Lengl, Manuel; Schumann, Simon; Röhrl, Stefan; Hayden, Oliver; Diepold, Klaus: Homomorphic Encryption in Federated Medical Image Classification. 2025 IEEE 4th International Conference on AI in Cybersecurity (ICAIC), IEEE, 2025, 1-6 mehr…BibTeX
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Hein, Alice; Diepold, Klaus: Exploring Early Number Abilities With Multimodal Transformers. Cognitive Science 48 (9), 2024 mehr…BibTeX
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Sabine Farschtschi, Manuel Lengl, Stefan Röhrl, Christian Klenk, Oliver Hayden, Klaus Diepold, Michael Pfaffl: Digital Holographic Microscopy in Veterinary Medicine - A Feasibility Study to Analyze Label-Free Leukocytes in Blood and Milk of Dairy Cows. Animals 14 (21), 2024 mehr…BibTeX
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Konferenzbeiträge / Poster
Gronauer, Sven and Haider, Tom and Schmoeller da Roza, Felippe and Diepold, Klaus: Reinforcement Learning with Ensemble Model Predictive Safety Certification. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, 2024 mehr…BibTeX
Hein, Alice; Diepold, Klaus: Modeling the Emergence of Letter Shapes. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2024 mehr…BibTeX
Hein, Alice; Gronauer, Sven; Diepold, Klaus: Patient-Specific Modeling of Daily Activity Patterns for Unsupervised Detection of Psychotic and Non-Psychotic Relapses. 2024 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Workshops (ICASSPW), IEEE, 2024, 43-44 mehr…BibTeX
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Gronauer, Sven; Stümke, Daniel; Diepold, Klaus: Comparing Quadrotor Control Policies for Zero-Shot Reinforcement Learning under Uncertainty and Partial Observability. 2023 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), IEEE, 2023 mehr…BibTeX
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Klenk, Christian; Fresacher, David; Röhrl, Stefan; Heim, Dominik; Lengl, Manuel; Schumann, Simon; Knopp, Martin; Diepold, Klaus; Holdenrieder, Stefan; Hayden, Oliver: Measurement of Platelet Aggregation in Ageing Samples and After in-Vitro Activation. Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies, SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 2023 mehr…BibTeX
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Röhrl, Stefan; Groll, Johannes; Lengl, Manuel; Schumann, Simon; Klenk, Christian; Heim, Dominik; Knopp, Martin; Hayden, Oliver; Diepold, Klaus: Towards Interpretable Classification of Leukocytes based on Deep Learning. 3rd Workshop on Interpretable Machine Learning in Healthcare (IMLH), 2023 mehr…BibTeX
Röhrl, Stefan; Bernhard, Lukas; Lengl, Manuel; Klenk, Christian; Heim, Dominik; Knopp, Martin; Schumann, Simon; Hayden, Oliver; Diepold, Klaus: Explainable Feature Learning with Variational Autoencoders for Holographic Image Analysis. Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies, SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 2023 mehr…BibTeX
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Röhrl, Stefan; Janotte, Christian; Klenk, Christian; Heim, Dominik; Lengl, Manuel; Hein, Alice; Knopp, Martin; Hayden, Oliver; Diepold, Klaus: Rethinking Usability Heuristics for Modern Biomedical Interfaces. The Sixteenth International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions (ACHI), 2023 mehr…BibTeX
Detection of Cell Aggregates using Quantitative Phase-Contrast Microscopy. 2023, (anderer Eintrag) mehr…BibTeX
Detection of molecular biological objects, cellular biological objects and cell aggregates using quantitative phase-contrast microscopy. 2023, (anderer Eintrag) mehr…BibTeX
Gronauer, Sven: Bullet-Safety-Gym: A Framework for Constrained Reinforcement Learning. Technical University of Munich, 2023, mehr…BibTeX
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Bücher / Beiträge zu Sammelbänden
Kissel, Matthias; Gottwald, Martin; Gjeroska, Biljana; Paukner, Philipp; Diepold, Klaus: Backpropagation Through States: Training Neural Networks with Sequentially Semiseparable Weight Matrices. In: Progress in Artificial Intelligence. Springer International Publishing, 2022 mehr…BibTeX
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Kissel, Matthias; Gronauer, Sven; Korte, Mathias; Sacchetto, Luca; Diepold, Klaus: Exploiting Structures in Weight Matrices for Efficient Real-Time Drone Control with Neural Networks. In: Progress in Artificial Intelligence. Springer International Publishing, 2022 mehr…BibTeX
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Schöntag, Patricia; Nakath, David; Röhrl, Stefan; Köser, Kevin: Towards Cross Domain Transfer Learning for Underwater Correspondence Search. In: Image Analysis and Processing – ICIAP 2022. Springer International Publishing, 2022 mehr…BibTeX
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Gronauer, Sven; Kissel, Matthias; Sacchetto, Luca; Korte, Mathias; Diepold, Klaus J.: Using Simulation Optimization to Improve Zero-shot Policy Transfer of Quadrotors. 2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2022 mehr…BibTeX
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Meier, Lukas J.; Hein, Alice; Diepold, Klaus; Buyx, Alena: Algorithms for Ethical Decision-Making in the Clinic: A Proof of Concept. The American Journal of Bioethics 22 (7), 2022, 4-20 mehr…BibTeX
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Meier, Lukas J.; Hein, Alice; Diepold, Klaus; Buyx, Alena: Clinical Ethics – To Compute, or Not to Compute? The American Journal of Bioethics, 2022, 1-4 mehr…BibTeX
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Tnani, Mohamed-Ali; Feil, Michael; Diepold, Klaus: Smart Data Collection System for Brownfield CNC Milling Machines: A New Benchmark Dataset for Data-Driven Machine Monitoring. Procedia CIRP 107, 2022, 131-136 mehr…BibTeX
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Tnani, Mohamed-Ali; Subarnaduti, Paul; Diepold, Klaus: Efficient Feature Learning Approach for Raw Industrial Vibration Data Using Two-Stage Learning Framework. Sensors 22 (13), 2022, 4813 mehr…BibTeX
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Gottwald, Martin; Shen, Hao: On the Compatibility of Multistep Lookahead and Hessian Approximation for Neural Residual Gradient. The Multi-disciplinary Conference on Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making, 2022Providence, USAmehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Gottwald, Martin; Shen, Hao; Diepold, Klaus: A Critical Point Analysis of Actor-Critic Algorithms with Neural Networks. 6th IFAC Conference on Intelligent Control and Automation Sciences, 2022Cluj-Napoca, Romaniamehr…BibTeX
Gronauer, Sven; Kissel, Matthias; Sacchetto, Luca; Korte, Mathias; Diepold, Klaus: Using Simulation Optimization to Improve Zero-shot Policy Transfer of Quadrotors. 2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), IEEE, 2022 mehr…BibTeX
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Hein, Alice; Diepold, Klaus: Comparing Intuitions about Agents’ Goals, Preferences and Actions in Human Infants and Video Transformers. Shared Visual Representations in Human & Machine Intelligence Workshop, 2022NeurIPS 2022mehr…BibTeX
Hein, Alice; Diepold, Klaus: Winning Solution of the BIB MVCS Challenge 2022. The First challenge on Machine Visual Common Sense: Perception, Prediction, Planning, 2022ECCV 2022mehr…BibTeX
Hein, Alice; Diepold, Klaus: A Minimal Model for Compositional Generalization on gSCAN. Proceedings of the Fifth BlackboxNLP Workshop on Analyzing and Interpreting Neural Networks for NLP, 2022Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (Hybrid), 1-15 mehr…BibTeX
Hein, Alice; Meier, Lukas J.; Buyx, Alena M.; Diepold, Klaus: A Fuzzy-Cognitive-Maps Approach to Decision-Making in Medical Ethics. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), IEEE, 2022 mehr…BibTeX
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Hein, Alice; Rohrl, Stefan; Grobel, Thea; Lengl, Manuel; Hafez, Nawal; Knopp, Martin; Klenk, Christian; Heim, Dominik; Hayden, Oliver; Diepold, Klaus: A Comparison of Uncertainty Quantification Methods for Active Learning in Image Classification. 2022 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), IEEE, 2022 mehr…BibTeX
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Kissel, Matthias; Diepold, Klaus: Convolutional Neural Networks with analytically determined Filters. 2022 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), IEEE, 2022 mehr…BibTeX
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Tnani, Mohamed-Ali; Subarnaduti, Paul; Diepold, Klaus: Extract, Compress and Encode: LitNet an Efficient Autoencoder for Noisy Time-Series Data. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), IEEE, 2022 mehr…BibTeX
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Calibration Of Devices For Optical analysis Of Blood Samples. 2022, (anderer Eintrag) mehr…BibTeX
Calibration of devices for optical analysis of blood samples. 2022, (anderer Eintrag) mehr…BibTeX
Klaus Diepold, Sven Gronauer, Matthias Kissel, Mohamed Ali Tnani: Data Science for the Environment. TUM Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2022, mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Stephan Nüßlein: Algorithms for Matrix Approximations with Time Varying Systems. Masterarbeit, 2022 mehr…BibTeX
Sven Gronauer, Klaus Diepold, Mohamed Ali Tnani, Michael Zwick: Trend Reports about Artificial Intelligence for 6G telecommunication. , 2022 mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Gottwald, Martin; Gronauer, Sven; Shen, Hao; Diepold, Klaus: Analysis and Optimisation of Bellman Residual Errors with Neural Function Approximation. CoRR abs/2106.08774, 2021 mehr…BibTeX
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Gronauer, Sven; Diepold, Klaus: Multi-agent deep reinforcement learning: a survey. Artificial Intelligence Review 55 (2), 2021, 895-943 mehr…BibTeX
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Gronauer, Sven; Diepold, Klaus: Multi-agent deep reinforcement learning: a survey. Artificial Intelligence Review, 2021 mehr…BibTeX
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Konferenzbeiträge / Poster
Corletto, Mirko; Kissel, Matthias; Diepold, Klaus: Impact of Real-World Market Conditions on Returns of Deep Learning based Trading Strategies. 2021 International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME), IEEE, 2021 mehr…BibTeX
