
The next Doctoral Research Seminar is titled "Development of different types of soft sensors for soft wearable robotics" by  John Nassour ICS/TUM Biomechanical sensors are essential components for wearable robots because of their broad spectrum of industrial and medical applications. A wide range…

The next Doctoral Research Seminar is titled "Contact Stability Control for Stepping Over Partial Footholds Using Plantar Tactile Feedback" by Julio Rogelio Guadarrama Olvera, ICS/TUM Tactile sensors and robot skins provide spatial information on the physical interaction forces. Tactile feedback…

The next Doctoral Research Seminar is titled "Heideggerian AI: Don’t Program the Robot, Let It Learn" by Byoung-Tak Zhang, Professor of Computer Science, Director of the AI Institute (AIIS), Seoul National University We discuss the role of robots (as embodied cognitive agents) for the advancement…

Congratulations to Jose Garcia, Christian Ritter, Nicolas Berberich, Natalia Paredes Acuña, and Gordon Cheng and collaborators! The following papers have been accepted for publication in the IEEE-RAS-EMBS International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR) 2023. "Grip Force Dynamics During…

The next Doctoral Research Seminar is titled "The importance of angular momentum in humanoid locomotion and push recovery" by Robert Schuller - DLR Several biomechanical studies point to the great importance of angular momentum in human locomotion. Inspired by these observations, explicit control…