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M.Sc. Claudio Verdun

  • Phone: +49 (89) 289 - 17989
  • claudio.verdun(at)

In addition to the Chair of Theoretical Information Technology (Prof. Boche), you will also find me at the Chair of Applied Numerical Analysis and Optimization and Data Analysis (Prof. Krahmer)

Publications (MediaTUM)

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  • C. Kümmerle, C.M. Verdun, D. Stöger: Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares for ℓ1-minimization with Global Linear Convergence Rate. Thirty-fifth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems , 2021NeurIPS 2021 more…
  • C. M. Verdun, T. Fuchs, P. Harar, D. Elbraechter, D.S. Fischer, J. Berner, P. Grohs, F.J. Theis, F. Krahmer: Group Testing for SARS-CoV-2 Allows for Up to 10-Fold Efficiency Increase Across Realistic Scenarios and Testing Strategies. Frontiers in Public Health (Open Access), 2021, 1205 more… Full text ( DOI )


  • C. Kümmerle, C.M. Verdun: Escaping Saddle Points in Ill-Conditioned Matrix Completion with a Scalable Second Order Method. 37th International Conference on Machine Learning, 2020ICML 2020 more…


  • C. Kümmerle, C.M. Verdun: Completion of Structured Low-Rank Matrices via Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares. 13th International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications , IEEE, 2019SampTA 2019 more…


  • C. Kümmerle, C. M. Verdun: Denoising and Completion of Structured Low-Rank Matrices via Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares. iTWIST: international Traveling Workshop on Interactions between low-complexity data models and Sensing Techniques, 2018arXiv:1811.07472 more…