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Gronauer, Sven; Gottwald, Martin; Diepold, Klaus: The Successful Ingredients of Policy Gradient Algorithms. Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization, 2021 mehr…BibTeX
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Gronauer, Sven; Gottwald, Martin; Diepold, Klaus: The Successful Ingredients of Policy Gradient Algorithms. Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization, 2021 mehr…BibTeX
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Bücher / Beiträge zu Sammelbänden
Hafez, Nawal; Dietrich, Vincent; Roehrl, Stefan: Analysis of Different Methods to Close the Reality Gap for Instance Segmentation in a Flexible Assembly Cell. In: Advances in Service and Industrial Robotics. Springer International Publishing, 2020 mehr…BibTeX
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Ayadi, Ahmed; Pfeiffer, Jakob: Measurement Correction for Electric Vehicles Based on Compressed Sensing. IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 1, 2020, 109-119 mehr…BibTeX
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Pfeiffer, Jakob; Wu, Xuyi; Ayadi, Ahmed: Evaluation of Three Different Approaches for Automated Time Delay Estimation for Distributed Sensor Systems of Electric Vehicles. Sensors 20 (2), 2020, 351 mehr…BibTeX
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Ahmed Ayadi, Jakob Pfeiffer, Mohamed Ali Razouane: Self-Learning Enhancement of Measurement Quality with Artificial Intelligence. TRA VISIONS 2020 Young Researcher Competition, 2020 mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Hausamann, Peter; Sinnott, Christian; MacNeilage, Paul R.: Positional head-eye tracking outside the lab: an open-source solution. ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications, ACM, 2020 mehr…BibTeX
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Matthias Kissel, Martin Gottwald, Klaus Diepold: Neural Network Training with Safe Regularization in the Null Space of Batch Activations. International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, 2020 mehr…BibTeX
Konferenzbeiträge / Poster
Jakob Pfeiffer: Predicting the present. Time Series Prediction for Measurements of Electric Power Trains. Forum ISTS2020 (Forum on Integrated and Sustainable Transportation Systems 2020), 2020, 21 mehr…BibTeX
Pfeiffer, Jakob; Razouane, Mohamed Ali: Time Series Prediction for Measurements of Electric Power Trains. 2020 Forum on Integrated and Sustainable Transportation Systems (FISTS), IEEE, 2020 mehr…BibTeX
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Designing a Multimodal Emotional Interface in the Context of Negotiation. , International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. ( Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12200) Springer Verlag, 2020 mehr…BibTeX
Klaus Diepold, Sven Gronauer, Matthias Kissel: Causality in Machine Learning. Lehrstuhl für Datenverarbeitung, 2020, mehr…BibTeX
Hausamann, Peter; Daumer, Martin; MacNeilage, Paul R.; Glasauer, Stefan: Ecological Momentary Assessment of Head Motion: Toward Normative Data of Head Stabilization. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13, 2019 mehr…BibTeX
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Jakob Pfeiffer, Peter Wolf, Roberto Pereira: A Fleet-Based Machine Learning Approach for Automatic Detection of Deviations between Measurements and Reality. 2019 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 2019, 7 mehr…BibTeX
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Jakob Pfeiffer, Xuyi Wu: Automated Time Delay Estimation for Distributed Sensor Systems of EVs. The 10th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications, 2019, 6 mehr…BibTeX
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Konferenzbeiträge / Poster
Jakob Pfeiffer, Peter Wolf, Roberto Pereira: A Fleet-Based Machine Learning Approach for Automatic Detection of Deviations between Measurements and Reality. 2019 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 2019 mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Jakob Pfeiffer, Xuyi Wu: Automated Time Delay Estimation for Distributed Sensor Systems of EVs. The 10th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications, 2019, 37 mehr…BibTeX
Matthias Kissel, Klaus Diepold: Sobolev Training with Approximated Derivatives for Black-Box Function Regression with Neural Networks. European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, 2019 mehr…BibTeX
Shen, Hao; Gottwald, Martin: Demystification of Flat Minima and Generalisability of Deep Neural Networks. International Conference on Machine Learning, 2019Understanding and Improving Generalization in Deep Learningmehr…BibTeX
Spreng, Martina; Knopp, Martin; Heiser, Ingrid: Enthused for Engineering – A Robot Competition to Promote STEM Interests in High School Students. 11th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN19), IATED, 2019, 6634-6642 mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (
Stefan Röhrl, Matthias Ugele, Christian Klenk, Dominik Heim, Oliver Hayden and Klaus Diepold: Autoencoder Features for Differentiation of Leukocytes based on Digital Holographic Microscopy (DHM). Computer Aided Systems Theory - EUROCAST 2019, Springer, 2019 mehr…BibTeX
Klaus Diepold, Sven Gronauer, Matthias Kissel: Emotion for Robots: A Collection of Trend Reports. Lehrstuhl für Datenverarbeitung, 2019, mehr…BibTeX
Sagel, A.; Kleinsteuber, M.: Alignment Distances on Systems of Bags. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 28 (10), 2018, 2551-2561 mehr…BibTeX
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Konferenzbeiträge / Poster
Aykın, Can; Knopp, Martin; Diepold, Klaus: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Formation Control. 27th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2018), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2018Nanjing, China, 1124-1128 mehr…BibTeX
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Volltext (mediaTUM)
Gottwald, Martin; Guo, Mingpan; Shen, Hao: Neural Value Function Approximation in Continuous State Reinforcement Learning Problems. European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning 14 (2018), 2018Lille, Francemehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Sagel, Alexander; Gottwald, Martin: Never Mind the Density, Here's the Level Set. NeurIPS Workshop on Bayesian Deep Learning, 2018 mehr…BibTeX
Berberich, Nicolas; Diepold, Klaus: The Virtuous Machine - Old Ethics for New Technology? 2018 mehr…BibTeX
Shiv Contractor, Michael Moosmeier, Sebastian Schuon: Research Paths Towards Thinking A.I. Lehrstuhl für Datenverarbeitung , 2018, mehr…BibTeX
J. Lüthen, J. Wörmann, M. Kleinsteuber, and J. Steurer: A RGB/NIR Data Set For Evaluating Dehazing Algorithms. Electronic Imaging, Image Quality and System Performance XIV, 2017 mehr…BibTeX
Konferenzbeiträge / Poster
Christ, P. F.; Schlecht, S.; Ettlinger, F.; Grün, F.; Heinle, C.; Tatavatry, S.; Ahmadi, S.; Diepold, K.; Menze, B. H.: Diabetes60 — Inferring Bread Units From Food Images Using Fully Convolutional Neural Networks. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCVW), 2017Venice, Italy, 1526-1535 mehr…BibTeX
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Gamper, Veronika; Butz, Andreas; Diepold, Klaus: Sooner or Later?: Immediate Feedback As a Source of Inspiration in Electronic Brainstorming. Proceedings of the 29th Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction (OZCHI '17), ACM, 2017Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 182-190 mehr…BibTeX
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Gottwald, Martin; Meyer, Dominik; Hao Shen; Diepold, Klaus: Learning to walk with prior knowledge. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), IEEE, 2017, 1369-1374 mehr…BibTeX
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Knopp, Martin; Aykin, Can; Feldmaier, Johannes; Shen, Hao: Formation Control using GQ(λ) Reinforcement Learning. 26th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2017), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2017Lisbon, Portugal, 1043-1048 mehr…BibTeX
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Volltext (mediaTUM)
Kayhan, Mert; Günther, Johannes; Diepold, Klaus: Optimal Parameter and Memory-Size Search for Multi-timescale Nexting. Technische Universität München, Lehrstuhl für Datenverarbeitung, 2017, mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Reichensdörfer, Elias; Günther, Johannes; Diepold, Klaus: Recurrent Neural Networks for PID Auto-tuning – Adaptive Control and Identification of Nonlinear Systems. Technische Universität München, Lehrstuhl für Datenverarbeitung, 2017, mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Sandner, Christiane; Günther, Johannes; Diepold, Klaus: Automated Optimization of Dynamic Neural Network Structure using Genetic Algorithms. Technische Universität München, Lehrstuhl für Datenverarbeitung, 2017, mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Schmid, Ulrich; Günther, Johannes; Diepold, Klaus: Stacked Denoising and Stacked Convolutional Autoencoders – An Evaluation of Transformation Robustness for Spatial Data Representations. Technische Universität München, Lehrstuhl für Datenverarbeitung, 2017, mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Schönung, Gabriel; Habigt, Julian; Diepold, Klaus: Hole Filling for 3-D View Synthesis Using Sparse Representations. Lehrstuhl für Datenverarbeitung, 2017, mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Seibert, M.; Wörmann, J.; Gribonval, R.; Kleinsteuber, M.: Learning Co-Sparse Analysis Operators with Separable Structures. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2016 mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (
Christoph Passenberg, Dominik Meyer, Johannes Feldmaier, Hao Shen: Optimal Water Heater Control in Smart Home Environments. IEEE Energycon 2016, 2016 mehr…BibTeX
Konferenzbeiträge / Poster
