
Prof. Tsutomu Tashiro from Department of Mechanical Engineering for Transportation at Osaka Sangyo University is visting us from April 2019 until March 2020. His office is N3513.

Das Rigorosum findet am 17.05.2019 um 12:00 Uhr im Seminarraum am Lehrstuhl für Datenverarbeitung (Raum 0938, Arcisstr. 21) statt. Muriel Lang wird im Rahmen ihres Promotionsverfahrens einen Vortrag mit dem Titel "Human Motor Behavior Prediction through Gaussian Process Modeling on Manifolds"…

Die Prüfungseinsicht für alle LSR und ITR-Prüfungen des Wintersemesters (außer "RS2") findet statt am Montag, den 6. Mai 2019 von 16:30 bis 17:30 Uhr in Seminarraum N0507.

Anders als die restlichen Prüfungseinsichten findet die Einsichtnahme für die Vorlesung "RS2" separat am 17.04.2019 von 15:00 -16:00 in N2520 statt.

Soya Shimizu, a PhD student from Tokyo University of Agricultur and Technology in Japan, is visiting us from end of March until June 2019.

We would like to welcome Qingchen Liu, a new team member at ITR, who started in February 2019 as Postdoc. His office is N2509.

The paper “A virtual embodiment paradigm in evaluation of human-in-the-loop control” co-authored by Philipp Beckerle, Satoshi Endo and Sandra Hirche has been selected as one of the four finalists at the 2nd IFAC conference on Cyber-Physical & Human Systems (CPHS) 2018 in Miami, USA.

The paper "An Uncertainty-Based Control Lyapunov Approach for Control-Affine Systems Modeled by Gaussian Process", co-authored by Jonas Umlauft, Lukas Pöhler, and Sandra Hirche, received the 2018 Outstanding Student Paper Award of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, the flagship conference…