
Congratulations to Jose Garcia, Christian Ritter, Nicolas Berberich, Natalia Paredes Acuña, and Gordon Cheng and collaborators! The following papers have been accepted for publication in the IEEE-RAS-EMBS International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR) 2023. "Grip Force Dynamics During…

The next Doctoral Research Seminar is titled "The importance of angular momentum in humanoid locomotion and push recovery" by Robert Schuller - DLR Several biomechanical studies point to the great importance of angular momentum in human locomotion. Inspired by these observations, explicit control…

The next Doctoral Research Seminar is titled "Kinesthetic Teaching for Non-Roboticists - Robots Interactions" by Camille Vindolet - ICS Robots should become more fluent in their interactions with humans, especially non–experts in Robotics. Robotics is part of the technology that has a vocation of…

The next Doctoral Research Seminar is titled "Towards embodied myoelectric prostheses: exploring the impact of sEMG interfaces" by Theophil Spiegeler Castañeda - Professorship for Healthcare and Rehabilitation Robotics - TUM Surface electromyography (sEMG) interfaces have emerged as a promising…

On May 3-4, two ICS members, Fengyi Wang and Natalia Paredes Acuña, had the opportunity to present their research posters at the annual General Assembly of the TUM Institute for Advanced Study (TUM-IAS), as part of the Human-Centered Neuroengineering focus group from the Hans Fischer Fellowship…