Seminar Integrierte Systeme

Vortragende/r (Mitwirkende/r)
Umfang3 SWS
SemesterSommersemester 2024



Siehe TUMonline
Anmerkung: Anmerkung: Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl! Anmeldung in TUMonline vom 27.03.2024 - 21.04.2024. Jeder Student muss ein Seminarthema vor der Einführungsveranstaltung wählen. Dazu muss er Kontakt mit dem entsprechenden Themenbetreuer aufnehmen. Die Themen werden in der Reihenfolge der Anfragen vergeben. Die einzelnen Themen werden ab 08.04.2024 unter <a href=""></a> bekannt gegeben.


Nach der Teilnahme an den Modulveranstaltungen sind die Studierenden in der Lage Problemstellungen aus dem Bereich integrierter Systeme und deren Anwendungen zu analysieren und Lösungsansätze zu bewerten. Aufgabenstellungen aus einem aktuellen Themengebiet der integrierten Systeme können selbstständig auf wissenschaftliche Weise bearbeitet, selbstständige Literaturrecherchen dazu durchgeführt und eine schriftliche Ausarbeitung dazu angefertigt werden. Darüber hinaus können die Studierenden die erarbeiteten Erkenntnisse vor einem fachlichen Publikum präsentieren.


Wechselnde Schwerpunktthemen zu integrierten Schaltungen und Systemen, sowie deren Anwendungen. Die Modulteilnehmer erarbeiten selbstständig aktuelle wissenschaftliche Beiträge, fertigen eine zu bewertende schriftliche Ausarbeitung an, präsentieren ihren Beitrag im Rahmen eines Kolloquiums und tragen mit Diskussionsbeiträgen zum Kolloquium bei.

Inhaltliche Voraussetzungen

Basiskenntnisse integrierter Schaltungen und Systeme sowie deren Anwendungen.

Lehr- und Lernmethoden

Jeder Teilnehmer bearbeitet eine individuelle fachliche Aufgabenstellung. Dies geschieht insbesondere in selbständiger Einzelarbeit des Studierenden. Der Teilnehmer bekommt - abhängig von seinem individuellen Thema - einen eigenen Betreuer zugeordnet. Der Betreuer hilft dem Studierenden insbesondere zu Beginn der Arbeit, indem er in das Fachthema einführt, geeignete Literatur zur Verfügung stellt und hilfreiche Tipps sowohl bei der fachlichen Arbeit als auch bei der Erstellung der schriftlichen Ausarbeitung und des Vortrags gibt.

Studien-, Prüfungsleistung

Die Endnote setzt sich aus folgenden Prüfungselementen zusammen: - 50 % schriftliche Ausarbeitung (typisch 4 Seiten) - 50 % Vortrag 15-20 Minuten plus Diskussion 5 Minuten

Empfohlene Literatur

Themen-spezifische Literatur wird vom jeweiligen Betreuer empfohlen und soll durch eigene Recherchen ergänzt werden.


Angebotene Themen

Vergebene Themen


Accelerating End-to-End Autonomous Driving Models on Edge Hardware (SW)



In recent years, foundation models have become popular as generic solvers for different tasks, such as text generation, image generation, and semantic segmentation.

In an effort to unify the challenges of autonomous driving, from perception, to occupancy, motion, and path planning, recent works have attempted to create foundation models for end-to-end autonomous driving.

In recent years, foundation models have become popular as generic solvers for different tasks, such as text generation, image generation, and semantic segmentation.

In an effort to unify the challenges of autonomous driving, from perception, to occupancy, motion, and path planning, recent works have attempted to create foundation models for end-to-end autonomous driving.

These models have performed exceptionally well and have proven to be a promising candate to solve the challenges of higher-levels of autonomous driving. However, the complexity of these models and their strictly sequential structure makes it difficult for them to meet real-time execution demands. In this seminar topic, the different approaches to end-to-end autonomous driving will be researched and compared. Then an analytical study will be performed to identify the hardware challenges and opportunities in accelerating them on edge.



Nael Yousef Abdullah Al-Fasfous - Nael Fasfous (BMW Group)

A Survey on NVM technologies


NVM memory technologies are essential for most kinds of computer systems. However, beside the challenge of a limited lifespan of NVM memories.

The goal of this Seminar is to study and various NVM technologies with several optimizations and present their benefits and usecases. A special focus should be put on usecases, benefits and drawbacks and application costs. A starting point of literature will be provided.



B.Sc. in Electrical engineering or similar degree


Oliver Lenke



Oliver Lenke

Access-Predictors on Cache Level


DRAM modules are indispensable for modern computer architectures. Their main advantages are an easy design with only 1 Transistor per Bit and a high memory density.

However, DRAM accesses are rather slow and require a dedicated DRAM controller that coordinates the read and write accesses to the DRAM as well as the refresh cycles.

In order to reduce the DRAM access latency, the cache hierarchy can be extended by dedictated hardware access predictors in order to preload certain data to the caches before it is actually accessed.

The goal of this Seminar is to study and compare prefetching mechanisms and access predictors on cache level with several optimizations and present their benefits and usecases. A starting point of literature will be provided.



B.Sc. in Electrical engineering or similar degree


Oliver Lenke



Oliver Lenke

Access-Predictors on Cache Level


DRAM modules are indispensable for modern computer architectures. Their main advantages are an easy design with only 1 Transistor per Bit and a high memory density.

However, DRAM accesses are rather slow and require a dedicated DRAM controller that coordinates the read and write accesses to the DRAM as well as the refresh cycles.

In order to reduce the DRAM access latency, the cache hierarchy can be extended by dedictated hardware access predictors in order to preload certain data to the caches before it is actually accessed.

