Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Daniel Rodriguez Guevara
Lehrstuhl für Medientechnik (Prof. Steinbach)
Arcisstr. 21
80333 München
- Tel.: +49 (89) 289 - 25823
- Raum: 0504.EG.409
- daniel.rodriguez@tum.de
Daniel Rodriguez studied Mechatronics Engineering at Tecnologico de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey. He graduated in 2018 and started a Master of Science program at Tecnologico de Monterrey focusing on Predictive Control for industrial applications. Since September 2023 he has been a member of the research team in the Chair of Media Technology at Technical University of Munich, focusing on haptic communication and haptic codecs.
His research interests are in the field of haptic communication, haptic codecs, and data compression. Also, predictive control and optimal control are related research fields of interest.