
On 21.07.2020 Jonas Umlauft successfully defended his PhD thesis "Safe Learning Control for Gaussian Process Models" . Congratulations!

Prof. Sandra Hirche has been awarded with the prestigious ERC Proof of Concept Grant. ERC Proof of Concept Grant are meant to support the translation of fundamental results achieved into a commercial or socially valuable proposition, i.e. the initial steps of pre-competitive development. Only ERC…

Die Studenten-Labtour gibt Euch die Gelegenheit, mehr über die aktuellen Projekte, Forschung und Lehre am LSR und am ITR zu erfahren. Die Tour beginnt am Dienstag, den 28. Januar 2020, um 14.45 Uhr im Hörsaal N1189, Theresienstr. 90. Danach gibt es Snacks und Getränke im Foyer von N5 (Erdgeschoß).…

This four-year research project on rehabilitation based on hybrid neuroprosthesis is funded by the European Commission under the HORIZON2020 programme. The project is coordinated at ITR by Prof. Sandra Hirche.

We would like to welcome Petar Bevanda who start at ITR on 1st January as PhD candidate for the new EU project SeaClear.

Prof. Sandra Hirche has been elevated to IEEE Fellow for her scientific contributions to human-machine interaction and networked control (effective Jan 1, 2020). The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is an international professional association of engineers in the fields of…

Prof. Sandra Hirche has been awarded with the prestigious ERC Consolidator Grant. ERC grants is a highly competitive funding line by the European Commission. ERC Consolidator Grant are open to researchers with between seven and 12 years' experience since completion of a doctorate and can receive up…

This four-year research project about autonomous robots for underwater litter collection is funded by the European Commission under the HORIZON2020 programme. The project is coordinated by Prof. Bart De Schutter, TU Delft, in the Netherlands.