Hauptseminar Embedded Systems and Internet of Things

There are two main topics of this seminar:

  • Fast digital signature schemes for IoT applications
  • Distributed consensus protocols for IoT applications

Your task for each topic is to read and analyze several references, get an overview of the current state-of-the-art and summarize your findings in a paper-style report. Afterwards you will present your findings in a short talk in front of your fellow students.

During the seminar you will also learn how to conduct the research, how to write a scientific paper and how to present your work.


1. Hash-based signatures: SPHINCS

Useful knowledge: digital signatures and cryptographic hash functions

Reference: https://sphincs.cr.yp.to/papers.html

2. Lattice-based signatures: NTRUencrypt

Useful knowledge: digital signatures and polynomials

Reference: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/BFb0054868

3. Consensus for IoT: Alternatives to Proof-of-Work

Useful knowledge: blockchain and proof-of-work

Reference: https://eprint.iacr.org/2014/452.pdf

4. Consensus for IoT: Smart Contracts


Useful knowledge: blockchain and turing complete languages

References: qtum.org/uploads/files/a2772efe4dc8ed1100319c6480195fb1.pdf


5. Consensus for IoT: Tangle from IOTA


Useful knowledge: consensus theory and directed acyclic graph (DAGs)

Reference: iota.org/IOTA_Whitepaper.pdf


6. Consensus for IoT: Hashgraph from SwirlDs

Useful knowledge: consensus theory and directed acyclic graph (DAGs)

Reference: http://www.swirlds.com/whitepapers/

Topic Introductions

If you do not have the "useful knowledge" for a topic, that is not a problem as you can gain this knowledge by reading an introduction beforehand. It is more important that you are motivated for the overall seminar topic.


All seminar topics have been assigned.