Oliver Lenke, M.Sc.
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Technische Universität München
TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology
Lehrstuhl für Integrierte Systeme
Arcisstr. 21
80333 München
Tel.: +
Fax: +
Gebäude: N1 (Theresienstr. 90)
Raum: N2114
Email: o.lenke@tum.de
- Seit 2020 Doktorand am LIS
- 2018-2020 Werkstudent am LIS
- 2018-2020 Master EI (TUM)
- 2015-2018 Bachelor EI (TUM)
- 2016-2019 Tutor für u.a. Werkstoffe der Elektrotechnik, Regelungssysteme, ...
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Angebotene Arbeiten
Laufende Arbeiten
Algorithms for Memory Prefetching
DRAM modules are indispensable for modern computer architectures. Their main advantages are an easy design with only 1 Transistor per Bit and a high memory density.
However, DRAM accesses are rather slow and require a dedicated DRAM controller that coordinates the read and write accesses to the DRAM as well as the refresh cycles.
In order to reduce the DRAM access latency,memory prefetching is a common technique to access data prior to their actual usage. However, this requires sophisticated prediction algorithms in order to prefetch the right data at the right time.
The goal of this Seminar is to study and compare several memory prefetching algorithms and present their benefits and usecases. A starting point of literature will be provided.
Oliver Lenke
A Comparison of Recent Memory Prefetching Techniques
DRAM modules are indispensable for modern computer architectures. Their main advantages are an easy design with only 1 Transistor per Bit and a high memory density.
However, DRAM accesses are rather slow and require a dedicated DRAM controller that coordinates the read and write accesses to the DRAM as well as the refresh cycles.
In order to reduce the DRAM access latency, the cache hierarchy can be extended by dedictated hardware access predictors in order to preload certain data to the caches before it is actually accessed.
The goal of this Seminar is to study and compare prefetching mechanisms and access predictors on cache level with several optimizations and present their benefits and usecases. A starting point of literature will be provided.
B.Sc. in Electrical engineering or similar degree
Oliver Lenke
A Comparison of Recent Memory Prefetching Techniques
DRAM modules are indispensable for modern computer architectures. Their main advantages are an easy design with only 1 Transistor per Bit and a high memory density.
However, DRAM accesses are rather slow and require a dedicated DRAM controller that coordinates the read and write accesses to the DRAM as well as the refresh cycles.
In order to reduce the DRAM access latency, the cache hierarchy can be extended by dedictated hardware access predictors in order to preload certain data to the caches before it is actually accessed.
The goal of this Seminar is to study and compare prefetching mechanisms and access predictors on cache level with several optimizations and present their benefits and usecases. A starting point of literature will be provided.
B.Sc. in Electrical engineering or similar degree
Oliver Lenke
A Survey of Recent Prefetching Techniques for Processor Caches
Cache Design have by design some compulsory cache misses, i.e. the first access of a certain cacheline will typically result in a cache miss, since the data is not present in the cache hierarchy yet.
In order to reduce this, caches can be extended by prefetching mechanisms that speculatively prefetch some cachelines before they first get accessed.
The goal of this Seminar is to study and compare different cache prefetcher designs and present their benefits and usecases. A starting point of literature will be provided.
B.Sc. in Electrical engineering or similar degree
Oliver Lenke
A Survey of Recent Prefetching Techniques for Processor Caches
Cache Design have by design some compulsory cache misses, i.e. the first access of a certain cacheline will typically result in a cache miss, since the data is not present in the cache hierarchy yet.
In order to reduce this, caches can be extended by prefetching mechanisms that speculatively prefetch some cachelines before they first get accessed.
The goal of this Seminar is to study and compare different cache prefetcher designs and present their benefits and usecases. A starting point of literature will be provided.
B.Sc. in Electrical engineering or similar degree
Oliver Lenke
Evaluations-Framework für eine SystemC MPSoC Prototyp Architektur
Gegenstand dieser Bachelorarbeit ist die Entwicklung eines Compile-Flows, mit dem verschiedene Benchmarks, z.B: von EEMBC, kompiliert und auf einer SystemC basierten Prototyp Architektur abgespielt werden können. Dabei sollen verschiedene Benchmarks, ggf. mit unterschiedlichen Parametern so in das System eingebunden werden, dass jedes Teammitglied diese auf einfache Weise kompilieren und abspielen kann.
Das SystemC Modell verwendet ein taktgenaues Modell eines Prozessors der Synopsys ARC Familie, um Speicherzugriffe auszuführen und so die Speicherhierarchie unter realistischen Bedingungen zu testen und zu evaluieren.