Dominik Meyer, Christoph Passenberg, Johannes Feldmaier, Hao Shen: Dynamic Programming for Smart Water Heater Control. Integration of Sustainable Energy Conference (iSEneC) 2016, 2016 mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Dominik Meyer, Johannes Feldmaier, Hao Shen: Reinforcement Learning in Conflicting Environments for Autonomous Vehicles. Robotics in the 21st Century: Challenges and Promises, 2016 mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Johannes Feldmaier, Dominik Meyer, Klaus Diepold: Monitoring Smart Energy Systems using Multi-timescale Nexting. Integration of Sustainable Energy Conference (iSEneC), 2016 mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Johannes Feldmaier, Dominik Meyer, Hao Shen, Klaus Diepold: Monitoring and Prediction in Smart Energy Systems via Multi-timescale Nexting. Lehrstuhl für Datenverarbeitung, eprint arXiv:1607.05015, 2016, mehr…BibTeX
Johannes Feldmaier, Tamara Marmat, Johannes Kuhn, Klaus Diepold: Evaluation of a RGB-LED-based Emotion Display for Affective Agents. , Hrsg.: eprint arXiv:1612.07303: Lehrstuhl für Datenverarbeitung, 2016, mehr…BibTeX
Marco Lück, Ulrich Kirchmaier: Geometrically based depth assignment using a single image. Lehrstuhl für Datenverarbeitung, TUM, 2016, mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Gribonval, R.; Jenatton, R.; Bach, F.; Kleinsteuber, M.; Seibert, M.: Sample Complexity of Dictionary Learning and other Matrix Factorizations. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2015 mehr…BibTeX
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Günther, Johannes; Pilarski, Patrick M.; Helfrich, Gerhard; Shen, Hao; Diepold, Klaus: Intelligent laser welding through representation, prediction, and control learning: An architecture with deep neural networks and reinforcement learning. Mechatronics, 2015 mehr…BibTeX
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Soaz, Christina; Diepold, Klaus: Step Detection and Parameterization for Gait Assessment Using a Single Waist-Worn Accelerometer. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering PP (99), 2015 mehr…BibTeX
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Konferenzbeiträge / Poster
Feldmaier, Johannes; Meyer, Dominik, Shen, Hao; Diepold, Klaus: Reinforcement Learning with Preferences. The 2nd Multidisciplinary Conference on Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making, 2015Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 143 - 147 mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Hage, C.; Kleinsteuber, M.: Robust Structured Low-Rank Approximation on the Grassmannian. Int. Conference on Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation (LVA/ICA), 2015 mehr…BibTeX
Kleinsteuber, M.; Shen, H.: Block-Jacobi methods with Newton-steps and non-unitary joint matrix diagonalization. Conference on Geometric Science of Information, 2015 mehr…BibTeX
Lang, M.; Kleinsteuber, M.; Dunkley, O.; Hirche, S.: Gaussian Process Dynamical Models over Dual Quaternions. European Control Conference (ECC '15), 2015 mehr…BibTeX
Sagel, A.; Meyer, D.; Shen, H.: Texture Retrieval Using Scattering Coefficients and Probability Product Kernels. Int. Conference on Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation (LVA/ICA), 2015 mehr…BibTeX
Seibert, M.; Kleinsteuber, M.: On the Sample Complexity of Analysis Operator Learning. Proceedings of SPARS 2015, 2015 mehr…BibTeX
Shen, H.; Kleinsteuber, M.: A Block-Jacobi Algorithm for Non-Symmetric Joint Diagonalization of Matrices. Int. Conference on Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation (LVA/ICA), 2015 mehr…BibTeX
Specht, R.; Heyszl, J.; Kleinsteuber, M.; Sigl G.: Improving Non-Profiled Attacks on Exponentiations Based on Clustering and Extracting Leakage from Multi-Channel High-Resolution EM Measurements. International Workshop on Constructive Side-Channel Analysis and Secure Design (COSADE '15), 2015 mehr…BibTeX
Wei, X.; Shen, H.; Kleinsteuber, M.: Invertible Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction via Joint Dictionary Learning. Int. Conference on Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation (LVA/ICA), 2015 mehr…BibTeX
Christian Maksymiw, Johannes Feldmaier, Dominik Meyer, Hao Shen and Klaus Diepold: Architecture for Emotional Appraisal of Multi-timescale Nexting. Workshop Submission, 2015 mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Hieber, Phanuel; Feldmaier, Johannes; Knopp, Martin; Meyer, Dominik: Yocto Project on the Gumstix Overo Board. , Hrsg.: Technische Universität München: Technische Universität München, Lehrstuhl für Datenverarbeitung, 2015, mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
C. Hage, T. Habigt, and M. Kleinsteuber: Sparse DOA Estimation of Wideband Sound Sources Using Circular Harmonics. Technical Report, Technische Universität München, 2014 mehr…BibTeX
G. Chabriel, M. Kleinsteuber, E. Moreau, H. Shen, P. Tichavsky, and A. Yeredor: Joint Matrices Decompositions and Blind Source Separation: A survey of methods, identification, and applications. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 2014 mehr…BibTeX
Hage C., and Kleinsteuber M.: Robust PCA and subspace tracking from incomplete observations using L0-surrogates. Computational Statistics, 2014 mehr…BibTeX
Hoßfeld, Tobias; Keimel, Christian; Hirth, Matthias; Gardlo, Bruno; Habigt, Julian; Diepold, Klaus; Tran-Gia, Phuoc: Best Practices for QoE Crowdtesting: QoE Assessment with Crowdsourcing. Multimedia, IEEE Transactions on 16 (2), 2014, 541--558 mehr…BibTeX
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Volltext (mediaTUM)
Kiechle, M.; Habigt, T.; Hawe, S.; Kleinsteuber, M.: A Bimodal Co-Sparse Analysis Model for Image Processing. International Journal of Computer Vision, 2014 mehr…BibTeX
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Kiechle, Martin; Habigt, Tim; Hawe, Simon; Kleinsteuber, Martin: A Bimodal Co-sparse Analysis Model for Image Processing. International Journal of Computer Vision, 2014, 1-15 mehr…BibTeX
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Seidel, Florian and Hage, Clemens and Kleinsteuber, Martin: pROST: a smoothed lp-norm robust online subspace tracking method for background subtraction in video. Machine Vision and Applications, 2014 mehr…BibTeX
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Horch, Clemens; Habigt, Julian; Keimel, Christian; Diepold, Klaus: Evaluation of Video Quality Fluctuations Using Pattern Categorisation. Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX), 2014 Sixth International Workshop on, IEEE, 2014, 117 - 122 mehr…BibTeX
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Volltext (mediaTUM)
Karjee, J.; Kleinsteuber, M.; Jamadagni, H.S.: Spatial Data Estimation in Three Dimensional Distributed Wireless Sensor Networks. International Conference on Embedded Systems (ICES'14), 2014, 139-144 mehr…BibTeX
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Nieuwenhuis, C.; Cremers, D.; Hawe, S.; Kleinsteuber, M.: Co-Sparse Textural Similarity for Image Segmentation. European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV'14), 2014Zürich, Switzerlandmehr…BibTeX
Seibert, M.; Wörmann, J.; Gribonval, R.; Kleinsteuber, M.: Separable Cosparse Analysis Operator Learning. European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2014Lisbon, Portugalmehr…BibTeX
Konferenzbeiträge / Poster
Feldmaier, Johannes; Diepold, Klaus: Path-finding Using Reinforcement Learning and Affective States. The 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, 2014, 543 - 548 mehr…BibTeX
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Volltext (mediaTUM)
Günther, J.; Pilarski, P.M., Helfrich, G., Shen, H., Diepold, K.: First Steps Towards an Intelligent Laser Welding Architecture Using Deep Neural Networks and Reinforcement Learning. 2nd International Conference on System-Integrated Intelligence: Challenges for Product and Production Engineering, 2014, 474 - 483 mehr…BibTeX
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Volltext (mediaTUM)
Günther, J.; Shen, H.; Diepold, K.: Neural Networks for fast sensor data processing in Laser Welding. Jahreskolloquium - Bildverarbeitung in der Automation, 2014 mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Jordan, J.; Hirsenkorn, N.; Klanner, F.; Kleinsteuber, M.: Vehicle Mass Estimation Based on Vehicle Vertical Dynamics Using a Multi-Model Filter. Proc. of the 17th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC'14), 2014Qingdao, China, 2041-2046 mehr…BibTeX
M. Seibert, M. Kleinsteuber, R. Gribonval, R. Jenatton, and F. Bach: On the Sample Complexity of Dictionary Learning. IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop (SSP), 2014 mehr…BibTeX
X. Wei, H. Shen, and M. Kleinsteuber: An Adaptive Dictionary Learning Approach for Modeling Dynamical Textures. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2014 mehr…BibTeX
Burger, Patrick; Rothbucher, Martin; Diepold, Klaus: Self-initializing Head Pose Estimation With a 2D Monocular USB Camera. Technische Universität München, Lehrstuhl für Datenverarbeitung, 2014, mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Feldmaier, Johannes; Rothbucher, Martin; Diepold, Klaus: Sound Localization and Separation for Teleconferencing Systems. Technische Universität München, Lehrstuhl für Datenverarbeitung, 2014, mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Grasser, Thomas; Rothbucher, Martin; Diepold, Klaus: Auswahlverfahren für HRTFs zur 3D Sound Synthese. Technische Universität München, Lehrstuhl für Datenverarbeitung, 2014, mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Grasser, Thomas; Rothbucher, Martin; Diepold, Klaus: Speaker localization and separation in teleconferences. Technische Universität München, Lehrstuhl für Datenverarbeitung, 2014, mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Kozielski, Christoph Dominik; Rothbucher, Martin; Diepold, Klaus: Online Speaker Recognition for Teleconferencing Systems. Technische Universität München, Lehrstuhl für Datenverarbeitung, 2014, mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Kuhn, Alexander; Rothbucher, Martin; Diepold, Klaus: HRTF Customization using the LDV HRTF-database. Technische Universität München, Lehrstuhl für Datenverarbeitung, 2014, mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Kuhn, Alexander; Rothbucher, Martin; Diepold, Klaus: HRTF Customization by Regression. Technische Universität München, Lehrstuhl für Datenverarbeitung, 2014, mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Paukner, Philipp; Rothbucher, Martin; Diepold, Klaus: Sound