Applications are invited for 15 Early-Stage Researcher (ESR) positions to be funded by the Marie-Sklodowska-Curie European Training Network on „PErsonalized Robotics as SErvice Oriented applications” (PERSEO) within the Horizon 2020 Programme of the European Commission. Among 15 positions, 2 positions are for TUM - HCR.
- ESR3, TU München, Germany: Interactive Kinaesthetic Teaching for Conditional Tasks
- ESR6, TU München, Germany: Human intention recognition and prediction for human robot collaborative behaviours
Please refer the official job openings:
Eligibility criteria
European and non-European students are invited to apply to any of the 15 fellowships. The applicant can select different positions providing a preference ranking.
To be eligible, the candidate:
- must be in the first four years of her/his research career. Candidates should ideally possess a master’s degree in a relevant academic field or a comparable degree that allows them to embark in a PhD (applications from candidates who already possess a doctoral degree cannot be considered).
- must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of the institution that recruits the student for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately before the recruitment date. Short stays such as holidays and/or compulsory national service are not taken into account.
- must be willing to spend a prolonged time in another institute/country of the network during the PhD thesis period.
- For further details on eligibility criteria please check in the Information Note for ITN Fellows <;!!LIr3w8kk_Xxm!_ioEgRbXsd7DXp67mdrMy1lxWgJNjnHeJAys3_k-KKIxPzTqNxGoPUg3hJyhWp0ywPNpUT5L$>
Application should follow the instruction of application of
Note: complete application with all required documents.
- Application form (see Website)
- a copy of the passport
- a full CV
- a 2-page motivation letter including a description of previous research experience (1 page) and current research interest, outlining the fit to the desired ESR (1 page)
- one or more reference letters and names of 2 referees including contact details
- Transcripts of grades obtained for B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees, expected final grade
- Certificates
- List of Publications (if any)
Only documents in English language will be accepted.
Applicants should submit the documentation exclusively via e-mail in ONE
PDF document to applications(at) (max file size 5 MB) by 1 April,
2021 at 23 pm (GMT). Your application will be jointly processed by the
members of the PERSEO consortium and treated according to the GDPR.
Applications failing to include the requested documentation which do not
indicate the preferred projects or do not meet the eligibility criteria,
WILL NOT be considered in this competition.