Je nach zeitlichem Fortgang der Arbeit kann man die Ergebnisse der Benchmarks dann auswerten
- Gutes Fachwissen über MPSoC Systeme
- Kenntnisse über Python-Programmierung
- Hohe Motivation
- Selbstverantwortliche Arbeitsweise
Oliver Lenke
Analyse von Laufzeit-Statistiken eines SystemC MPSoC-Simulationsmodells mit Python
Gegenstand dieser Bachelorarbeit ist die Entwicklung eines Python-Tools, welches die Ergebnisse (z.B. Log Files, Traces) eines SystemC Simulationsmodells auswertet und analysiert. Alle relevanten Events, zum Beispiel Speicherzugriffe, Cache Misses usw. werden dabei mit Zeitpunkt aufgezeichnet und bilden die Datenbasis für eine anschließende Performance-Evaluation.
Von besonderen Interesse sind dabei alle Performance-Statistiken, welche sich durch die Hardware-Prefetching Einheit ergeben, um deren Effektivität gezielt evaluieren zu können.
Aus diesen Traces sollen verschiedene Statistiken erstellt werden, dazu muss ein Python Programm geschrieben werden, welches die Traces auswertet und ggf. Plots erstellt.
Mögliche Statistiken sind beispielsweise
- Auf welche Page wurde wie oft zugegriffen?
- Wie viele Zugriffe hintereinander fallen im Schnitt in die selbe Page
- Wie ist die zeitliche Verteilung der unterschiedlichen Pages?
- Zeitlicher Abstand zwischen Zugriffen auf dieselbe Page?
- Wie viele Pages wurden geladen, aber nicht genutzt?
- Wie viele Speicherzugriffe fallen in vorgeladene Pages?
Diese Daten sollen bei der Analyse von Speicherzugriffsmustern von verschiedenen Anwendungen helfen, um so einen effizienten Mechanismus zum Vorladen ausgewählter Speicherinhalte zu entwickeln.
- Gutes Fachwissen über MPSoC Systeme
- Kenntnisse über Python-Programmierung
- Hohe Motivation
- Selbstverantwortliche Arbeitsweise
Oliver Lenke
Design and Implementation of a Stride Prefetching Mechanism in VHDL
Since DRAM typically come with much higher access latencies than SRAM, many approaches to reduce DRAM latencies have already been explored, such as Caching, Access predictors, Row-buffers etc.
In the CeCaS research project, we plan to employ an additional mechanism, in detail a preloading mechanism of a certain fraction of the DRAM content to a small on-chip SRAM buffer. Thus, it is required to predict potentially next-accessed Cachelines, preload them to the SRAM and answer subsequent memory requests of this data from the SRAM instead forwarding them to the DRAM itself.
This functionality should be implemented as a cycle accurate VHDL model. A baseline system will bw provided, the goal is to implement this functionality in its simplest form as a baseline. Depending on the progress, this can be extended or refined in subsequent steps.
A close supervision, especially during the inital phase, will be guaranteed. Nevertheless, some experience with VHDL++ programming is required.
- Experience with VHDL Coding
- Basic knowledge on MPSoC, cache hierarchies etc.
- B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering or similar
Python Tool zur Analyse von Speicherzugriffen
Gegenstand dieser Bachelorarbeit ist die Entwicklung eines Python-Tools, welches verschiedene Statistiken über die Speicherzugriffe einer MPSoC-Architektur erstellt. Dazu werden simulations-basierte Traces verwendet, in denen alle Speicherzugriffe aufgezeichnet werden. In diesen Traces sind alle Zugriffe dokumientiert: Zeitpunkt? Cache Hit/Miss? Welcher Core?
Aus diesen Traces sollen verschiedene Statistiken erstellt werden, dazu muss ein Python Programm geschrieben werden, welches die Traces auswertet und Plottet.
Mögliche Statistiken sind beispielsweise
- Auf welche Page wurde wie oft zugegriffen?
- Wie viele Zugriffe hintereinander fallen im Schnitt in die selbe Page
- Wie ist die zeitliche Verteilung der unterschiedlichen Pages?
- Zeitlicher Abstand zwischen Zugriffen auf dieselbe Page?
Diese Daten sollen bei der Analyse von Speicherzugriffsmustern von verschiedenen Anwendungen helfen, um so einen effizienten Mechanismus zum Vorladen ausgewählter Speicherinhalte zu entwickeln.
- Gutes Fachwissen über MPSoC Systeme
- Kenntnisse über Python-Programmierung
- Hohe Motivation
- Selbstverantwortliche Arbeitsweise
Oliver Lenke
Development of a C Testsuite for a Memory Preloading Mechanism of an MPSoC
VHDL, C Programming, Distributed Memory, Data Migration, Task Migration, Hardware Accelerator
Memory prefetching is a common technique used to hide memory access latencies and improve the performance of MPSoC architectures. In contrast to caches, data is read from the DRAM and stored in a fast on-chip buffer ahead of the actual CPU load request.
Such a memory prefetching mechanism is part of the TUM contribution to the CeCaS project and is currently under development. Besides a simulation environment, an FPGA-based prototype implementation was directly integrated into a State-of-the-Art MPSoC design.
