel tactile codec that supports multimodal data with a shared-private representation framework. A shared network will extract common semantic information from two modalities, while private networks capture modality-specific features. By sharing the common representations during reconstruction, the codec is expected to reduce the volume of data that needs to be transmitted.
- knowledge in deep learning
- programming skills (python)
- motivation in research