5G Expertengremium des StMWi Bayern

Prof. Kellerer has been appointed as a member of the 5G Expert Committee of the 5G-Initiative from the Masterplan Bayern Digital II of the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Energy and Technology.

Latest Call for proposals: https://www.vdivde-it.de/submission/bekanntmachungen/5g-bayern/BKM.pdf

Aktuelle Publikationen

  • Diederich, Philip; Grigorjew, Alexej; Geißler, Stefan; Hoßfeld, Tobias; Kellerer, Wolfgang;: The Effects of Topologies on the Performance of Real-Time Networks. 10th IEEE International Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft), 2024 mehr…
  • Bermudez Serna, Cristian; Sharma, Anjali; Mas-Machuca, Carmen: Impact of Graphs and Methodologies on Optical Access Networks Planning. 24th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, 2024 mehr…
  • Wenning, Mario; Berl, Jonas; Fehenberger, Tobias; Mullan, Ciarán; Grießer, Helmut; Rydlichowski, Piotr; Schmalen, Laurent; Mas-Machuca, Carmen: Quantum Key Management System with Dynamic Routing for Meshed QKD Networks. 2024 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (OFC), 2024 mehr…