Awards and Honours
Awards and Honors
2023: Honorable mention for the best IEEE Transactions on Haptics short paper at the IEEE Transactions on Robotics at World Haptics Conference 2023 (Celal Umut Kenanoglu) 2023: Finalist for the best student presentation at the IEEE World Haptics Conference 2023 (Celal Umut Kenanoglu) 2023: Finalist for the Georges Giralt PhD Award 2023 . (Nico Mansfeld) 2022: Best Interactive Paper Award Finalist at the IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoids Robots - Humanoids 2022 given by the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (Jonathan Vorndamme, Joao Carvalho, Riddhiman Laha, Dorothea Koert, Luis Figueredo, Jan Peters, Sami Haddadin) 2021: Member of the German Association for the Facilitation of Research Transfer (GFFT e.V.) (Sami Haddadin) 2021: Medical Robotics for Contagious Diseases Challenge, Hamlyn Symposium, Winner Design category . (ProteCT Projekt ) 2021: euRobotics Technology Transfer Award (Europe’s highest innovation award in robotics) (Meet the Team) 2021: ISR- Best Paper Award (Robin Kirschner , Nico Mansfeld, Saeed Abdolshah und Prof. Sami Haddadin ) Since 2021, member of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina (Sami Haddadin ) Since 2020 Chairman of the Bavarian AI Council (Sami Haddadin ) Since 2019, member of National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech) since 2019 (Sami Haddadin ) Since 2019, member of Zukunftsrat der Bayerischen Wirtschaft (Council of the Future Bavarian Economy) (Sami Haddadin ) 2019 - 2020, member of Kommission Niedersachsen 2030 (Lower Saxony Commission) (Sami Haddadin ) 2019: Honorable mention, King-Sun Fu IEEE Best Transactions on Robotics Paper Award (best robotics journal publication worldwide) (Sami Haddadin ) 2018 - 2020, Expert Member of the the Study Commission (dt. Enquete-Kommission) "Artificial Intelligence – Social Responsibility and Economic, Social and Ecological Potential", German Parliament. (Sami Haddadin ) Since 2018, member of the EU High-Level Expert Group on "Artificial Intelligence" . (Sami Haddadin ) 2018 - 2019, member of the EU High-Level Industrial Roundtable "Industry 2030" . (Sami Haddadin ) 2019: George Giralt Prize. Award winner (Teodor Tomic ) 2019: Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz-Prize (2019) . by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) (Deutschlands höchster Forschungspreis) (Sami Haddadin ) 2019: IF Design Award 2019 Winner (Franka Emika , Sami Haddadin ) 2018: ICRA - Finalist - Best Paper Award on Human-Robot Interaction (Francesco Vigni together with Espen Knoop , Domenico Prattichizzo und Monica Malvezzi ) 2018: ICRA - Finalist - Best Paper Award on Human-Robot Interaction (Nico Mansfeld together with Mazin Hamad , Marvin Becker, Antonio Gonzales Marin, Sami Haddadin ) 2018: TIME-Magazins cover (Best Inventions of 2018) - (Franka Emika , Sami Haddadin ) 2018: German Innovation Award Winner (Franka Emika , Sami Haddadin ) 2018: ICRA - Finalist - Best Paper Award on Human-Robot Interaction (Nico Mansfeld together with Mazin Hamad , Marvin Becker, Antonio Gonzales Marin , Sami Haddadin ) 2018: IROS - Winner - Best Paper Award (Teodor Tomic ) 2018: SIMPAR- Runner Up - Best Paper Award (Johannes Kühn , Tingli Hu , Moritz Schappler, Sami Haddadin ) 2018: Preisträger „Ausgezeichnete Orte im Land der Ideen“ (IRT , LUH ) 2018: CoRL - Finalist - Best Systems Paper Award (Axel Sauer ) 2017: Handelsblatt: „Die 100 Innovatoren Deutschlands” (Sami Haddadin ) 2017: Preis des Bundespräsidenten für Innovation in Wissenschaft und Technik ( Deutscher Zukunftspreis) (Deutschlands höchster Innovationspreis) (Sami Haddadin ) 2016: Capital „Junge Elite” Outstanding Talents under 40 (Sami Haddadin ) 2016: Dritter Platz: euRobotics Technology Transfer Award 2016 (Kastanienbaum & DLR-Team ) 2015: Capital „Junge Elite” Outstanding Talents under 40, category Society and Science (Sami Haddadin ) 2015: 41 einflussreiche Patente der deutschen Geschichte seit 1877. Tactiler Roboter, "Meilenstein made in Germany" (DPMA) (Sami Haddadin ) 2015: Alfried Krupp Preis für junge Professoren und Professorinnen (2015) (Sami Haddadin ) 2015: Orte in “Deutschland - Land der Ideen” Initiative (IRT , LUH ) (Sami Haddadin ) 2015: Teilnehmer German American Frontiers of Engineering, GAFOE 2015 of National Academy of Engineering of the National Academies & Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Sami Haddadin ) 2015: RSS Early-Career Spotlight for the world's most respected young robotics researcher (Sami Haddadin ) 2015: IEEE/RAS Early Career Award for the world's most recognized young scientist in robotics (Sami Haddadin ) 2014: King-Sun Fu IEEE Best Transactions on Robotics Paper Award (best robotics journal publication worldwide) (Sami Haddadin ) 2014: Nominierung AAAI Best Robot Video Award (Sami Haddadin ) 2013: Nominierung Falling Walls Science Startup des Jahres (Sami Haddadin ) 2013: Gewinner King-Sun Fu Best Transactions on Robotics Paper Award (Sami Haddadin ) 2013: Borchers Plakette der RWTH Aachen (Sami Haddadin ) 2013: Martin Research Preis im Bereich Grundlagenforschung (verliehen vom Boston General Hospital & Harvard Medical School) (Sami Haddadin ) 2012: Finalist SfN BCI Award (Sami Haddadin ) 2021: Gewinner IROS Best Video Award (Sami Haddadin ) 2012: Gewinner IROS Best Jubilee Video Award (Sami Haddadin ) 2012: Gewinner George Giralt PhD Award (beste Promotion im Bereich Robotik in Europa) (Sami Haddadin ) 2011: Gewinner King-Sun Fu Best Transactions on Robotics Paper Award (Sami Haddadin ) 2011: Promotion (Dr.-Ing.) mit "summa cum laude" von der RWTH Aachen (Sami Haddadin ) 2011: Gewinner euRobotics Technology Transfer Award (DLR LWR team together with KUKA LWR team) (Sami Haddadin ) 2010: IROS - Finalist Best Application Paper Award (Sami Haddadin ) 2010: Dritter Platz place Walter Reis Innovation Award (Sami Haddadin ) 2009: Finalist: Robotdalen Scientific Award, "Honorable Mention" (Sami Haddadin ) 2009: ICRA - Best Service Robotics Paper Award (Sami Haddadin ) 2008: IROS - Best Application Paper Award (Sami Haddadin ) 2008: Literati Best Paper Award (Sami Haddadin ) 2008: Honours of the Elitenetwork Bavaria in Techology Management (Sami Haddadin ) 2007: ICRA Best Video Award (Sami Haddadin )