Quality of Experience Concepts and Applications [Part of EI71012]

Quality of Experience Concepts and Applications
Dozent: Christian Keimel
Assistent: Thomas Volk
Zielgruppe: Master
Umfang: 2/1/0 (SWS Vorlesung/Übung/Praktikum)
Turnus: Sommersemester
Anmeldung: TUMOnline
Zeit & Ort: Lecture: Block course 03.04. - 06.04.2018 in 0999
Beginn: first lecture: 03.04.2018


Please note: This Lecture is part of the Modul "Data Analysis for Quality of Experience Assessments" please register also to the lecture Data Analysis for Computer Engineering

Quality of Experience (QoE) describes the quality or “goodness” of (audio-visual) stimuli as perceived by human observers in a specific context. It allows us to assess the influence of processing steps not only with respect to the physical properties of the signal itself e.g. SNR, but also how any degradations influence the observers’ experience by taking into account the psychophysical properties of human perception.

Aim of this lecture is to introduce the concepts and applications of QoE and the corresponding algorithms and assessment methodologies, but also how QoE complements in particular multimedia signal processing. The focus will be on audio-visual stimuli in the context of telecommunication- and multimedia-related applications, systems and services.

The following topics will be covered:

  • What is QoE?
  • Basic QoE concepts
  • Subjective QoE assessment for audio-visual stimuli
  • Objective QoE assessment for audio-visual stimuli with QoE algorithms/metrics
  • Discussion of selected QoE metrics, especially for video
  • Design of QoE metrics using a data-driven approach

Selected topics will be examined in-depth during the team oriented semester project.

For collecting the credits the student are expected to

  • participate in term projects and give a final presentation (50% of the final grade)
  • hand in two assignments/homework (20% of the final grade)
  • participate in an oral examination (30% of the final grade)

Course schedule

The course consists of a lecture part in block format starting before the lecture period and a tutorial/exercise part that will take place during the lecture period.

  • The lecture will take place on 03-06 April, from 10:00 to 17:30.
  • The tutorial/exercise will take place each Wednesday from 13:15-14:45.

Additionally, a separate question time will be organised on in May, June and July for discussing issues that arise during the project phase of the overall module.


The following books discuss some of the topics discussed in the lecture:

  • "Quality of Experience: Advanced Concepts, Applications and Methods," S. Möller and A. Raake, eds., Heidelberg: Springer, 2014
  • “Design of Video Quality Metrics with Multi-Way Data Analysis: A data driven approach,“ C.Keimel, Springer Singapore, 2016