
Prof. Jay A. Farrell from the University of California will give a seminar with the title "Reliably Accurate State Estimation for Autonomous Highway Vehicles" at 10 am in the seminar room N0507. Everybody is kindly invited. Abstract: Accurate and reliable awareness of world interactions is a…

Die Prüfungseinsicht für alle ITR- sowie LSR-Prüfungen findet am 19. April 2018 ab 15:00 in N0507 statt.

The End-of-semester Labtour for students starts on Tuesday, 06.02.2018, at 2:30 pm in N1189 (Theresienstr. 90, N1 Building). Every student is welcome to join.

On 27. October 2017 Dominik Sieber successfully defended his PhD thesis „Human interaction with a team of multiple cooperating robots“. Congratulations!

Vom 8. bis zum 10. November 2017 findest das 4. WEARHAP Review Meeting am ITR statt.

Bis auf Weiteres ist die Postanschrift des ITR: Technische Universität München Theresienstr. 90 80333 München

We would like to welcome Alexandre Henrique De Sa Capone, a new team member at ITR. He works in an interdisciplinary project between energy and control. He started as PhD at Munich School of Engineering ( mid of October and is co-supervised by Prof. Hamacher & Prof. Sandra Hirche. His…

Die Prüfungseinsicht für alle ITR- sowie LSR-Prüfungen im Sommersemester 2017 findet am 24. Oktober 2017 von 16:45 - 18:15 in N0507 statt.