Foto von Xinyang Li

Xinyang Li, M.Sc.


Xinyang Li finished his Bachelor study in 2018 at Xidian University, China. From 2020 to 2022 he studied at Technical University of Munich (TUM) in Germany and received his M.Sc. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering with the focus on wireless communication and signal processing. Since June 2022, he is a PhD student at the chair of Theoretical Information Technology, TUM.

He is now with the Advanced Communication Systems and Embedded Security (ACES) Lab and his research interests include joint communication and sensing, radio-based localization.

Research Interests

  • Joint communication and sensing
  • Software-defined radio
  • Digital twin enabled wireless communication and signal processing
  • Machine learning and optimization
  • Radio based SLAM

If you are also interested in these topics and are looking for student works, please feel free to contact me at

Publications (MediaTUM)

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  • V.-C. Andrei, A. Djuhera, X-Y. Li, U.J. Mönich, W. Saad, H. Boche: Resilient-By-Design Framework for MIMO-OFDM Communications under Smart Jamming. IEEE International Conference on Communications, IEEE, 2024WS-19: 2nd Workshop on Enabling Security, Trust, and Privacy in 6G Wireless Systems more…
  • V.-C. Andrei, X.-Y. Li: Live demo for the paper "A Digital Twinning Platform for Integrated Sensing, Communications and Robotics. 4th IEEE International Symposium on Joint Communications & Sensing, 2024 more…
  • V.-C. Andrei, X.-Y. Li, M. Fees, A. Feik, U.J. Mönich, H. Boche: A Digital Twinning Platform for Integrated Sensing, Communications and Robotics. arXiv, CoRR/Cornell University, 2024, more…
  • V.-C. Andrei, X.-Y. Li, M. Fees, A. Feik, U.J. Mönich, H. Boche: A digital twinning platform for integrated sensing communications and robotics. 4th IEEE International Symposium on Joint Communications & Sensing, IEEE, 2024JC&S 2023 more…
  • X.-Y. Li, V.-C. Andrei, A. Djuhera, U.J. Mönich, H. Boche: An Analysis of Capacity-Distortion Trade-Offs in Memoryless ISAC Systems. arXiv, CoRR/Cornell University, 2024, more…


  • V.-C. Andrei, X.-Y. Li: Demonstrator on Digital Twinning for Integrated Sensing, Communications and Robotics. Thinknet 6G Summit 2023, 2023 more…
  • V.-C. Andrei, X.-Y. Li, U.J. Mönich, H. Boche: Sensing-Assisted Receivers for Resilient-By-Design 6G MU-MIMO Uplink. arXiv, CoRR/Cornell University, 2023, more…
  • V.-C. Andrei, X.-Y. Li, U.J. Mönich, H. Boche: Sensing-Assisted Receivers for Resilient-By-Design 6G MU-MIMO Uplink. IEEE 3rd International Symposium on Joint Communications & Sensing, IEEE, 2023JC&S more… Full text ( DOI )
  • X.-Y- Li, V.-C. Andrei, U.J. Mönich, H. Boche: Optimal and Robust Waveform Design for MIMO-OFDM Channel Sensing: A Cramér-Rao Bound Perspective. arXiv, CoRR/Cornell University, 2023, more…
  • X.-Y. Li, V-.C. Andrei, U.J. Mönich, H. Boche: Optimal Linear Precoder Design for MIMO-OFDM Integrated Sensing and Communications Based on Bayesian Cramér-Rao Bound. IEEE Global Communications Conference, IEEE, 2023Selected Areas in Communications: Integrated Sensing and Communication more…
  • X.-Y. Li, V.-C. Andrei: Demonstrator on Digital Twinning and Signal Processing for Integrated Sensing, Communications and Robotics. Berlin 6G Conference, 2023 more…
  • X.-Y. Li, V.-C. Andrei: Digital Twin Enabled Joint Communication and Sensing. Strategietreffen National Instruments, 2023 more…
  • X.-Y. Li, V.-C. Andrei: Demonstrator on Digital Twinning and Signal Processing for Integrated Sensing, Communications and Robotics. IEEE International Conference on Communications, IEEE, 2023 more…
  • X.-Y. Li, V.-C. Andrei, U.J. Mönich, H. Boche: Optimal Linear Precoder Design for MIMO-OFDM Integrated Sensing and Communications Based on Bayesian Cramér-Rao Bound. arXiv, CoRR/Cornell University, 2023, more…
  • X.-Y. Li, V.-C. Andrei, U.J. Mönich, H. Boche: Optimal and Robust Waveform Design for MIMO-OFDM Channel Sensing: A Cramér-Rao Bound Perspective. IEEE International Conference on Communications, IEEE, 2023 more…


  • O. DeCandido, X.-Y. Li, W. Utschick: An Analysis of Distributional Shifts in Automated Driving Functions in Highway Scenarios. 2022 IEEE 95th Vehicular Technology Conference, IEEE, 2022VTC2022-Spring more…