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REHYB: Rehabilitation based on Hybrid neuroprosthesis
The ReHyb project envisions a new cognitive rehabilitation system based on a digital user model obtained through a novel communication capability of multi-modal sensing and actuation techniques from exoskeleton and functional electrical stimulation (FES). The main advances of this system are the hybrid upper-body exoskeleton with improved wearability, cognitive abilities, and intrinsically safe low-level control scheme that autonomously analyses the user in a goal-oriented robot-assisted task.

Advancements in mechanical engineering and automation technologies have led to global expectations for robotic devices in rehabilitation to cope with a forecast of global ageing and shortage in clinical professionals in the near future. In particular, stroke patients often have to go through extensive rehabilitation or lose daily skills required for an independent self-determined life due to motor deficits. In contrast to classical physical therapists, robotic systems are able to tirelessly and precisely apply intense manual labour, while accurately measuring performance and improvements of the patient. Active exoskeletons meet these requirements and possess the additional advantage of non-stationary design that allows for flexible training and mobility of the patient. Preliminary studies indicate that the training efficiency can be improved if, in addition to the guidance by the exoskeleton, the users motor functions are actively controlled using functional electrical stimulation (FES). Such hybrid systems are advantageous because the users’ own muscular activity initialise the movements and are not passively guided through an external force. However, the required control which coordinates the active exoskeleton and stimulation for the human motor functions, especially in terms of dexterity skills necessary for activities of daily living, is more complex due to the unsolved questions on shared control and the missing models of the human motor function with respect to FES. Thus, the ReHyb project designs an upper-body hybrid neuroprosthesis using cooperative control strategies based on data-driven system identification and probabilistic estimation techniques for the internal human states, namely digital twin of a user. Our goal is a patient-specific, assist-as-needed device which maximises the training efficiency during home-based rehabilitation as means of serious gaming, and offers a pleasant user experience by supporting patients in daily life activities.

Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Action
Project title: ReHyb - Rehabilitation based on Neuroprosthesis
Project number: 871767
Call (part) identifier: H2020-ICT-2019-2
Project period: Jan 2020 - Dec 2023
Project website: https://rehyb.eu
The Consortium is composed of:
- Technical University of Munich (DE)
- Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies (IT)
- Össur(IS)
- TECNALIA Research & Innovation (ES)
- Imperial Collage London (UK)
- Stichting Radboud Universiteit (NL)
- Technical University of Denmark (DK)
- Stelar Security Technology Law Research (DE)
- Schön Klinik Bad Aibling Harthausen (DE)
- The Villa Beretta Rehabilitation Centre (IT)
Research focus at TUM
TUM contributes its experience in control design for pHRI with a particular focus on human-adaptive control, control based on learned models, real-time system identification and active safety and accompanying psychophysical studies aiming at an improved and theoretically well founded collaboration of humans and robotic agents. Furthermore, TUM contributes to the design and implementation of complex HRI systems.
Relevant topics:
- Identification and Control with Gaussian Processes
- Optimal Learning Control based on Gaussian Processes
- Intention estimation during physical Human-Robot-Interaction
- Modeling motion health and healthy motion generation
- Estimation of human arm impedance for motor behavior models
- Embodiment under autonomous control
- Shared control for human-robot team interaction
- Neuroscientific models of Human-Human and Human-Robot Interaction
- Robotics in maximal coordinates
- Adaptive torque observer for human-exoskeleton interaction
TUM team members
- Sandra Hirche (principal investigator)
- Satoshi Endo (R&D manager)
- Samuel Tesfazgi
- Hossein rad Kaviani
- Neha Das
- Hatem Sultan (administration)
- Miruna Werkmeister
- Syed Akhtar
- Jessica Peters
Student members
Student assistant / visiting student
- Sadia Noor Mithila (2021 - 2024)
- Patrick Schneider (2020 - 2023)
- Lukas Connert (2020 - 2021)
- Johannes Kunz (2021)
- Sarah Schmidt (2021 - 2022)
- Azra Begzadić (2022)
- Patrick Enne (2022)
- Yassine Kallel (2023 - 2024)
- Homola Barnabás, Technical University of Denmark (2020)
- Alessandro Beatini, University of Pisa (2021)
- Ronan Sangouard, Ecole Polytechnique Paris (2021)
- Zofia Anna Binczyk, The École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (2021)
- Nova Sassin, Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg (2021-2022)