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Best Paper Award at SAMOS XIX Conference

Our paper "CoD: Coherence-on-Demand – Runtime Adaptable Working Set Coherence for DSM-based Manycore Architectures" presented at this year's SAMOS Conference received the best paper award. The first author of the paper is Akshay Srivatsa and the presentation was done by Sven Rheindt. In addition to…

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Paper accepted at IEEE SOCC 2019

The paper titled "Register Requirement Minimization of Fixed-Depth Pipelines for Streaming Data Applications" authored by Thomas Goldbrunner, Nguyen Anh Vu Doan, Diogo Poças, Thomas Wild and Andreas Herkersdorf has been accepted for publication at the 32nd IEEE International System-On-Chip…

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Saehanseul (Hans) Yi is a new Guest Scientist at LIS

Since June 17, Saehanseul (Hans) Yi from the University of California in Irwine (UCI) is working as a guest researcher at our chair. His research stay is part of our cooperation with Prof. Nikil Dutt from the Departments of Computer Science, Cognitive Sciences, and EECS at UCI on the information…

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Two new papers accepted at the SAMOS 2019 Conference

We got two papers addressing different aspects of manycore architectures accepted at SAMOS XIX, the 19th edition of the SAMOS Conference. One of the accepted papers, authored by Akshay Srivatsa, Sven Rheindt, Dirk Gabriel, Thomas Wild and Andreas Herkersdorf, covers the memory architecture of…

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Paper accepted at Learning Classifier Systems workshop

The paper titled "LCS-Based Automatic Configuration of Approximate Computing Parameters for FPGA System Designs" authored by Simon Conrady, Arne Kreddig, Manu Manuel and Walter Stechele has been accepted for publication at the International Workshop on Learning Classifier Systems (IWLCS). The paper…

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LIS organized SelPhyS 2019, the workshop on "Self-Awareness in Cyber-Physical Systems"

On April 15 and 16, 2019 we organized SelPhyS 2019, the 4th edition of the workshop on applying self-awareness in the design of embedded and cyber-physical systems, in the Theresianum on the TUM City Campus. The concept of self-awareness is currently a hot research topic in many technical domains.…

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New paper on CNNs accepted at SAIAD workshop

Our authors A. Frickenstein, MR Vemparala, C. Unger, F. Ayar and W. Stechele got their paper titled "DSC Dense-Sparse Convolution for Vectorized Inference of Convolutional Neural Networks" accepted at the Workshop on Safe Artificial Intelligence for Automated Driving (SAIAD). This workshop is held…