
New cooperation project with Imperial College London and NTU

ITR is delighted that the application for the TUM Global Incentive Fund in 2017 has been successful. In general, the fund supports TUM scholars and scientists in exploring and intensifying new and existing international cooperations in the identified key regions and within the strategic alliances. More info about this TUM Global Incentive Fund can be found here

This cooperation project will bring together researchers of three GlobalTech Alliance partners Technische Universität München (TUM), Imperial College London / Department of Bioengineering (Prof. Etienne Burdet) ICL and Nanyang Technological University / Robotics Research Centre (Prof. Doemnico Camponolo) the field of collaborative and telerobotics.

The grant will enable researcher visits and lectures at TUM, ICL, and NTU, which will encourage discussions among the robotics communities beyond the three research groups and beyond the fields of collaborative and telerobotics. Lectures will be announced on this website in due course.