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Prof. Sami Haddadin was awarded the German Future Prize 2017


The German Future Prize 2017 was awarded to Professor Sami Haddadin, the new professor of Robotic Science and System Intelligence at Technical University of Munich.

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier awarded the German Future Prize 2017 to the robotics luminary Prof. Sami Haddadin. His project "Centre for Man - Robot Assistants for a Lighter Future" is thus considered a special achievement in technology and innovation. The concept of intuitively operable and flexible as well as cost-effective robots makes them human helpers. The mechanical assistant offers new application possibilities in industry or for the support of sick, elderly or disabled people.

The team consisted of Professor Sami Haddadin (currently still Leibniz Universität Hannover), Dr. Simon Haddadin, managing director of Franka Emika GmbH (Munich) and Sven Parusel, chief engineer of Franka Emika GmbH. All three had previously spent years researching at the Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics at the German Aerospace Center (DLR). Their mentor was TUM Professor Gerhard Hirzinger, Leibniz Prize winner of 1995.

As of 1 April 2018, Professor Sami Haddadin will teach Robotics Science and Systems Intelligence at the Technical University of Munich and establish the new Integrative Research Centre "Munich School of Robotics and Machine Intelligence".

Related links:

Press release by TUM
German Future Prize: Winning team of 2017 - Centre for Man