Localization Performance Comparison of Different HRTF-Individualization Methods. Technische Universität München, Lehrstuhl für Datenverarbeitung, 2014, mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Plutka, Tobias; Rothbucher, Martin; Diepold, Klaus: Evaluation of a Channel Assignment Algorithm. Technische Universität München, Lehrstuhl für Datenverarbeitung, 2014, mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Rothbucher, Martin; Denk, Christian; Reverchon, Martin; Shen, Hao; Diepold, Klaus: Robotic Sound Source Separation using Independent Vector Analysis. Technische Universität München, Lehrstuhl für Datenverarbeitung, 2014, mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Rothbucher, Martin; Paukner, Philipp; Stimpfl, Martin; Diepold, Klaus: The TUM-LDV HRTF Database. Technische Universität München, Lehrstuhl für Datenverarbeitung, 2014, mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Rothbucher, Martin; Volk, Thomas; Habigt, Tim; Diepold, Klaus: The Audiolab at the Institute for Data Processing, TUM. Technische Universität München, Lehrstuhl für Datenverarbeitung, 2014, mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Unverdorben, Michael; Rothbucher, Martin; Diepold, Klaus: Blind Source Separation for Speaker Recognition Systems. Technische Universität München, Lehrstuhl für Datenverarbeitung, 2014, mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Volk, Thomas; Rothbucher, Martin; Diepold, Klaus: Quality of Experience - Evaluierung eines Telekonferenzsystems in der Entwicklungsphase. Technische Universität München, Lehrstuhl für Datenverarbeitung, 2014, mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Bücher / Beiträge zu Sammelbänden
Kleinsteuber, Martin; Hawe, Simon: A Discretized Newton Flow for Time-Varying Linear Inverse Problems. In: Latorre Carmona, Pedro; Sánchez, J. Salvador; Fred, Ana L.N. (Hrsg.): Mathematical Methodologies in Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. Springer New York, 2013, 99-110 mehr…BibTeX
Kleinsteuber, Martin; Hawe, Simon: A Discretized Newton Flow for Time-Varying Linear Inverse Problems. In: Latorre Carmona, Pedro; Sánchez, J. Salvador; Fred, Ana L.N. (Hrsg.): Mathematical Methodologies in Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. Springer New York, 2013, 99-110 mehr…BibTeX
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Belav`y, Daniel L; Gast, Ulf; Daumer, Martin; Fomina, Elena; Rawer, Rainer; Schiessl, Hans; Schneider, Stefan; Schubert, Harald; Soaz, Cristina; Felsenberg, Dieter: Progressive Adaptation in Physical Activity and Neuromuscular Performance during 520d Confinement. PloS one 8 (3), 2013, e60090 mehr…BibTeX
Hage, Clemens and Kleinsteuber, Martin: Robust PCA and subspace tracking from incomplete observations using l0-surrogates. Technical Report, Technische Universität München, 2013 mehr…BibTeX
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Hawe, S.; Kleinsteuber, M.; Diepold, K.: Analysis Operator Learning and its Application to Image Reconstruction. Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on 22 (6), 2013, 2138-2150 mehr…BibTeX
Hawe, S.; Kleinsteuber, M.; Diepold, K.: Analysis Operator Learning and its Application to Image Reconstruction. Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on 22 (6), 2013, 2138-2150 mehr…BibTeX
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Hüper, K.; Kleinsteuber, M.; Shen, H.: Averaging complex subspaces via a Karcher mean approach. Signal Process., issue_ 93 (2), 2013, 459--467 mehr…BibTeX
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Kiechle, M.; Hawe, S.; Kleinsteuber, M.: A Joint Intensity and Depth Co-Sparse Analysis Model for Depth Map Super-Resolution. Technical Report, Technische Universität München, 2013 mehr…BibTeX
Kleinsteuber, M.; Shen, H.: Uniqueness Analysis of Non-Unitary Matrix Joint Diagonalization. Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on 61 (7), 2013, 1786-1796 mehr…BibTeX
Kleinsteuber, M.; Shen, H.: Uniqueness Analysis of Non-Unitary Matrix Joint Diagonalization. Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on 61 (7), 2013, 1786-1796 mehr…BibTeX
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Rothbucher, Martin; Veprek, Kajetan; Paukner, Philipp; Habigt, Tim; Diepold, Klaus: Comparison of head-related impulse response measurement approaches. J. Acoust. Soc. Am, pp. EL223-EL229 Volume 134 ( Issue 2), 2013 mehr…BibTeX
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Seidel, F.; Hage, C.; Kleinsteuber, M.: pROST : A Smoothed lp-norm Robust Online Subspace Tracking Method for Realtime Background Subtraction in Video. Technical Report, Technische Universität München, 2013 mehr…BibTeX
Wörmann, J.; Hawe, S.; Kleinsteuber, M.: Analysis Based Blind Compressive Sensing. Signal Processing Letters, IEEE 20 (5), 2013, 491-494 mehr…BibTeX
Wörmann, J.; Hawe, S.; Kleinsteuber, M.: Analysis Based Blind Compressive Sensing. Signal Processing Letters, IEEE 20 (5), 2013, 491-494 mehr…BibTeX
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Abele, Lisa; Anic, Maja; Gutmann, Tim; Folmer, Jens; Kleinsteuber, Martin; Vogel-Heuser, Birgit: Combining Knowledge Modeling and Machine Learning for Alarm Root Cause Analysis. IFAC Conference on Manufacturing, Modeling and Control (MIM13), 2013 mehr…BibTeX
Habigt, Julian; Diepold, Klaus: Image Completion for View Synthesis Using Markov Random Fields and Efficient Belief Propagation. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2013), 2013, 2131--2134 mehr…BibTeX
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Volltext (mediaTUM)
Horch, Clemens; Keimel, Christian; Habigt, Julian; Diepold, Klaus: Length-independent Refinement of Video Quality Metrics Based on Multiway Data Analysis. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2013), 2013, 44--48 mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Keimel, Christian; Pangerl, Christopher; Diepold, Klaus: Comparison of Lossless Video Codecs for Crowd-based Quality Assessment on Tablets. Seventh International Workshop on Video Processing and Quality Metrics for Consumer Electronics - VPQM 2013 , 2013 mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Redi, Judith; Hoßfeld, Tobias; Korshunov, Pavel; Mazza, Filippo; Povoa, Isabel; Keimel, Christian: Crowdsourcing-based multimedia subjective evaluations: a case study on image recognizability and aesthetic appeal. CrowdMM '13 Proceedings of the 2nd ACM international workshop on Crowdsourcing for multimedia , 2013, 29-34 mehr…BibTeX
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Redl, Arne; Keimel, Christian; Diepold, Klaus: Saliency based video quality prediction using multi-way data analysis. Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX), 2013 Fifth International Workshop on , 2013, 188-193 mehr…BibTeX
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Shen, H.; Kleinsteuber, M.: Double Blind Separation of Compressively Sensed Signals. Proceedings of SPARS 2013, 2013 mehr…BibTeX
Wörmann, J.; Kleinsteuber, M.: Analysis Based Blind Compressive Sensing. Proceedings of SPARS 2013, 2013 mehr…BibTeX
Konferenzbeiträge / Poster
Abele, Lisa and Grimm, Stephan: Knowledge-based Integration of Industrial Plant Models. Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON2013), 2013 mehr…BibTeX
Abele, Lisa; Hansen, Thorbjorn; Kleinsteuber, Martin: A knowledge engineering methodology for resource monitoring in the industrial domain. IFAC Conference on Manufacturing, Modeling and Control (MIM13), 2013 mehr…BibTeX
Abele, Lisa; Legat, Christoph; Grimm, Stephan; Müller, Andreas W.: Ontology-based Validation of Plant Models. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, 2013 mehr…BibTeX
Feldmaier, Johannes; Diepold, Klaus: Emotional evaluation of bandit problems. The 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, 2013, 149-154 mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Hawe, S.; Seibert, M.; Kleinsteuber, M.: Separable Dictionary Learning. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), to appear, 2013 mehr…BibTeX
Hawe, S.; Seibert, M.; Kleinsteuber, M.: Separable Dictionary Learning. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2013 mehr…BibTeX
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Kiechle, Martin and Hawe, Simon and Kleinsteuber, Martin: A Joint Intensity and Depth Co-Sparse Analysis Model for Depth Map Super-Resolution. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2013 mehr…BibTeX
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Kleinsteuber, M.; Shen, H.: A Geometric Framework for Non-unitary Joint Diagonalization of Complex Symmetric Matrices. Accepted at Geometric Science of Information, 2013 mehr…BibTeX
Kleinsteuber, M.; Shen, H.: A Geometric Framework for Non-unitary Joint Diagonalization of Complex Symmetric Matrices. Geometric Science of Information, Springer , 2013 mehr…BibTeX
Seybold, Tamara; Keimel, Christian; Knopp, Marion; Stechele, Walter: Towards an evaluation of denoising algorithms with respect to realistic camera noise. IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM2013), 2013 mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Shen, H.; Kleinsteuber, M.: Double Blind Separation of Compressively Sensed Signals. Proceedings of SPARS 2013, 2013 mehr…BibTeX
Shen, Hao and Kleinsteuber, Martin and Bilen, Cagdas and Gribonval, Remi: A conjugate gradient algorithm for blind sensor calibration in sparse recovery. IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP), 2013 mehr…BibTeX
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Weiherer, Tobias; Bouzouraa, Sayed; Hofmann, Ulrich: An interval based representation of occupancy information for driver assistance systems. Proceedings of the 16th International IEEE Anual Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2013), 2013, 21-27 mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Kiechle, M.; Hawe, S.; Kleinsteuber, M.: A Joint Intensity and Depth Co-Sparse Analysis Model for Depth Map Super-Resolution. Technische Universität München, 2013, mehr…BibTeX
Lüftl, Michael; Rothbucher, Martin; Diepold, Klaus: Effizienz und Effektivität eines 3D-Telekonferenz-Systems. Technische Universität München, Lehrstuhl für Datenverarbeitung, 2013, mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Steierer, Korbinian; Rothbucher, Martin; Diepold, Klaus: Teleconference channel assignment. Technische Universität München, Lehrstuhl für Datenverarbeitung, 2013, mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Bücher / Beiträge zu Sammelbänden
