
Joint work in the ERC Grant FlexNets has been accepted for IEEE INFOCOM 2021.

Friday 27.11.2020 at 4:00 PM by Prof. Diepold. More information


Video abstract published on our "IEEE ComSoc selected publication" published in IEEE TNSM.

The Paper "Chameleon: Predictable Latency and High Utilization with Queue-Aware and Adaptive Source Routing" authored by LKN researchers has been accepted for publication at ACM CoNEXT 2020.

Carmen Mas Machuca ist neue Sprecherin des Center of Competence Communications (CoC COM) ab Oktober 2020

ERC Grant Project FlexNets results published in Elsevier Computer Communications Journal

Anna Prado, Onur Ayan and Arled Papa from LKN have received awards at the Siemens Summer Camp Digital Twins

latest LKN publication addresses a novel software defined radio access network architechture for 5G and beyond

The paper "Comparing Fixed and Variable Segment Durations for Adaptive Video Streaming – A Holistic Analysis" by S. Schwarzmann, C. Sieber (LKN) at al. has been awarded with the Excellence in DASH Award 2020 at ACM MMSys 2020

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