
Junya Yamauchi (PhD at Tokyo Institute of Technology) will give a seminar on June 22nd , 2017 at 1 pm in the ITR seminar room S4533.

Faris Janjos has joined the lab on April 15th as a PhD candidate, working in the area of human-robot interaction. Welcome to the team!

Denis Cehajic is one of the finalists for the Best Conference Paper Award of ICRA 2017 and of the Human-Robot-Interaction Best Paper Award

Prof. Hara, who is Professor of Research and Development Initiative at Chuo University, Japan, will give a seminar with the title "Hierarchically Decentralized Control for Networked Dynamical Systems" at 2 pm in the ITR seminar room S4533. Everybody is kindly invited.

On February 1st, 2017 Vahid Mamduhi successfully defended his PhD thesis „State-dependent Medium Access Control for Resource-aware Networked Control System“.

The WEARHAP ("WEARable HAPtics for Humans and Robots") Meeting took place from January 26-27th, 2017 and was held in Munich and hosted by the Chair of Information-oriented Control .

Das Rigorosum findet am 1.2.2017 um 13:00 Uhr im Seminarraum am Lehrstuhl für Realzeit Computersysteme (4. Stock, Geb. 9, TU Innenhof, Arcisstr. 21) statt.

Some of our ITR team members participated in the CDC Conference in December 2016 .