Seibert, Matthias; Kleinsteuber, Martin; Hüper, Knut: Properties of the BFGS method on Riemannian manifolds. In: Hüper, Knut; Trumpf, Jochen (Hrsg.): Mathematical System Theory, Festschrift in Honor of Uwe Helmke on the Occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday. CreateSpace, 2012 mehr…BibTeX
Shen, Hao; Kleinsteuber, Martin: Algebraic Solutions to Complex Blind Source Separation. In: Theis, Fabian; Cichocki, Andrzej; Yeredor, Arie; Zibulevsky, Michael (Hrsg.): Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, 74-81 mehr…BibTeX
Shen, Hao; Kleinsteuber, Martin: Algebraic Solutions to Complex Blind Source Separation. In: Theis, Fabian; Cichocki, Andrzej; Yeredor, Arie; Zibulevsky, Michael (Hrsg.): Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, 74-81 mehr…BibTeX
Shen, Hao; Kleinsteuber, Martin: Algebraic Solutions to Complex Blind Source Separation. In: Theis, Fabian; Cichocki, Andrzej; Yeredor, Arie; Zibulevsky, Michael (Hrsg.): Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, 74-81 mehr…BibTeX
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Swetly, Walter: "Donkey"-Sätze können in koordinierten Variablenbelegungssemantiken mit Existenquantoren formalisiert werden. In: Beitäge zur allgemeinen und vergleichenden Sprachwissenschaft. Neisse Verlag, 2012 mehr…BibTeX
Bamberger, Walter; Schlittenlacher, Josef; Diepold, Klaus: Ability-aware trust for vehicular networks. International Journal of Social Computing and Cyber-Physical Systems 1 (3), 2012, 286-307 mehr…BibTeX
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Hage, C.; Kleinsteuber, M.: Robust PCA and subspace tracking from incomplete observations using L0-surrogates. Technical Report, Technische Universität München, 2012 mehr…BibTeX
Kirchmaier, Ulrich; Hawe, Simon; Diepold, Klaus: A Swarm Intelligence inspired algorithm for contour detection in images. Applied Soft Computing (0), 2012 mehr…BibTeX
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Kleinsteuber, M.; Shen, H.: Blind Source Separation with Compressively Sensed Linear Mixtures. IEEE Signal Processing Letters 19 (2), 2012, 107--110 mehr…BibTeX
Kleinsteuber, M.; Shen, H.: Blind Source Separation with Compressively Sensed Linear Mixtures. IEEE Signal Processing Letters 19 (2), 2012, 107--110 mehr…BibTeX
Shen, Hao; Kleinsteuber, Martin: Non-Unitary Matrix Joint Diagonalization for Complex Independent Vector Analysis. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2012 (1), 2012, 241 mehr…BibTeX
Shen, Hao; Kleinsteuber, Martin: Non-Unitary Matrix Joint Diagonalization for Complex Independent Vector Analysis. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2012 (1), 2012, 241 mehr…BibTeX
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Swetly, Walter: The Role of Formal Semantics in Linguistics. Studia Linguistica XXI, 2012 mehr…BibTeX
Abele, L.; Ollinger, L.; Heck, I.; Kleinsteuber, M.: A Decentralized Resource Monitoring System Using Structural, Context and Process Information. Intelligent Robotics, Automation and Manufacturing (IRAM), 2012 International Conference on, 2012 mehr…BibTeX
Hawe, S.; Kleinsteuber, M.; Diepold, K.: Cartoon-like image reconstruction via constrained $\ell_p$-minimization. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2012 mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Hawe, Simon; Kleinsteuber, Martin; Diepold, Klaus: Cartoon-like image reconstruction via constrained lp-minimization. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2012 IEEE International Conference on, 2012 mehr…BibTeX
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Keimel, Christian; Habigt, Julian; Diepold, Klaus: Hybrid No-Reference Video Quality Metric Based on Multiway PLSR. EUSIPCO 2012: 20th European Signal Processing Conference, 2012, 1244-1248 mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Keimel, Christian; Habigt, Julian; Horch, Clemens; Diepold, Klaus: QualityCrowd - A Framework for Crowd-based Quality Evaluation. Picture Coding Symposium 2012 (PCS2012), 2012, 245-248 mehr…BibTeX
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Keimel, Christian; Habigt, Julian; Horch, Clemens; Diepold, Klaus: Video Quality Evaluation in the Cloud. International Packet Video Workshop 2012 (PV2012), 2012, 155-160 mehr…BibTeX
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Keimel, Christian; Redl, Arne; Diepold, Klaus: The TUM High Definition Video Datasets. Forth International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2012) , 2012, 97-102 mehr…BibTeX
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Keimel, Christian; Redl, Arne; Diepold, Klaus: Influence of viewing experience and stabilization phase in subjective video testing. Image Quality and System Performance IX, 2012, 829313-1 - 829313-9 mehr…BibTeX
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Volltext (mediaTUM)
Kleinsteuber, Martin; Hawe, Simon: Tracking Solutions of Time Varying Linear Inverse Problems. ICPRAM (1), 2012 mehr…BibTeX
Meyer, D.; Shen, H.; Diepold, K.: L1 Regularized Gradient Temporal-Difference Learning. The 10th European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning (3 pages), 2012 mehr…BibTeX
Meyer, Dominik; Shen, Hao; Diepold, Klaus: L1 Regularized Gradient Temporal-Difference Learning. The 10th European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning (EWRL 2012), 2012 mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Redl, Arne; Keimel, Christian; Diepold, Klaus: Influence of viewing device and soundtrack in HDTV on subjective video quality. Image Quality and System Performance IX, 2012, 829312-1 -829312-9 mehr…BibTeX
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Rothbucher, Martin; Denk, Christian; Diepold, Klaus: Robotic Gaze Control using Reinforcement Learning. IEEE International Symposium on Haptic Audio-Visual Environments and Games (HAVE), 2012 mehr…BibTeX
Schauss, Thomas; Passenberg, Carolina; Stefanov, Nikolay; Feth, Daniela; Vittorias, Iason; Peer, Angelika; Hirche, Sandra; Buss, Martin; Rothbucher, Martin; Diepold, Klaus; Kammerl, Julius; Steinbach, Eckehard: Beyond Classical Teleoperation: Assistance, Cooperation, Data Reduction, and Spatial Audio. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2012 mehr…BibTeX
Schueler, K.; Weiherer, T.; Bouzouraa, E.; Hofmann, U.: 360 Degree multi sensor fusion for static and dynamic obstacles. Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 2012 IEEE, 2012, 692 - 697 mehr…BibTeX
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Volltext (mediaTUM)
Shen, H.; Kleinsteuber, M.: A Matrix Joint Diagonalization Approach for Complex Independent Vector Analysis. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation" (LVA/ICA 2012), 2012 mehr…BibTeX
Weiherer, Tobias; Bouzouraa, Essayed; Hofmann, Ulrich: A generic map based environment representation for driver assistance systems applied to detect convoy tracks. Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 2012 15th International IEEE Conference on, 2012 mehr…BibTeX
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Konferenzbeiträge / Poster
Hawe, Simon; Kleinsteuber, Martin; Diepold, Klaus: Cartoon-like image reconstruction via constrained lp-minimization. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2012 IEEE International Conference on, 2012 mehr…BibTeX
Keimel, Christian; Habigt, Julian; Diepold, Klaus: Challenges in Crowd-based Video Quality Assessment. Forth International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2012) , 2012, 13-18 mehr…BibTeX
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Kleinsteuber, Martin; Hawe, Simon: Tracking Solutions of Time Varying Linear Inverse Problems. ICPRAM (1), 2012 mehr…BibTeX
Meyer, D.; Shen, H.; Diepold, K.: L1 Regularized Gradient Temporal-Difference Learning. The 10th European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning (3 pages), 2012 mehr…BibTeX
Shen, H.; Kleinsteuber, M.: A Matrix Joint Diagonalization Approach for Complex Independent Vector Analysis. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation" (LVA/ICA 2012), 2012 mehr…BibTeX
Shen, H.; Kleinsteuber, M.: A Matrix Joint Diagonalization Approach for Complex Independent Vector Analysis. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation" (LVA/ICA 2012), 2012 mehr…BibTeX
Soaz, C.; Daumer, M.: A feasibility study for the integration of 3D accelerometry in fall risk assessment. Proceedings BMT 2012, 46. DGBMT Jahrestagung , Jena, 2012Track Q. Personalized Medical Technology, 165-168 mehr…BibTeX
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Soaz, C.; Lederer, C.; Daumer, M.: A New Method to Estimate the Real Upper Limit of the False Alarm Rate in a 3 Accelerometry-Based Fall Detector for the Elderly. Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2012 Annual International Conference of the IEEE, 2012, 28 August - 1 September, 2012, 244-247 mehr…BibTeX
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Bücher / Beiträge zu Sammelbänden
Shen, Hao; Hüper, Knut; Kleinsteuber, Martin: On FastICA Algorithms and Some Generalisations. In: Van Dooren, Paul; Bhattacharyya, Shankar P.; Chan, Raymond H.; Olshevsky, Vadim; Routray, Aurobinda (Hrsg.): Numerical Linear Algebra in Signals, Systems and Control. Springer Netherlands, 2011, 403-432 mehr…BibTeX
Zwick, M.: Setvectors - An Efficient Method to Predict Cache Contention. In: Ao, Sio-Iong; Castillo, Oscar; Huang, Xu (Hrsg.): Intelligent Control and Computer Engineering. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2011, 245-257 mehr…BibTeX
Keimel, Christian; Rothbucher, Martin; Shen, Hao; Diepold, Klaus: Video is a Cube: Multidimensional Analysis and Video Quality Metrics. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 2011, 41-49 mehr…BibTeX
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Kirchmaier, Ulrich; Hawe, Simon; Diepold, Klaus: Dynamical Information Fusion of Heterogeneous Sensors for 3D Tracking Using Particle Swarm Optimization. Information Fusion 12 (4), 2011, 275-283 mehr…BibTeX
