
Common Research Goal

We address the design challenges for resource-constrained embedded and cyber-physical system architectures, which are entering further areas of our everyday life with the advent of the Internet of Things (IoT).

For such connected devices, conventional centralized system architectures are reaching their limits regarding manageability, scalability and efficiency. Hence, design approaches are required where centrally coordinated networks of these devices are developed towards self-organizing architectures.

When properly designed, such fully decentralized architectures will provide scalability, modularity, efficiency and robustness beyond the capabilities of centralized architectures. However, when considering resource-constrained embedded applications from the automotive, energy storage or IoT domain, several challenges arise when attempting to design such decentralized architectures.

Strong resource limitations regarding computation, communication and energy require advanced methodologies for co-design of hardware/software architectures, distributed algorithms and secure communication such that the goals of safety, security, efficiency and scalability can be reached.