International Seminar on Signal Processing
Lecturer: Wolfgang Utschick and Josef A. Nossek
In Cooperation with:
Prof. Markus Rupp (Institute of Telecommunications, TU Vienna, Austria)
Prof. Dirk Slock (Communication Systems Lab at EURECOM, Sophia Antipolis, France)
Organization: Michael Baur
Target Audience: Master EI
Language: English
Offered in: Summer Term
The Institute of Telecommunications at TU Vienna, Austria (Prof. Rupp, Prof. Mecklenbräuker and Prof. Görtz), the Communication Systems Lab at EURECOM, Sophia Antipolis, France (Prof. Slock and Prof. Gesbert) and the Methods of Signal Processing Group at Technische Universität München (Prof. Utschick) are organizing an international seminar on selected topics in signal processing and communications for students from the participating institutions during the summer term. The students (four to six from each department) are offered potential topics by the corresponding supervisors, collect the required literature, understand the topic, summarize it in an extended abstract, and finally give a scientific talk. The talks are held in Vienna, Sophia Antipolis, and Munich. The travel and accommodation costs are covered by the organizers.
Please send your informal application with an up-to-date transcript of records to amar.kasibovic(at) by 16 April 2025.