The goal of this Seminar is to study and compare prefetching mechanisms and access predictors on cache level with several optimizations and present their benefits and usecases. A starting point of literature will be provided.



B.Sc. in Electrical engineering or similar degree


Oliver Lenke



Oliver Lenke

Exploring Linux eBPF Mechanism for SmartNICs


eBPF (extended Berkeley Packet Filter) is a technology used in Linux for running user-defined sandboxed programs in the kernel without changing kernel source code or loading kernel modules. In networking, eBPF can be used to redefine the network stack behavior by allowing the dynamic insertion of powerful networking and security functions deep inside the Linux kernel.

SmartNICs (Network Interface Cards with a programmable processor) can offload some processing tasks that the system CPU would normally handle. This is beneficial in freeing up CPU resources and improving networking performance. eBPF can be used in conjunction with SmartNICs to offload some network processing tasks to the SmartNIC, further enhancing performance.

The goal of this seminar topic is to provide a background overview of Linux eBPF in networking and to explore how eBPF can be leveraged in SmartNICs to improve network performance and security. Look into recent advancements, challenges, and future prospects.



Marco Liess

DRAM Controller with Access Predictors


DRAM modules are indispensable for modern computer architectures. Their main advantages are an easy design with only 1 Transistor per Bit and a high memory density.

However, DRAM accesses are rather slow and require a dedicated DRAM controller that coordinates the read and write accesses to the DRAM as well as the refresh cycles.

In order to reduce the DRAM access latency, DRAM controllers provide sophisticated mechanisms, such as access predictors or built-in caches. The goal of this Seminar is to study and compare DRAM controller designs with several optimizations and present their benefits and usecases. A starting point of literature will be provided.



B.Sc. in Electrical engineering or similar degree


Oliver Lenke



Oliver Lenke

A Survey on Benchmarking Systems

Benchmark, Linux


As technology advances, the performance of CPUs plays a crucial role in various computational tasks ranging from everyday computing to specialized applications like gaming, artificial intelligence, and scientific simulations. Benchmarking CPU performance helps in understanding and comparing the capabilities of different processors across various workloads. This seminar topic aims to conduct a comprehensive survey on benchmark suites commonly used for evaluating CPU performance.

For this, various state-of-the-art benchmark suites should be analyzed and compared against each other based on pre-defined criteria.

The goal of this survey is to generate an overview and comparative analysis of the different benchmark suites that are available and focus on their unique approaches.


Tim Twardzik

Advancements in Vector Processor Architectures


Vector processors are a type of SIMD processors that can efficiently operate on arrays, allowing significant speed-ups for certain applications, such as scientific computing and DSP. While vector processors were initially successful in the supercomputers of the 70s and 80s, the modern microprocessor gradually, with a few exceptions, displaced vector processors from the market.

However, in recent years has seen a lot of research and commercial interest in vector processors. Major developments include vector and vector-like extensions to popular ISAs, including RISC-V (RISC-V V) and ARM (SVE2), and commercial ASICs such as NEC's SX-Aurora TSUBASA and AMD's Southern Island GPUs. In part, the renewed interest in vector architectures is due to how scalar processors are falling behind in terms of performance and the need to find alternatives to current CPU design paradigms. But vector processors also offer advantages for more specialized applications, including embedded systems where vector processors can potentially lead to improvements in performance and energy efficiency.



William Wulff

Chiplet-Based Architecture Design


Chiplet-based architectures are starting to become available, notably with the release of Intel’s Meteor Lake consumer CPUs at the end of last year. Even though most major players in the field are pursuing this strategy, there seems not to be a clear consensus yet on aspects like the chiplet-to-chiplet interconnect. The Universal Chiplet Interconnect Express (UCIe) standard appears to be a promising approach, but others are being developed, for example Bunch-of-Wires (BOW). In this seminar work, literature on chiplets should be investigated, specifically on topics as die-to-die interconnect or further challenges in the design of chiplet architectures.

Starting points for literature research could be the following papers:



Michael Meidinger

DRAM Controller with Access Predictors


DRAM modules are indispensable for modern computer architectures. Their main advantages are an easy design with only 1 Transistor per Bit and a high memory density.

However, DRAM accesses are rather slow and require a dedicated DRAM controller that coordinates the read and write accesses to the DRAM as well as the refresh cycles.

In order to reduce the DRAM access latency, DRAM controllers provide sophisticated mechanisms, such as access predictors or built-in caches. The goal of this Seminar is to study and compare DRAM controller designs with several optimizations and present their benefits and usecases. A starting point of literature will be provided.



B.Sc. in Electrical engineering or similar degree


Oliver Lenke



Oliver Lenke

Accelerating End-to-End Autonomous Driving Models on Edge Hardware (HW)



In recent years, foundation models have become popular as generic solvers for different tasks, such as text generation, image generation, and semantic segmentation.

In an effort to unify the challenges of autonomous driving, from perception, to occupancy, motion, and path planning, recent works have attempted to create foundation models for end-to-end autonomous driving.

In recent years, foundation models have become popular as generic solvers for different tasks, such as text generation, image generation, and semantic segmentation.

In an effort to unify the challenges of autonomous driving, from perception, to occupancy, motion, and path planning, recent works have attempted to create foundation models for end-to-end autonomous driving.

These models have performed exceptionally well and have proven to be a promising candate to solve the challenges of higher-levels of autonomous driving. However, the complexity of these models and their strictly sequential structure makes it difficult for them to meet real-time execution demands. In this seminar topic, the different approaches to end-to-end autonomous driving will be researched and compared. Then an analytical study will be performed to identify the hardware challenges and opportunities in accelerating them on edge.



Nael Yousef Abdullah Al-Fasfous - Nael Fasfous (BMW Group)