M.Sc. Katrin Schulleri
Technische Universität München
Human-centered Assistive Robotics (HCR)
Karlstraße 45 80333 München
Room: CCRL-II, 5006
Phone: +49 89 289 26900
Office hours: Mo, Di, Do 8:00-18:30; Please send e-mail in advance.
E-mail: katrin.schulleri@tum.de
Short Biography
Since April 2019 | Ph.D. student within the SPP 2134 “The Active Self” of the DFG, Human-centered Assistive Robotics (HCR) in collaboration with Human Movement Science at the Faculty of Sports- and Health Science, Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany; Project: Life-span development of high-order body representations for the control of body balance: role of prediction during light |
09.2015 - 04.2019 | M.Sc. Diagnostik und Training, Faculty of Sports- and Health Science, Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany; 08.2016-08.2017: Erasmus in Valencia, visiting physiotherapy courses |
09.2012-09.2015 | B.Sc. Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen des Sports, Faculty of Sports- and Health Science, Technical University Munich (TUM) |
Research Interests
- Postural Control
- Interpersonal Light Touch (IPLT) paradigm
- Higher-order body representation: body image, body schema, tactile body representation
- Fall prevention
- Improvement of postural stability
- Safe human-robot interaction
- Wearable devices
Journal papers
- Schulleri, K. H.; Burfeind F.; Höß-Zenker B.; Feketené Szabó E.; Herzig N., Ledebt A.; Johannsen L. (2017). Deliberately Light Interpersonal Contact Affects the Control of Head Stability During Walking in Children and Adolescents With Cerebral Palsy. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 98(9): 1828-1835. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apmr.2017.01.026
- Schulleri, Katrin H.; Johannsen, Leif; Michel, Youssef; Lee, Dongheui. (2022). Sex differences in the association of postural control with indirect measures of body representations. Sci Rep 12 (1). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-07738-8
- Michel, Youssef‡; Schulleri, Katrin H.‡; Johannsen, Leif; Lee, Dongheui. (2023). Coordination tending towards an anti-phase relationship determines greater sway reduction during entrainment with a simulated partner. Human Movement Science 89. 103090. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.humov.2023.103090
Conference papers
- Schulleri, K.; Lindinger, M.; Lautner, C.; Ferrari, U.; Drey, M.; Schlegel, J.; Schönfelder, M.; Wackerhage, H. (2019) Wie wirkt sich eine 6-wöchige progressive Krafttrainings- und Ernährungsintervention auf Frauen mit Prä-Sarkopenie und Sarkopenie aus? – Eine Pilot-Studie. Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie Suppl 2. 132.
Conference talk about master thesis at the 31st yearly congress of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geriatrie (DGG) in Frankfurt (5th – 7th of September): https://www.sg.tum.de/exercisebiology/news-single-view-l18/article/teilnahme-am-kongress-der-deutschen-gesellschaft-fuer-geriatrie-dgg-frankfurt-a-m-05-09-07-09-20191/ - Tannert, Isabel ‡; Schulleri, Katrin H. ‡; Michel, Youssef; Villa, Steeven; Johannsen, Leif; Hermsdörfer, Joachim; Lee, Dongheui (2021). Immediate Effects of Vibrotactile Biofeedback Instructions on Human Postural Control. 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC). 7426-7432.
- Hessfeld, Vincent ‡; Schulleri, Katrin H. ‡; Lee, Dongheui (2021). Assessment of Balance Instability by Wearable Sensor Systems During Postural Transitions. 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC). 7455-7459
- Schulleri K. H.,Höß-Zenker B., Feketené Szabó E., Herzig N., Johannsen L. (2016). Der Effekt leichter haptischer Unterstützung durch einen Therapeuten auf die posturale Stabilität im Gehen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen mit Cerebralparese. Focus Cerebralparese III. Interdisziplinären Kongress München
- Schulleri K.H., Michel Y., Lee D., Johannsen L. (2021). High-order body representations affect human body sway. DGKN 2021 - 65. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Klinische Neurophysiologie und Funktionelle Bildgebung.
- awarded for Kanako Miura Travel Support Award for Humanoids 2019
- Dr. Gertrude Krombholz-Preis 2020 : https://www.sg.tum.de/trainingswissenschaft/news-der-fakultaet/article/fakultaet-sg-feiert-absolvia-mit-tum-vizepraesident-prof-dr-gerhard-kramer-im-audimax/
Master Thesis
Wie wirkt sich eine 6-wöchige progressive Krafttrainings- und Ernährungsintervention auf Frauen mit Prä-Sarkopenie und Sarkopenie aus? – Eine Pilot-Studie