The goal of this thesis is to develop a baremetal test environment for this preloading module to evaluate all possible corner cases. The testsuite will be developed in a hardware-related C programming style and can be executed directly on the FPGA prototype platform.
Toward this goal, you will complete the following tasks:
1. Understanding the existing Memory Access and Preloading mechanism
2. Explore and understand possible corner-case scenarios
3. Develop a baremetal C program that triggers all corner cases
4. Analyse and discuss the results
- Good Knowledge about MPSoCs
- Good C programming skills
- High motivation
- Self-responsible workstyle
Oliver Lenke
Abgeschlossene Arbeiten
Analyse von Laufzeit-Statistiken eines SystemCMPSoC-Simulationsmodells mit Python
Bachelor's Thesis, Laura Vo, March 2025
Evaluation Framework for a SystemC-based MPSoC Prototype Architecture
Bachelor's Thesis, Mateus Lima, Feburary 2025
Memory Access Prioritisation on an FPGA-Based MP-SoC System
Research Practice, Jonathan Ross, Feburary 2025
Development of a C Testsuite for a Memory Preloading Mechanism of an MPSoC
Bachelor's Thesis, Fabian Strasser, December 2024
Fine granular Page Preloading Mechanism on an FPGA Prototype
Research Practice, Aurel Prestel, November 2024
Investigating DMA Transfer Configurations for Optimal Utilization of DDR Memory Bandwidth
Research Practice, Seçkin Gezer, October 2024, Cooperation with WORK Microwave
Design and Implementation of a Stride Prefetching Mechanism in SystemC
Research Practice, Sruthi Haridas, July 2024
Design and Implementation of a Memory Prefetching Mechanism on an FPGA Prototype
Master's Thesis, Christoph Foltyn, June 2024
Interrupt Latency Investigations with YoctoRT and FreeRTOS on Xilinx Versal Evaluation Board
Master's Thesis, Kiran Bhandarkar, April 2024, Cooperation with Rohde&Schwarz
SystemC Model for Memory Preloading
Research Practice, Ali Emre Heybeli, February 2024
An Efficient, Scalable and SIMD-friendly Hybrid FFT Computation Method
Master's Thesis, Jiawen Qi, January 2024, Cooperation with Huawei
SystemC Model for Memory Preloading
Research Practice, Jingyi Liu, December 2023
Lifetime Analysis of Flash Memory Devices in Automotive Use Cases
Bachelor's Thesis, Simon Weigl, July 2023, Cooperation with BMW AG
Automatic Hardening of Registers in Safety Critical Microcontrollers
Bachelor's Thesis, Jonathan Ross, July 2023, Cooperation with Infineon AG
Design and Implementation of a flexible SPI Fault Injection Unit
Bachelor's Thesis, Hannes Matheis, December 2022, Cooperation with Infineon AG
Design and Implementation of a Hardware Accelerator for VSM Page Writeback
Master's Thesis, Thomas Leyk, November 2022, Cooperation with FAU
Scalability Analysis of Hardware Acceleration on Central and Distributed Memory Systems
Master's Thesis, Jens Nöpel, November 2022
Measurement and Analysis of a Tile-based MPSoC System
Research Practice, Gabriel Pempel, November 2022, Cooperation with FAU
Design and Implementation of a HW-based Memory Protection Unit for Tile-based MPSoCs
Master's Thesis, Peter Körner, October 2022, Cooperation with FAU
DYNAMIT: Dynamic Acceleration of Memory-Stores in Tile-based Architectures
Master's Thesis, Michael Geier, August 2022
Laufzeit Vorhersage von Hardwarebeschleuniger und Near-Memory-Computing
Bachelor's Thesis, Sahil Salotra, September 2021
Extending an Utilization Counter Framework for On-Chip AHB Bus Systems
Bachelor's Thesis, Humayra Jeba Binte Mohd Habibur Rahman, July 2021, Cooperation with SIT
Best Thesis Award
Utilization Monitoring and Analysis of a Near-Memory-Computing System
Research Practice, Richard Petri, May 2021
- Information Processing Factory 2.0 - Self-awareness for Autonomous Collaborative Systems. DATE 2023, 2023 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- Invasive NoCs and Memory Hierarchies for Run-Time Adaptive MPSoCs. In: Invasive Computing. FAU University Press, Universitätsstraße 4, 91054 Erlangen, 2022 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- Validation and Demonstrator. In: Invasive Computing. FAU University Press, Universitätsstraße 4, 91054 Erlangen, 2022 mehr… BibTeX
- X-CEL: A Method to Estimate Near-Memory Acceleration Potential in Tile-based MPSoCs. ARCS 2020 - 33rd International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems, 2020 mehr… BibTeX
- DySHARQ: Dynamic Software-Defined Hardware-Managed Queues for Tile-Based Architectures. International Journal of Parallel Programming, 2020 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- X-Centric: A Survey on Compute-, Memory- and Application-Centric Computer Architectures. MEMSYS'20: The International Symposium on Memory Systems , 2020 mehr… BibTeX