
Speaker: Prof. K. S. Trivedi (Duke University, North Carolina, USA) Date:  Wednesday Oct. 9th at 14:00 Room: 0406  Seminarraum in 0504 Building Abstract: High reliability and availability is a requirement for most technical systems. Reliability and availability assurance methods based on…

On Monday, September 30, 2019 at 14:00 Prof. Dr. Stefan Schmid from University of Vienna will present on "Self-* networks: when flexibility meets algorithms" as part of our PhD seminar in Kloster Fürstenfeld.

Prof. Kellerer will give an invited presentation at the IEEE 4th 5G Summit in Dresden, Germany on October 1, 2019

Two papers from LKN and one co-authored by LKN have been accepted for publication at the upcoming 15th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (CoNEXT 2019) in Orlando Florida in December 9-12, 2019.

The Center for Digital Technology and Management (CDTM) is a joint institution of the two universities LMU and TUM. CDTM offers the interdisciplinary add-on study program „Technology Management”, which is part of the Elite Network of Bavaria. Students from various study backgrounds with creative…

On Wednesday, July 17, 2019 Professor Cedomir Stefanovic from Aalborg University will give a presentation on "Random access with successive interference cancellation: A survey of some recent results" in seminar room 1977.

On Friday, July 19, 2019 Dr. Mikhail Vilgelm will give a tutorial on Markov Decision Process and Stochastic Optimization in seminar room 1977.

The paper "The Dagstuhl Beginners Guide to Reproducibility for Experimental Networking Research" has been awarded the label "best of CCR" paper and will be presented at ACM SIGCOMM 2019 as part of the main program.

On Tuesday June 25, 2019 Prof. Kellerer presents "Joint optimization of control and networking in wireless cyber-physical system" in the European Control Conference 2019 in Naples, Italy as part of the workshop "Control and Networking in Cyber Physical Systems" orgainized by the DFG SPP "Cyber…

At the ETSI NFV#26 standardization meeting in Sofia Antipolis, Prof. Kellerer presented on may 20 in the plenary meeting how to measure flexibilty in softwarized networks.

Aktuelle Publikationen

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  • Grigorjew, Alexej; Geißler, Stefan; Diederich, Philip; Hoßfeld, Tobias; Kellerer, Wolfgang: Resilience in Time-Sensitive Networking: An Overview and Open Research Directions. 2023 13th International Workshop on Resilient Networks Design and Modeling (RNDM), IEEE, 2023 mehr…
  • Grigorjew, Alexej; Schumann, Lukas Kilian; Diederich, Philip; Hoßfeld, Tobias; Kellerer, Wolfgang: Understanding the Performance of Different Packet Reception and Timestamping Methods in Linux. Universität Würzburg, 2023 mehr…