News and events
Symposium of the Study Commission of the German Bundestag
Prof. Haddadin is a member of the Study Commission (dt. Enquete-Kommission) "Artificial Intelligence – Social Responsibility and Economic, Social and Ecological Potential". Some preliminary results were presented in the symposium “Together we create a future with Artificial Intelligence!” on Monday, September 28, and discussed in three plenary sessions on the topics "Society, State and Media", "AI in Health and Mobility" and "Economy and Work".
The German Bundestag entrusts the Study Commission on Artificial Intelligence, consisting of members of the German Bundestag and external experts, with the task of dealing with extensive subject complexes and important debates of our time.
The aim of the commission is to investigate the influence of "artificial intelligence (AI) on our life, the German economy and the future of work" and the associated opportunities and challenges.
Related Links:
The symposium and first publications of the project groups (all links to German pages):
Berichterstattung aus Enquete-Kommission und Plenum
Das Programm vom 28. September 2020
Enquete-Kommission Künstliche Intelligenz
Broschüre zur Enquete-Kommission
© Achim Melde / Deutscher Bundestag
© Simone M. Neumann / Deutscher Bundestag