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Rothbucher, Martin; Kaufmann, Matthias; Feldmaier, Johannes; Habigt, Tim; Durkovic, Marko; Kozielski, Christoph; Diepold, Klaus: 3D Audio Conference System with Backward Compatible Conference Server using HRTF Synthesis. Journal of Multimedia Processing and Technologies, 2011 mehr…BibTeX
Keimel, Christian; Habigt, Julian; Klimpke, Manuel; Diepold, Klaus: Design of No-Reference Video Quality Metrics with Multiway Partial Least Squares Regression. Third International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2011), 2011 mehr…BibTeX
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Keimel, Christian; Klimpke, Manuel; Habigt, Julian; Diepold, Klaus: No-Reference Video Quality Metric for HDTV Based on H.264/AVC Bitstream Features. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2011), 2011, 3382-3385 mehr…BibTeX
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Rothbucher, Martin; Kaufmann, Matthias; Habigt, Tim; Feldmaier, Johannes; Diepold, Klaus: Backwards Compatible 3D Audio Conference Server Using HRTF Synthesis and SIP. Seventh International Conference on Signal-Image Technology and Internet-Based Systems (SITIS), 2011, 2011, 111-117 mehr…BibTeX
Konferenzbeiträge / Poster
Abele, Lisa; Kleinsteuber, Martin; Hansen, Thorbjoern: Resource Monitoring in Industrial Production with Knowledge-Based Models and Rules. Proceedings of PhD Workshop on ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, 2011, 2011 mehr…BibTeX
Da Costa Ribero, Stefan; Kleinsteuber, Martin; Möller, Andreas; Kranz, Matthias: A compressive sensing scheme of frequency sparse signals for mobile and wearable platforms. Proceedings of Eurocast 2011, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2011 mehr…BibTeX
Hawe, Simon; Kleinsteuber, Martin; Diepold, Klaus: Dense Disparity Maps from Sparse Disparity Measurements. 13th International Conference on Computer Vision, 2011 mehr…BibTeX
Hawe, Simon; Kleinsteuber, Martin; Diepold, Klaus: Dense Disparity Maps from Sparse Disparity Measurements. 13th International Conference on Computer Vision, 2011 mehr…BibTeX
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Hawe, Simon; Kleinsteuber, Martin; Diepold, Klaus: Dense Disparity Maps from Sparse Disparity Measurements. Proceedings of the 13th Internationl Conference on Computer Vision, 2011 mehr…BibTeX
Keimel, Christian; Redl, Arne; Diepold, Klaus: Comparison of HDTV formats in a consumer environment. Image Quality and System Performance VIII (Proceedings of SPIE), SPIE, 2011, 786716-1 - 786716-7 mehr…BibTeX
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Keimel, Christian; Rothbucher, Martin; Diepold, Klaus: Extending video quality metrics to the temporal dimension with 2D-PCR. Image Quality and System Performance VIII (Proceedings of SPIE), SPIE, 2011, 786713-1 - 786713-10 mehr…BibTeX
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Kleinsteuber, Martin; Shen, Hao: Blind Source Separation of Compressively Sensed Signals. Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Signal Processing with Adaptive Sparse Structured Representations, SPARS 11, 2011, 80 mehr…BibTeX
Ribeiro, Stefan da Costa; Kleinsteuber, Martin; Möller, Andreas; Kranz, Matthias: Data acquisition for motion recognition on mobile platforms via compressive sensing. Proc. EUROCAST 2011: 13th International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory, IUTC Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 2011, 388-389 mehr…BibTeX
Horch, Clemens; Keimel, Christian; Diepold, Klaus: QualityCrowd - Crowdsourcing for Subjective Video Quality Tests. Technische Universität München, Lehrstuhl für Datenverarbeitung, 2011, mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Kleinsteuber, Martin; Hüper, Knut: Approximate Geometric Ellipsoid Fitting: A CG-Approach. In: Diehl, Moritz; Glineur, Francois; Jarlebring, Elias; Michiels, Wim (Hrsg.): Recent Advances in Optimization and its Applications in Engineering. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010, 73-82 mehr…BibTeX
Shen, Hao; Kleinsteuber, Martin: Complex Blind Source Separation via Simultaneous Strong Uncorrelating Transform. In: Vigneron, Vincent; Zarzoso, Vicente; Moreau, Eric; Gribonval, Rémi; Vincent, Emmanuel (Hrsg.): Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2010, 287-294 mehr…BibTeX
Zwick, M.: Predicting Memory Phases. In: Ao, Sio-Iong; Rieger, Burghard; Amouzegar, Mahyar A. (Hrsg.): Machine Learning and Systems Engineering. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2010, 411-421 mehr…BibTeX
Behrendt, S.; Durkovic, M.; Leupold, J.; Peer, A.; Sarkis, M.; Schauß, T.; Stefanov, N.; Unterhinninghofen, U.; Buss, M.: Development of a Multi-Modal Multi-User Telepresence and Teleaction System. International Journal of Robotics Research 29 (10), 2010, 1298--1316 mehr…BibTeX
Helmke, Uwe; Kleinsteuber, Martin: A differential equation for diagonalizing complex semisimple Lie algebra elements. Systems & Control Letters 59 (1), 2010, 72 - 78 mehr…BibTeX
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Helmke, Uwe; Kleinsteuber, Martin: A differential equation for diagonalizing complex semisimple Lie algebra elements. Systems & Control Letters 59 (1), 2010, 72 - 78 mehr…BibTeX
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Helmke, Uwe; Kleinsteuber, Martin: A differential equation for diagonalizing complex semisimple Lie algebra elements. Systems & Control Letters 59 (1), 2010, 72 - 78 mehr…BibTeX
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Schuller, B.; Hage, C.; Schuller, D.; Rigoll, G.: Mister D.J., Cheer Me Up!': Musical and Textual Features for Automatic Mood Classification. Journal of New Music Research (JNMR) 39, Issue 1, 2010, 13--34 mehr…BibTeX
Suen, C.H.: VIMM: Runtime Integrity Measurement of a Virtualized Operating System. Journal of Universal Computer Science 16 (4), 2010, 554--576 mehr…BibTeX
Thuy, Michael; Habigt, Julian; Puente León, Fernando: Objektdetektion und -verfolgung durch nichtlineare Filterung und Fusion von Lidar- und Positionsdaten Object Detection and Tracking through Non-Linear Filtering and Fusion of Lidar and Position Data. tm - Technisches Messen 77 (4), 2010, 243 mehr…BibTeX
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Konferenzbeiträge / Poster
Bamberger, Walter; Schlittenlacher, Josef; Diepold, Klaus: A Trust Model for Intervehicular Communication Based on Belief Theory. Social Computing (SocialCom), 2010 IEEE Second International Conference on, IEEE Computer Society, 201020–22 August 2010, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, 73-80 mehr…BibTeX
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Bautze, T.; Diepold, K.: Review of fundamental aspects of focal shift effects and countermeasures. PICALO Congress Proceedings, 2010 mehr…BibTeX
Durkovic, Marko; Sagstetter, Florian; Diepold, Klaus: HRTF Measurements with Recorded Reference Signal. Audio Engineering Society Convention 129, 2010 mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Hawe, S.; Kirchmaier, U.; Diepold, K.: Analysis of a multimodal-camera and its advantages for autonomous vehicles. Image Processing: Machine Vision Applications III (Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series), 2010 mehr…BibTeX
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Keimel, Christian; Diepold, Klaus: Improving the prediction accuracy of PSNR by simple temporal pooling. Fifth International Workshop on Video Processing and Quality Metrics for Consumer Electronics - VPQM 2010, 2010 mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Keimel, Christian; Diepold, Klaus; Sarkis, Michel: Improving the visual quality of AVC/H.264 by combining it with content adaptive depth map compression. Picture Coding Symposium (PCS), 2010 , 2010, 494-497 mehr…BibTeX
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Keimel, Christian; Habigt, Julian; Habigt, Tim; Rothbucher, Martin; Diepold, Klaus: Visual Quality of Current Coding Technologies at High Definition IPTV Bitrates. 2010 IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, 2010, 390-393 mehr…BibTeX
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Keimel, Christian; Diepold, Klaus: On the use of reference monitors in subjective testing for HDTV. Second International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2010), 2010, 35 -40 mehr…BibTeX
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Keimel, Christian; Oelbaum, Tobias; Diepold, Klaus: Improving the prediction accuracy of video quality metrics. Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2010), 2010, 2442 -2445 mehr…BibTeX
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Kirchmaier, Ulrich; Hawe, Simon; Diepold, Klaus: A line detection and description algorithm based on swarm intelligence. Proceedings of SPIE, SPIE, 2010, 75380Q mehr…BibTeX
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Kleinsteuber, M.; Seghouane, A.K.: A CG-type method for computing the dominant subspace of a symmetric matrix. 9th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, CONTROLO 2010, 2010 mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Kleinsteuber, M.; Shen, H.: Intrinsic Newton’s Method on Oblique Manifolds for Overdetermined Blind Source Separation. Proc. of the 19th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2010), 2010 mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Kleinsteuber, M.; Shen, H.: Intrinsic Newton's Method on Oblique Manifolds for Overdetermined Blind Source Separation. Proceedings of the $19^th$ International Symposium of Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2010), 2010 mehr…BibTeX
Rothbucher, M.; Durkovic, M.; Shen, H.; Diepold, K.: HRTF Customization using Multiway Array Analysis. 18th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2010., 2010, 229--233 mehr…BibTeX
Rothbucher, M.; Durkovic, M.; Shen, H.; Diepold, K.: HRTF Customization using Multiway Array Analysis. Proceedings of the $18^th$ European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2010), 2010, 229--233 mehr…BibTeX
Rothbucher, M.; Habigt, T.; Feldmaier, J.; Diepold, K.: Integrating HRTF Sound Synthesis into Mumble. IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP), 2010., 2010, 24--28 mehr…BibTeX
