
On 14. January 2019 Touraj Soleymani successfully defended his PhD thesis „Value of Information Analysis in Feedback Control“. Many thanks to the board of examiners, especially to Prof. John Baras (University of Maryland), who has been the second reviewer and visited ITR for this reason. …

Dr.-Ing. Melanie Kimmel hat den Walter Gademann Preis 2018 für ihre Dissertation“ Constrained Nonlinear Control for Safe Human-Robot Interaction“ gewonnen. Der Preis wurde ihr im Rahmen des Tags der Fakultät am 9.11.2018 verliehen. Herzlichen Glückwunsch!

The opening took place on 26th October 2018 in Pinkatothek der Moderne.

On 2. October 2018 Dong Xue (Tony) successfully defended his PhD thesis „Distributed Algorithm Analysis and Topology Design in Coevolutionary Networks“. Many thanks to the board of examiners, especially to Prof. Ming Cao (University of Groningen, the Netherlands), who has been the second reviewer…

Yota Oppata, a student from Prof. Yano’s Mechatronics Lab from the Graduate School of Engineering, Mie University in Japan is visiting us from September until end of this year.

TUM-IAS Hans Fischer Senior Fellow Prof. Baras from the University of Maryland will visit ITR again on October 5th. The purpose of his visit are joint research discussions.

It will take place on 2nd October at 10:00 am in the LSR seminar room N2520. Title of the talk is "Robotic path following using vector fields".

It will take place at 10:00 am in the seminar room N2520. Title of the talk is „Differential Privacy for Dynamic Data”.