M.Sc. Youssef Michel
Technische Universität München
Human-Centered Assistive Robotics (HCR)
Karlstraße 45, 80333 München
Room: CCRL-II, 5008
Phone: +49 89 289 26884
Office hours: Please send e-mail in advance.
E-mail: youssef.abdelwadoud(at)tum.de
Short Biography
Since 2019 | PhD student in the Human-centered Assistive Robotics lab, Technical University of Munich |
2015-2018 | Masters of Science in Automation and Robotics, TU Dortmund, Germany. |
2010-2015 | Bachelor of Science degree in Mechatronics engineering, German University in Cairo, Egypt. |
Research Interests
- Variable Impedance control and learning
- Bilateral Teleoperation
- Redundant manipulators
- Passivity and Safety aware robotics
- Physical Human-Robot interaction
- Postural Control and Balance
Journal Papers
- Y. Michel, R. Rahal, C. Pacchierotti, P. R. Giordano and D. Lee, "Bilateral Teleoperation With Adaptive Impedance Control for Contact Tasks," in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 5429-5436, 2021.
- Xiao Chen*, Youssef Michel* and Dongheui Lee, (*equal contribution) , “Closed-Loop Variable Stiffness Control of Dynamical Systems”, in Humanoids, 2021.
- Youssef Michel, Christian Ott and Dongheui Lee “Passivity-based variable impedance control for redundant manipulators”, International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), Volume 53, Issue 2, pp 9865-9872, 2020
- N. Mansfeld*, Y. Michel*, T. Bruckmann and S. Haddadin, (*equal contribution) ,"Improving the Performance of Auxiliary Null Space Tasks via Time Scaling-Based Relaxation of the Primary Task," International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2019, pp. 9342-9348.
- I. S. M. Khalil, Y. Michel, B. Su and S. Misra, "Feeling paramagnetic micro-particles trapped inside gas bubbles: A tele-manipulation study," 2016 IEEE International Conference on Manipulation, Manufacturing and Measurement on the Nanoscale (3M-NANO), 2016, pp. 225-230 (Best Application paper award)
- Alonso Sánchez, Youssef M Sadek, Islam SM Khalil, Sarthak Misra “Mobi-mag: A compact device for medical research using wireless control of magnetic microrobots”, in Proceedings of the Design of Medical Devices Conference-Europe , 2014
- Schulleri K.H., Michel Y., Lee D., Johannsen L. (2021). High-order body representations affect human body sway. DGKN 2021 - 65. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Klinische Neurophysiologie und Funktionelle Bildgebung.
Master Thesis
Timely synchronization of main and auxiliary tasks in redundant manipulators