
Dear ITR and LSR students, We invite you to join our “LSR/ITR Lecture Series Scientific Working”. This a series of five presentations in lecture style that provides rules, recommendations and inspiration for developing soft skills in scientific working. It covers for example literature research,…

On November 5th, Prof. Sandra Hirche will give a webinar as IEEE WIE (Women in Engineering) Distinguished Speaker together with the host Dr. Chioma Violet Oleka (Nigeria Section) with the topic “Online Learning Control for Personalized Robotic Rehabilitation and Assistance”

Prof. Sandra Hirche gave a remote talk with the title “Online Learning Control for Personalized Robotic Rehabilitation and Assistance” at the Bahria University of Islamabad, Pakistan, on 24.4.2024, as IEEE WIE (Women in Engineering) Distinguished Speaker.

Prof. Sandra Hirche gave a Plenary Talk at IEEE RAS EMBS 10th International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob 2024) that took place from 1-4 September 2024 in Heidelberg, Germany with around 600 attendees See also Title of her Plenary Talk…

Wir suchen momentan motivierte Studenten, die Lust haben das Praktikum Regelung und Automation (PRA) dieses Wintersemester zu betreuen. Hier die Details: ·       Das Praktikum findet wöchentlich mittwochs ab dem 30.10. statt. In den Weihnachtsferien entfällt die Veranstaltung selbstverständlich …

Francisco Gonzalvo started as Sysadmin this week. His office is S4510 at ITR and at LSR N2519. Fan Shao is a visiting PhD student from the University of Naples Federico II . He will stay for 4 months until beginning of October and  already gave his introductory presentation on his research on 25th…

Auch in diesem Sommersemester findet wieder eine gemeinsame Lab Tour von ITR und LSR für interessierte Studentinnen und Studenten statt, und zwar am 09.07.24. Beginn ist um 14:00 Uhr im Hörsaal N1190. Die Präsentationen finden danach um 14:30 Uhr am Lehrstuhl für Informationstechnische Regelung…

Auch in diesem Wintersemester findet wieder eine gemeinsame Lab Tour von ITR und LSR für interessierte Studentinnen und Studenten statt, und zwar am 05.02.24. Beginn ist um 13:15 Uhr in Hörsaal N1189. Die Präsentationen finden von 13:30 bis 14:45 Uhr am Lehrstuhl für Informationstechnische Regelung…