Rothbucher, M.; Habigt, T.; Habigt, J.; Riedmaier, T.; Diepold, K.: Measuring Anthropometric Data for HRTF Personalization. 6th International Conference on Signal-Image Technology and Internet-Based Systems (SITIS), 2010., 2010, 102--106 mehr…BibTeX
Rothbucher, M.; Kronmueller, D.; Shen, H.; Diepold, K.: Underdetermined Binaural 3D Sound Localization Algorithm for Simultaneous Active Sources. 129th Audio Engineering Society Convention, 2010., 2010 mehr…BibTeX
Rothbucher, M.; Kronmüller, D.; Shen, H.; Diepold, K.: Underdetermined Binaural 3-D Sound Localization of Simultaneous Active Sources. Audio Engineering Society Convention 129, 2010 mehr…BibTeX
Shen, H.; Diepold, K.; Hüper, K.: A Geometric Revisit to the Trace Quotient Problem. Proceedings of the $19^th$ International Symposium of Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2010), 2010 mehr…BibTeX
Shen, H.; Kleinsteuber, M.: Complex Blind Source Separation via Simultaneous Strong Uncorrelating Transform. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Proceedings of the $9^th$ International Conference on Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation" (LVA/ICA 2010), Springer-Verlag, 2010, 287--294 mehr…BibTeX
Zwick, M.; Obermeier, F.; Diepold, K.: Predicting Cache Contention with Setvectors. Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists, 2010 mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Klimpke, Manuel; Keimel, Christian; Diepold, Klaus: Visuelle Qualitätsmetrik basierend auf der multivariaten Datenanalyse von H.264/AVC Bitstream-Features. Lehrstuhl für Datenverarbeitung, 2010, mehr…BibTeX
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Zwick, Michael: Evaluation of Cache Contention Prediction Techniques: Further Results and Plots. Lehrstuhl für Datenverarbeitung, Technische Universität München, 2010, mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
El-Fotouh, M.; Diepold, K.: The Pushdown Attack and Attacking the Substitution Cipher Chaining mode (SCC). Journal of Information Assurance and Security (JIAS) (4), 2009, 546--549 mehr…BibTeX
Kleinsteuber, Martin: A sort-Jacobi algorithm for semisimple Lie algebras. Linear Algebra Appl. 430 (1), 2009, 155-173 mehr…BibTeX
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Oelbaum, Tobias; Keimel, Christian; Diepold, Klaus: Rule-Based No-Reference Video Quality Evaluation Using Additionally Coded Videos. Selected Topics in Signal Processing, IEEE Journal of 3 (2), 2009, 294-303 mehr…BibTeX
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Sarkis, M.; Diepold, K.: Content Adaptive Mesh Representation of Images using Binary Space Partitions. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 18 (5), 2009, 1069--1079 mehr…BibTeX
Sarkis, M.; Senft, C. T.; Diepold, K.: Calibrating an Automatic Zoom Camera with Moving Least Squares. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 6 (3), 2009, 492--503 mehr…BibTeX
Schreiner, F.; Diepold, K.; Abo El-Fotouh, M.; Kim, Taehyun: Standards: The MPEG Open Access Application Format. Multimedia, IEEE 16 (3), 2009, 8-12 mehr…BibTeX
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Shen, H.; Jegelka, S.; Gretton, A.: Fast Kernel-Based Independent Component Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 57 (9), 2009, 3498-3511 mehr…BibTeX
Shen, H.; Jegelka, S.; Gretton, A.: Fast Kernel-Based Independent Component Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 57 (9), 2009, 3498-3511 mehr…BibTeX
Konferenzbeiträge / Poster
Bautze, T.; Diepold, K.; Kaiser, T.: A Cognitive Approach to Monitor and Control Focal Shifts in Laser Beam Welding Applications. International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Intelligent Systems, 2009 mehr…BibTeX
Bautze, T.; Kaiser, T.; Huber, S.: Focal Shift Monitoring and Cognitive Closed-Loop Control by Analysis of Co-Axial Video Data. ICALEO Congress Proceedings, 2009 mehr…BibTeX
El-Fotouh, M.; Diepold, K.: The Pushdown Attack on AES. Proceedings of SECUREWARE, 2009 mehr…BibTeX
El-Fotouh, M.; Diepold, K.: A Fast and Scalable Network Encryption Scheme. Proceedings of the International Conference on Cryptography, Coding and Information Security, 2009 mehr…BibTeX
El-Fotouh, M.; Diepold, K.: Dynamic Injection Model. Proceedings of International Conference on Cryptography, Coding and Information Security, 2009 mehr…BibTeX
El-Fotouh, M.; Diepold, K.: Dynamic Permutation Model. Proceedings of International Conference on Information Security and Privacy, 2009 mehr…BibTeX
El-Fotouh, M.; Diepold, K.: The Security of Dynamic and Static Substitution Models. Proceedings of International Conference on Information Security and Privacy, 2009 mehr…BibTeX
El-Fotouh, M.; Diepold, K.: Cryptanalysis of Substitution Cipher Chaining Mode (SCC). Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2009 mehr…BibTeX
El-Fotouh, M.; Diepold, K.: Breaking the Substitution Cipher Chaining Mode (SCC-256). Proceedings of the International Conference on Cryptography, Coding and Information Security, 2009 mehr…BibTeX
Hawe, Simon; Kirchmaier, Ulrich; Diepold, Klaus: MutanT: A modular and generic tool for multi-sensor data processing. Information Fusion, 2009. FUSION '09. 12th International Conference on, 2009 mehr…BibTeX
Keimel, Christian; Oelbaum, Tobias; Diepold, Klaus: Improving the verification process of video quality metrics. Quality of Multimedia Experience, 2009. QoMEx 2009. International Workshop on, 2009, 121 -126 mehr…BibTeX
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Keimel, Christian; Oelbaum, Tobias; Diepold, Klaus: No-reference video quality evaluation for high-definition video. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2009. ICASSP 2009. IEEE International Conference on, 2009, 1145-1148 mehr…BibTeX
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Michael Heindlmaier, Lang Yu; Diepold, Klaus: The Impact of Nonlinear Filtering and Confidence Information on Optical Flow Estimation in a Lucas & Kanade Framework. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2009 mehr…BibTeX
Obermeier, F.; Hawe, S.; Zwick, M.; Diepold, K.: Optical flow reliability measures and their applicability for multi-sensor fusion. Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, 2009 IEEE, 2009 mehr…BibTeX
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Rothbucher, Martin; Shen, Hao; Diepold, Klaus: Dimensionality Reduction in HRTF by using Multiway Array Analysis. Human Centered Robot Systems, 2009 mehr…BibTeX
Rothbucher, Martin; Shen, Hao; Diepold, Klaus: Dimensionality Reduction in HRTF by using Multiway Array Analysis. Human Centered Robot Systems, 2009 mehr…BibTeX
Sarkis, M.; Diepold, K.: Depth Map Compression via Compressed Sensing. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2009Cairo, Egyptmehr…BibTeX
Sarkis, M.; Diepold, K.; Schwing, A.: Enhancing the Motion Estimate in Bundle Adjustment using Projective Newton-type Optimization on the Manifold. IS&T/SPIE Symposium on Electronic Imaging - Image Processing: Machine Vision Applications II, 2009San Jose, CA, USAmehr…BibTeX
Sarkis, M.; Zia, W.; Diepold, K.: Fast Depth Map Compression and Meshing with Compressed Tritree. Asian Conference on Computer Vision, 2009Xian, Chinamehr…BibTeX
Schroth, G.; Stork genannt Wersborg, I.; Diepold, K.: A cognitive system for autonomous robotic welding. Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2009 mehr…BibTeX
Shen, H.; Diepold, K.; Hüper, K.: Geometric Algorithms for the Non-Whitened One-Unit Linear Independent Component Analysis Problem. Proceedings of the 17th IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing (SSP 2009), 2009, 381--384 mehr…BibTeX
Shen, H.; Diepold, K.; Hüper, K.: Geometric Algorithms for the Non-Whitened One-Unit Linear Independent Component Analysis Problem. Proceedings of the 17th IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing (SSP 2009), 2009, 381--384 mehr…BibTeX
Shen, H.; Hüper, K.: Block Jacobi-type Methods for Non-Orthogonal Joint Diagonalisation. Proceedings of the 34th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2009), 2009, 3285--3288 mehr…BibTeX
Shen, H.; Hüper, K.: Block Jacobi-type Methods for Non-Orthogonal Joint Diagonalisation. Proceedings of the 34th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2009), 2009, 3285--3288 mehr…BibTeX
Stork genannt Wersborg, I.; Bautze, T.; Born, F.; Diepold, K.: A cognitive approach for a robotic welding system learning how to weld from acoustic data. International Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation, 2009 mehr…BibTeX
Stork genannt Wersborg, I.; Borgwardt, F.; Diepold, K.: Real-time cognitive technical systems, a learning material processing system, social and future aspects. Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts, 2009 mehr…BibTeX
Stork genannt Wersborg, I.; Schorp, K.; Bautze, T.; Diepold, K.: Multiple sensors and artificial neural networks in a cognitive technical system for laser welding. International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing, 2009 mehr…BibTeX
Suen, Chunhui: Runtime integrity measurement of a virtualized operating system. 4th European Trusted Infrastructure Summerschool 2009, 2009 mehr…BibTeX
Thuy, Michael; Habigt, Julian; Puente León, Fernando: Multiobjektverfolgung auf der Grundlage von Lidardaten. XXIII. Messtechnisches Symposium des Arbeitskreises der Hochschullehrer für Messtechnik e.V. (AHMT), Shaker Verlag, 2009 mehr…BibTeX
Zia, W.; Diepold, K.; Sarkis, M.: Optimization of Video Coding for Telepresence Applications. IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2009 mehr…BibTeX
Zia, W.; Sarkis, M.; Diepold, K.: Impact of Video Source Coding on Performance of Stereo Matching. Human Centered Robotic Systems (HCRS), 2009 mehr…BibTeX
Zwick, M.; Durkovic, M.; Obermeier, F.; Diepold, K.: Setvectors for Memory Phase Classification. International Conference on Computer Science and its Applications (ICCSA'09), 2009 mehr…BibTeX
Alexander Kronthaler, Fakheredine Keyrouz, Klaus Diepold: Realisierung eins Self-Splitting PSO Algorithmus für Multiple Object Tracking. Lehrstuhl für Datenverarbeitung, Technische Universität München, 2009, mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
El-Fotouh, M.; Diepold, K.: The Analysis of Galois Substitution Counter Mode (GSCM). Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2009, mehr…BibTeX
