News and events


RSI at the IFRR Global Robotics Colloquium

Prof. Haddadin gives conference on Tactile robots at the IFRR Global Robotics Colloquium on Tactile Robots. Recording available.


Symposium of the Study Commission of the German Bundestag

Discussion of Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Ecker, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sami Haddadin and Andrea Martin with the topic „AI in Health and Mobility – chance for a…


Prof. Sami Haddadin gives lecture for ZEIT für Wissen

Lecture „Der Mensch und die Künstliche Intelligenz: Quo Vadis?“ by Prof. Sami Haddadin during the digital theme week


Prof. Sami Haddadin states “Robotics offer a huge potential”

Prof. Sami Haddadin in an interview with vbw Unternehmermagazin


Prof. Sami Haddadin elevated to the grade of IEEE Senior Member

With the "IEEE Senior Membership" the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers honors the outstanding merits and scientific achievements of…


acatech: Prof. Sami Haddadin accepted into the National Academy of Science and Engineering

The election is a recognition of his scientific achievements and an honorary mandate: the Academy, which is funded by the Federal Government and the…


Prof. Sami Haddadin as speaker at the BCW Bosch Connected World

Title of his lecture: “How AI and networked robotics can kickstart machine evolution”


Prof. Sami Haddadin gives lecture at the inauguration of the new clinic building in Weilheim

Due to the general reconstruction the range of services could be extended considerably. It now also includes robot animation systems in the treatment…


Talk of Prof. Haddadin at the CSU retreat in Seeon

The traditional CSU New Year's retreat took place in Seeon, where the topics of digitization and AI, among others, were discussed. Prof. Haddadin gave…