El-Fotouh, M.; Diepold, K.: Enhanced Cryptanalysis of Substitution Cipher Chaining Mode (SCC-128). Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2009, mehr…BibTeX
Michael Zwick, Marko Durkovic, Florian Obermeier, Walter Bamberger, Klaus Diepold: MCCCSim - A Highly Configurable Multi Core Cache Contention Simulator. Lehrstuhl für Datenverarbeitung, TU München, 2009, mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Stork genannt Wersborg, I.; Kaiser, T.; Reidiess, A.: An evolutionary day in the life of cognitive machines. CoTeSys Fall Workshop , 2009 mehr…BibTeX
Dawy, Z.; Sarkis, M.; Hagenauer, J.; Mueller, J. C.: Fine-Scale Genetic Mapping using Independent Component Analysis. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 5 (3), 2008, 448--460 mehr…BibTeX
Keyrouz, Fakheredine; Diepold, Klaus: A New HRTF Interpolation Approach for Fast Synthesis of Dynamic Environmental Interaction. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society 56 (1/2), 2008, 28-35 mehr…BibTeX
Keyrouz, Fakheredine; Diepold, Klaus: A novel Biologically-Inspired Neural Network Solution for Robotic 3D Sound Source Sensing. Soft Computing 12 (7), 2008, 721-729 mehr…BibTeX
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Kleinsteuber, M.; Seghouane, A.-K.: On the Deterministic CRB for DOA Estimation in Unknown Noise Fields Using Sparse Sensor Arrays. Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on 56 (2), 2008, 860-864 mehr…BibTeX
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Konferenzbeiträge / Poster
Buss, M.; Peer, A.; Schauss, T.; Stefanov, N.; Unterhinninghofen, U.; Behrendt, S.; Faerber, G.; Leupold, J.; Diepold, K.; Keyrouz, F.; Sarkis, M.; Hinterseer, P.: Multi-Model Multi-User Telepresence and Teleaction System. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2008Nice - Francemehr…BibTeX
El-Fotouh, Mohamed Abo; Diepold, Klaus: The Analysis of Windows Vista Disk Encryption Algorithm. Proc. The 22nd IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference on Data and Applications Security, 2008 mehr…BibTeX
El-Fotouh, Mohamed Abo; Diepold, Klaus: A Fast Encryption Scheme for Networks Applications. Proc. SECRYPT 2008, 2008 mehr…BibTeX
El-Fotouh, Mohamed Abo; Diepold, Klaus: The Substitution Cipher Chaining Mode. Proc. SECRYPT 2008, 2008 mehr…BibTeX
El-Fotouh, Mohamed Abo; Diepold, Klaus: A New Narrow Block Mode of Operations for Disk Encryption. Proc. The Fourth International Conference on Information Assurance and Security (IAS08), 2008 mehr…BibTeX
El-Fotouh, Mohamed Abo; Diepold, Klaus: Dynamic Substitution Model. Proc. the Fourth International Conference on Information Assurance and Security (IAS08), 2008 mehr…BibTeX
Keyrouz, F.; Kirchmaier, U.; Diepold, K.: Three dimensional object tracking based on audiovisual fusion using Particle Swarm Optimization. Information Fusion, 2008 11th International Conference on, 2008 mehr…BibTeX
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Markwardt, Stefan; Scheurle, Juergen; Diepold, Klaus; Đurković,Marko: Data Processing based on Geometric Feature Detection. CoTeSys 1st International Workshop on Cognition for Technical Systems, 2008 mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Sarkis, M.; Diepold, K.: Towards Real-time Stereo using Non-uniform Image Sampling and Sparse Dynamic Programming. International Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission, 2008Atlanta, GA, USAmehr…BibTeX
Sarkis, M.; Diepold, K.: Sparse Stereo Matching using Belief Propagation. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2008San Diego, CA, USAmehr…BibTeX
Sarkis, M.; Lorscheider, O.; Diepold, K.: Efficient Content Adaptive Mesh Representation of an Image using Binary Space Partitions and Singular Value Decomposition. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2008Las Vegas, NV, USAmehr…BibTeX
Schuon, Sebastian; Durković, Marko; Diepold, Klaus; Scheuerle, Jürgen; Markward, Stefan: Truly Incremental Locally Linear Embedding. CoTeSys 1st International Workshop on Cognition for Technical Systems , 2008 mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
Zia, Waqar; Diepold, Klaus: Complexity Aware Performance Enhancements for Mobile Video Communication Applications. Proc. International Conference on Wireless Networks, 2008 mehr…BibTeX
Sarkis, Michel; Schwing, Alexander; Diepold, Klaus: Pose Estimation of a Camera using Newton Optimization on the Manifold. Institute for Data Processing, Institute for Data Processing (Munich) , 2008, mehr…BibTeX
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Bücher / Beiträge zu Sammelbänden
Stockhammer, T.; Zia, W.: Error-Resilient Coding and Decoding Strategies for Video Communication – 2. In: Chou, P.; Schaar, M. van der (Hrsg.): Multimedia Over IP And Wireless Networks. Elsevier / Academic Press, 2007, 13--58 mehr…BibTeX
El-Fotouh, M.; Diepold, K.: Distributed Computing: Windows and Linux. Dr.Dobb's Journal, 2007 mehr…BibTeX
Sarkis, M.; Goebel, B.; Dawy, Z.; Hagenauer, J.; Hanus, P.; Mueller, J. C.: Gene Mapping of Complex Diseases: A Comparison of Methods from Statistics, Information Theory and Signal Processing. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 24 (1), 2007, 83--90 mehr…BibTeX
Konferenzbeiträge / Poster
Bamberger, Walter; Welter, Oliver; Spitz, Stephan: Mobile Phones as Secure Gateways for Message-Based Ubiquitous Communication. Information Security Theory and Practices (LNCS), Springer, 2007WISTP 2007, Crete, Greece, 175--188 mehr…BibTeX
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El-Fotouh, M.; Diepold, K.: Randomness Testing of Tweakable Modes of Operations. Submitted, 2007 mehr…BibTeX
El-Fotouh, M.; Diepold, K.: AES Cryptographic Modes of Operation for High-Speed Networks. Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking and Communication Systems, 2007 mehr…BibTeX
Oelbaum, Tobias; Diepold, Klaus; Zia, Waqar: A generic method to increase the prediction accuracy of visual quality metrics. Proc. Picture Coding Symposium, 2007 mehr…BibTeX
Sarkis, M.; Diepold, K.: A Fast Solution to the Approximation of 3D Scattered Point Data from Stereo Images using Triangular Meshes. IEEE RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, 2007Pittsburgh, PA, USAmehr…BibTeX
Sarkis, M.; Diepold, K.; Hüper, K.: Pose Estimation of a Moving Humanoid Using Gauss-Newton Optimization on a Manifold. IEEE RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, 2007Pittsburgh, PA, USAmehr…BibTeX
Sarkis, M.; Diepold, K.; Hüper, K.: A Fast and Robust Solution to the Five-Point Relative Pose Problem Using Gauss-Newton Optimization on a Manifold. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2007Honolulu, HI, USAmehr…BibTeX
Sarkis, M.; Dörfler, N.; Diepold, K.: Fast Adaptive Graph-Cuts Based Stereo Matching. Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, 2007Delft, Netherlandsmehr…BibTeX
Sarkis, M.; Senft, C. T.; Diepold, K.: Modeling The Variation of the Intrinsic Parameters of an Automatic Zoom Camera System Using Moving Least-Squares. IEEE Conference Automation Science and Engineering, 2007Scottsdale, AZ, USAmehr…BibTeX
Sarkis, M.; Senft, C. T.; Diepold, K.: A Novel Technique to Model the Variation of the Intrinsic Parameters of an Automatic Zoom Camera Using Adaptive Delaunay Meshes over Moving Least-Squares Surfaces. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2007San Antonio, TX, USAmehr…BibTeX
Sarkis, M.; Senft, C.; Diepold, K.: Partitioned Moving Least-Squares Modeling of an Automatic Zoom Lens Camera. International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS), 2007Seoul, South Koreamehr…BibTeX
Suen, Chun Hui: Efficient Design of Interpretation of REL License Using Expert Systems. Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, 2007. CCNC 2007. 4th IEEE, IEEE, 2007 mehr…BibTeX
Younus, A.; Samad, W. A.; Stockhammer, T.; Zia, W.; Xu, W.: Dynamic Interactive Multimedia Scenes in Mobile Broadcast Environments. Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2007 mehr…BibTeX
Zia, W.; Afzal, T.; Xu, W.; Liebl, G.; Stockhammer, T.: Interactive Error Control for Mobile Video Telephony. Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2007 mehr…BibTeX
Zia, W.; Stockhammer, T.; and Diepold, K.: Complexity Constrained Robust Video Transmission for Hand-Held Devices. Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2007 mehr…BibTeX
Zia, Waqar; Oelbaum, Tobias; Diepold, Klaus: Subjective Evaluation of Error Control Strategies for Mobile Video Communication. Proc. Picture Coding Symposium, 2007 mehr…BibTeX
Bamberger, Walter; Welter, Oliver; Spitz, Stephan; Marhöfer, Michael: Mobile Phones as Secure Gateways for Message-Based Ubiquitous Communication (Revised). Technische Universität München, 2007, mehr…BibTeX
Volltext (mediaTUM)
El-Fotouh, M.; Diepold, K.: Statistical Testing for Disk Encryption Modes of Operations. Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2007, mehr…BibTeX
Konferenzbeiträge / Poster
Sarkis, M.; Dawy, Z.; Obermeier, F.; Diepold, K.: Automatic Model-Order Selection for PCA. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2006Atlanta, GA, USAmehr…BibTeX
Sarkis, M.; Diepold, K.: A 3D Reconstruction Algorithm for Telepresence. Workshop on Human Centered Robotic Systems, 2006Munich, Germanymehr…BibTeX
Sarkis, M.; Diepold, K.: A Semi-Automatic 3D Reconstruction Algorithm for Telepresence. International Symposium on Visual Computing, 2006Lake Tahoe, NV, USAmehr…BibTeX
Sarkis, M.; Diepold, K.; Westad, F.: A New Algorithm for Gene Mapping: Application of Partial Least Squares Regeression with Cross Model Validation. IEEE International Workshop on Genomic Signal Processing and Statistics, 2006College Station, TX, USAmehr…BibTeX
Konferenzbeiträge / Poster
Dawy, Z.; Sarkis, M.; Hagenauer, J.; Mueller, J. C.: A Novel Gene Mapping Algorithm based on Independent Component Analysis. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2005Piladelphia, PA, USAmehr…BibTeX
Goebel, B.; Sarkis, M.; Dawy, Z.; Hanus, P.; Hagenauer, J.; Mueller, J. C.: Mutual Information and Independent Component Analysis in Population-Based Gene Mapping. International Conference of Medical Physics, 2005Nuremberg, Germanymehr…BibTeX
Sarkis, M.; Dawy, Z.; Hagenauer, J.; Mueller, J. C.: Gene Clustering using Independent Component Analysis. IEEE International Workshop on Genomic Signal Processing and Statistics, 2005Newport, RI, USAmehr…BibTeX